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Zak's point of view

Me and Jay finally got to my place and we walked in, but the house seemed quiet. To quiet actually, but what I didn't notice was a one of the glass panels on the front door was smashed. That bastard must've broken in but where is Catherine (y/n) and Morgan.

Both me and Jay started to search around the place, we couldn't see anything out of the ordinary but still no sign of the girls. Where are they? My mind started to go crazy and I started to panic.

Jay: "Zak come in here!"

Zak: "where are you Jay?"

Jay: "in the kitchen"

I ran to the kitchen to find Jay reading a threatening note from Catherine's (y/n) ex

Zak: "what does it say?"

Jay handed me to the letter and I read it "looks like you got lucky Zak. Next time you won't be so lucky, I'll take Catherine (y/n) with me and you'll never see her again"

I got angry, I want find this guy and kill him. The next thing I knew me and Jay both heard a car pull up in the drive way and we heard the familiar voices of our girls.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak?"

I walked out of the kitchen to see Catherine (y/n) walking through the door, I ran to her and embraced her in my arms tight.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Seeing Zak run to me and embrace me tight I knew he was very worried about me. As soon as I wrapped my arms around him I can feel him relax a little as he was relieved to know I was ok. I pulled away and I can see Zak's eyes was all teary, it made my heart ache seeing him like this.

Zak: "I thought he..."

Catherine (y/n): "I'm ok baby, I'm right here"

Then he embraced me again and gently squeezed me in his embrace.

Zak: "I'm never leaving you again, you're coming with me from now on"

Catherine (y/n): "I won't be able to travel when I'm heavily pregnant"

Zak: "I'll stay home then"

I squeezed Zak to reassure him everything is ok and I wasn't going anywhere.

Jay: "Zak show Catherine (y/n) the letter"

Catherine (y/n): "what letter?"

Zak: "before you arrived home and after we searched the place we found this letter"

I took the letter from Zak and I read it

"looks like you got lucky Zak. Next time you won't be so lucky, I'll take Catherine (y/n) with me and you'll never see her again"

After I finished reading the letter I felt sick with fear, I ran to the kitchen sink and I threw up. Zak followed close behind me and he held my hair away from my face and rubbed my back.

Zak: "I won't let him or anyone else hurt you or take you and the baby away from me. I'll protect you till my very last breath"

I turned around and embraced Zak, I just wanted to feel protected in his arms. Just as Zak was about to kiss me we heard a couple of loud bangs followed by some shufferling sounds.

Zak's point of view

After hearing the loud bangs I quickly turned around to put myself in front of Catherine (y/n) so she was protected between me and the kitchen counter.

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