Helping her

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Zak's point of view

Me and the guys went inside my place to discuss about the lockdown at the museum

Zak: "So guys we need to do another emergency lockdown in the museum again, but this time we're mainly dealing with the demon house room. Has Billy filled you guys in what happend to Catherine (y/n)?"

Aaron: "yeah he did, jeez I was shocked to hear what had happened"

Jay: "Even Billy showed us the footage I felt chills, but I was more surprised that Catherine (y/n) stayed in that room alone"

Billy: "I know I couldn't believe it either, did she tell you what she experienced after she watched the documentary?"

Zak: "actually no, but maybe she'll tell us all when before we investigate"

Jay: "Billy did you tell Zak you saw something follow Catherine (y/n) after she left the room?"

Billy gave Jay a look as if to say shut the hell up or don't say anymore

Zak: "what!? Billy did you see something follow Catherine?"

Billy: "uhh"

What the hell has Billy kept from me? I started to get very irritated I needed to know...and know right now.

Zak: "well?...spit it out Billy"

Billy: "uhh I...I saw a dark shadow follow her out of the room"

Zak: "and you didn't think to tell me? Fuck Billy it could still be attached to her!"

Billy: "I'm sorry bro, I was in shock too"

Shit I've never been this angry with any of the guys before but right now I didn't want to be anywhere near Billy. But I need to get all of this sorted out for Catherine (y/n), I promised her we'll help her.

Billy: "I'm sorry Zak, I should've told you but I was worried about Catherine (y/n) too. I promise if I see anything like that again around her I'll tell you straight away.

Zak: "Thanks Billy, I'm sorry I got mad at you"

I bro hugged Billy and we all carried on with our plans.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Nikita (b/f2): "well come on tell us what happend with you and Zak"

Paris (b/f1): "yeah come one we need every little detail"

Catherine (y/n): "nothing happend we just talked, watched movies..."

Paris (b/f1): "yeah right, then why can't you stop smiling and blushing?"

Catherine (y/n): "no I'm not"

Nikita (b/f2): "yes you are, just tell us or we'll find out from Zak"

Catherine (y/n): "he won't tell you"

Paris (b/f1): "wanna bet?"

Paris (b/f1) went to grab my phone to get Zak's number to ask him herself, but I stopped her just in time.

Catherine (y/n): "FINE, I'll tell you.....Zak kissed me"

Nikita (b/f2): "I KNEW IT!!

Paris (b/f1): "well what was it like?, anything else we need to know?"

Should I tell them that me and Zak are together and he said he loved me? I guess I should they'll find out sooner anyway.

Catherine (y/n): "it was great, me and Zak are together and he said he loved me"

Paris (b/f1): "OMG you and Zak are together!?, I'm so happy for you sis, how do you feel about that?"

Catherine (y/n): "I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. I'm literally on cloud 9 I'm so happy"

Nikita (b/f2): "I bet you are, I'm so happy for you both you've been waiting for so long for this"

Catherine (y/n): "I still can't believe it, I've met Zak and we are in love"

Paris (b/f1): "he is a great guy, and perfect for you, I see a fairy tale ending for you"

Catherine (y/n): "hopefully, fingers crossed yeah?"

Paris & Nikita (b/f/ns): "definitely"

Paris (b/f1): "anyway you two I'm gonna turn in, its been a long day"

Nikita (b/f2): "same for me, goodnight you two"

Paris (b/f1): "goodnight.. are you gonna go to bed too?"

Catherine (y/n): "I might in a minute, I'm not that tired at the moment"

Paris (b/f1): "ok, goodnight"

Paris (b/f1) gave me a hug and headed into her room for the night. I was too excited and pumped to go to sleep. I think I'll text Zak for a while...

Catherine (y/n): Hey handsome ❤ hope you're ok, I miss you ❤❤ xx C

Zak: Hey beautiful, I'm ok now as my beautiful girl is texting me. I miss you more ❤❤ xx Z

Catherine (y/n): what happened? You're so sweet ❤ what are you up to now baby? Xx C

Zak: I don't want to worry you baby, but I promise you I'll tell you soon and I promise you with all my heart, body and soul I'll protect you Forever ❤ Not up to much the guys have just left, what are you up to baby? ❤❤ xxx Z

Catherine (y/n): Ok baby ❤ I'm not up to much Paris (b/f1) and Nikita (b/f2) have gone to bed, I'm to wide awake to sleep xxx C

Zak: Me too beautiful, I'm so happy and excited to fall asleep. I miss you and I really want to see you ❤❤ xxx Z

Catherine (y/n): I miss you too, wish you was here ❤❤ xxx C

Zak: Do you want to go for a walk somewhere, just you and me? Maybe stay up to see one of Las Vegas beautiful sunrises ❤❤🌄🌅 xxx Z

Catherine (y/n): sounds perfect 😍😍 see you soon Handsome ❤❤ xxx C

Zak: See you soon beautiful ❤❤ xxx Z

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