Our first day

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

There's nothing like waking up to your dream coming true, that's what it exactly felt like. I still feel like I'm dreaming...But I'm not, I am actually in Las Vegas.

Whilst I layed in bed I went through my notifications. Nothing really interested me just the usual notifications, I have had a lot of likes and comments from family and friends on my Facebook of my post. As I started to reply to some and like them back. I had a notification from Twitter saying someone liked my tweet.

As I loaded up Twitter to see who liked my tweet I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who liked it..."Zak Bagans liked your tweet". I couldn't believe it I screeched with excitement. I screeched so loud Paris and Nikita (y/b/f/ns) thought something was wrong.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak liked my tweet!!... Zak liked my tweet!!"

Paris (b/f1): I can't believe Zak liked your tweet, I'm so happy for you

Nikita (b/f2): I wonder if Zak will be at the museum one day this week, maybe we should book a tour for tomorrow?"

Catherine (y/n): "that's a great idea, the museum is actually closed today (Tuesday) so why not. We can go sightseeing somewhere else today"

Paris (b/f1): "let's get dressed go and have breakfast and decide what we're gonna do today"

After breakfast we headed out, we decided to go to the aquarium, then to a couple of the casino's and then a little bit of a shopping spree.

We also visited a couple of little museums but we'll visit them again for a proper tour after all we are here for 2 and a half weeks. On the way back we went past Zak's museum it was amazing to see it up close the building is amazing. I couldn't wait to have a tour there.

After a long day of looking around and doing touristy things, we went to a restaurant to have something to eat then we went back to the hotel, Paris and Nikita (y/b/f/n's) decided to watch a movie but I just wanted to chill on my bed and read Zak's book.

After the movie finished the girls head to bed and fell asleep, I was scrolling through Twitter and liking the guys tweets and watched their Instagram stories. Soon before I knew it I was asleep too.

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