On the road again

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

It's the day after my connection with my nan's spirit, and for once in a little while I feel like my normal self. Even Zak can see the difference in me, I was practically glowing.

We was having a amazing morning together, we went out for something to eat for breakfast and then we went on a long walk with Gracie. After we got back from our walk Zak had a phone call from the crews locations manager

Zak: "I'm just gonna take this phone call baby"

Catherine (y/n): "ok baby"

he kissed me and went to take the call. Whilst Zak was on the phone I tidied up around the house a little and put any dishes away. As I finished up I had a text from Morgan

Morgan: "hey bestie, how's you? X"

Catherine (y/n): "hey bestie, I'm great thanks, how's you? X"

Morgan: "I'm good thanks, you up to much? X"

Catherine (y/n): "No not up to much, tidying up a little, been out most of the morning with Zak. You? X"

Morgan: "No not alot, just packing up Jay's bags x"

Catherine (y/n): "why? Have you to had a fallen out? X"

Morgan: "has Zak told you? X"

Catherine (y/n): "told me what? X"

Morgan: "the guys are off to a investigation, I thought Zak might've told you xx"

Catherine (y/n): "No he hasn't, I wonder why he hasn't told me, I'm starting to worry now 😔 xx"

Morgan: "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, maybe he wants you to go with him xx"

Catherine (y/n): "maybe xx"

Morgan: "I got something to tell you, but don't tell Jay. I want to surprise him properly xx"

Catherine (y/n): "omg are you....🤰👶💜💙? Xx"

Morgan: "😁🤫 yep🤰 xx"

Catherine (y/n): "omg!! I'm so excited for you both. I promise I won't tell. By the way I'm totally jealous 😂 I want a baby 👶🤱🤰 xx"

Morgan: "ask Zak for a baby xx"

Catherine (y/n): "he wants to have a baby, so you never know 🤞 maybe there will soon be a baby Bagans running around with a baby Wasley 😂😁👶👶 xx"

Morgan: "mini paranormal investigators 👶👶👻👻 xx"

Catherine (y/n): "we need to find some baby vests that says "when I grow up I'm gonna be a paranormal investigator just like daddy", how CUTE would that be? Xx"

Morgan: "that's so cute 😍😍 you should stay over ours while Zak and Jay are away we can do alot of planning? Xx"

Catherine (y/n): "I'd love to, I'll find out what's going on with Zak and I'll let you know xx"

Morgan: "Ok my bestie and my baby's auntie Catherine (y/n) 😘😘👶 xx"

Zak came back into the room after his phone call, I wanted to ask him when was he planning on telling me about the investigation but I don't want to make him angry or anything

Catherine (y/n): "everything ok baby?"

Zak: "yeah everything's ok baby"

Catherine (y/n): "please don't be mad at me, but when were you planning on telling me that you're going on a investigation?"

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