The Arrival of Cody Zachary Bagans

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I really enjoyed my bath and I thought it's best I get out before it gets too cold. Just as I was getting out and wrapped the towel around me I felt a very sharp pain and then water gushed down my leg.

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god! Zak!!!"

Not a minute too soon Zak, Nancy and Meredith ran into the bathroom

Zak: "are you ok, what happened?"

Catherine (y/n): "I think my water broke"

Zak: "Ok let's get you into the bedroom"

Without realising Meredith double checked to see if it was in fact my water that has gone

Meredith: "your water has definitely gone hunny"

Then the doorbell went

Nancy: "that's the OBGYN/midwife I'll get it"

Zak: "thanks mom...come on baby let's take you to our room"

As we walked to the bedroom I can feel the pains starting again and this time they're stronger.

Zak: "I'll just go and see the OBGYN/midwife, Meredith can you help Catherine (y/n) please"

Meredith: "sure thing, come on sweetie let's get you sorted"

Now I'm not gonna lie I'm scared, I'm scared about everything I'm about to go through.

Catherine (y/n): "Meredith...I'm scared, I'm scared about everything"

Meredith: "don't be scared hunny, you'll be great. Yes it may seem scary but as soon as you hold Cody in your arms you'll forget about all of your worries. Zak, me and mom are all here for you and we're gonna be here to help you through it all"

Catherine (y/n): "but...but..."

Meredith: "trust me, you'll be just fine"

Meredith gave me a hug to reassure me. Just as we let go of eachother Zak walked in...

Zak: "you ok baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah, just scared"

Zak: "you'll be fine baby, I'm right here"

Zak wrapped his arm around me with the other on Cody's bump and he kissed me.

OBGYN/midwife: "hello Catherine (y/n) how are you feeling?"

Catherine (y/n): "not to bad, nervous"

OBGYN/midwife: "you're bound to be. But you've got great support here with you, you'll do great.. shall we check you out then"

So I laid on the bed comfortably and let her examine me

OBGYN/midwife: "you're waters have gone and your 5cm dilated, ok let's get things ready"

*** Time Hop ***

Zak's point of view

It's now 7pm and still Cody hasn't made his apperance yet and we are now getting a little impatient. However... Catherine (y/n) has been amazing through it all so far, she's been handling the pain like a dream and at one point she didn't use any pain relief.

Mom and Meredith has been a dream too giving us support and sorting us out with food and drinks. My mom has even made us dinner and we enjoyed it, Catherine (y/n) tried to eat a little but she's not in the mood to eat.

Throughout the afternoon we have made sure Catherine (y/n) has been kept relaxed and comfortable. Right now she's sleeping in bed and I'm in the living room with the OBGYN/midwife, my mom and Meredith.

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