New Baby Bagans

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Zak's point of view

In about 20 minutes I'll finally be back home with my girl and son. After finding out Catherine (y/n) could be pregnant again I couldn't wait to be with her as she does the test.

Finally 20 minutes later I finally pulled up to the gates for my gated Community and finally got through, now it's just a quick drive to my home. Then I finally pulled up onto my drive, got me and Gracie out of the car and went inside.

Zak: "I'm home!"

Catherine (y/n), Cody and Aaron came to greet me. Catherine (y/n) wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss.

Catherine (y/n): "welcome home"

Aaron: "welcome home bro"

Aaron said to me and he came and bro hugged me

Aaron: "where's your bags dude?"

Zak: "in the car, I'll get them in a minute"

Aaron: "it's OK dude, you stay with your little family and I'll bring your bags in"

Zak: "thanks dude"

Cody: "dada"

Zak: "hey Cody bear"

I carefully grabbed Cody from Catherine's (y/n) arms and gave him a cuddle. I really have missed having Catherine (y/n) and Cody in my arms.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm gonna go and do the test baby"

Zak: "wait a minute baby, let me put Cody down and then I'll come with you"

Catherine (y/n): "OK baby"

So I went to put Cody down in his play pen and went back to Catherine (y/n).

Aaron: "you gonna do the test sis?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah, can you keep an eye on Cody for us please"

Aaron: "sure I can sis"

Catherine (y/n) gently held my hand and we walked to the bathroom.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

As me and Zak walk to the bathroom I can't help but feels nervous about the result, which I think is kind of stupid considering I know for a fact that I'm pregnant. I think it's just knowing that this is the first time Zak knows I'm pregnant with our new baby.

As we went into the bathroom, Zak sat down on the side of the bath whilst I did the test, now we just have to wait a few minutes so Zak set a 3 minute timer on his phone.

I walked over to Zak and he embraced me in his arms.

Zak: "I can't wait to find out if we have another baby on the way"

Catherine (y/n): "I can't wait too baby"

Then panic hit me, we're gonna have 2 babies under the age of 2. I know Cody will be turning 1 in April but he's still really young. Through the panic phase I know Cody will love his new baby brother or sister.

Zak: "what's wrong baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "nothing, just realised we're gonna have 2 babies under the age of 2 years old.. But I know Cody will love his new baby brother or sister"

Zak: "he sure will baby, and no matter what you're not going to be alone. I'm always gonna be here for you and our children"

Zak embraced me again and squeezed me tight in his arms. I gave him a gentle kiss and then his timer on his phone let us know it was time to see the test result.

I walked back over to where I left the test and quickly looked at it, and there as clear as day it shows a strong positive line.

Zak: "what does it say beautiful?"

I just smiled before I turned around to face Zak.

Catherine (y/n): "I think you should look at it before me"

I handed the test to him and waited for his reaction. As I watched Zak look at the test all I can see is one of his beautiful smiles appear on his face.

Zak: "I can't believe it"

I can't help but smile at Zak's comment.

Catherine (y/n): "what?...what does it say?"

Zak didn't say anything he just stood up and came over to me and embraced me. You can literally feel the happiness coming from him.

Zak: "we're having another baby"

I smiled from ear to ear, I'm so happy for me and Zak.

Catherine (y/n): "I know, I've known for a little while"

Zak pulled away from me slightly and looked at me.

Zak: "you've known for a little while.. Why didn't you say anything to me baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "I wanted to surprise you and I was going to surprise you on Christmas day"

Zak smiled at me and then he kissed me.

Zak: "and then my dad told me through the spirit box... I guess he couldn't wait for me to find out"

Catherine (y/n): "are you mad at me because I didn't tell you baby?"

Zak's point of view

Catherine (y/n): "are you mad at me because I didn't tell you baby?"

Was I mad at Catherine (y/n) because she wanted to surprise me... Of course not I think that would've been an amazing surprise.

Zak: "No way baby, it would've been a amazing surprise but it's even more amazing you've told me now. That way I can be with you on your first scan"

Catherine (y/n) embraced me and I gently squeezed her, then just like I did when Catherine (y/n) was pregnant with Cody I lowered myself down and started talking to the baby.

Zak: "hey Little baby, daddy's here and just as I told your big brother I'm telling you the same. I'm always going to be here for you, mommy and Cody. I'm not going anywhere"

I looked up at Catherine (y/n) and can see she was getting all teary. So I stood up again and looked at her in her beautiful bluey-green eyes.

Zak: "I promise you again baby, I'm never going to leave you and if anything was to happen with you and me, I'll always be here for you and our kids... All of you are my whole world and my whole life"

Catherine (y/n) smiled and a little tear escaped from her eyes, I wiped the tear away, and then I kissed her tenderly.

Zak: "I love you so much Catherine (y/n)"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you so much more Zak"

Then I kissed her tenderly again and held her tight in my arms.

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