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Zak's point of view

I don't know how I managed to get any sleep last night. It was too quiet and too lonely without Catherine (y/n) and Cody with me, I also had thoughts going around my mind. What am I going to say to my dad when I visit his resting place, I couldn't think of anything to say.

I slowly got out of bed, freshen myself up and sorted out some breakfast for me and Gracie. After breakfast I linked Gracie up to her lead and we walked to where my dad is forever sleeping. After a long search I managed to find his grave, I felt numb I couldn't even sit down, walk, talk nothing... I froze on the spot.

Gracie gently nudged me with her nose and sat down as if she's signaling me to sit and talk to him. So I did I sat down and started talking to my dad.

Zak: "I miss you and love you so much dad"

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

As Aaron was making me and him some breakfast I was keeping myself busy feeding Cody his breakfast. As I was almost done feeding him I all of a sudden got hit with a wave of emotion and I started crying.

Aaron: "Catherine (y/n) are you OK...what's wrong sis?"

I took a brief pause from crying and managed to reply to Aaron.

Catherine (y/n): "I... I don't know"

I couldn't stop crying, my heart felt like it was breaking, and there was no explanation for my emotional breakdown. Aaron let Cody out of his highchair and went to put him in his play pen and occupied him with a kid's TV program, then he came back over to me.

Aaron: "shall I call Zak?"

Then it hit me. I'm feeling what Zak is feeling.

Catherine (y/n): "it's Zak"

Aaron: "what?, what do you mean sis?"

Catherine (y/n): "I must be feeling what Zak is feeling"

Aaron: "whoa are you saying you and Zak are emotionally connected?"

Catherine (y/n): "its gotta be, unless this baby is already making me hormonal"

Aaron: "even with the distance between you, you both are really emotionally connected. That's cool, you can see you two have a strong connection but this goes to show it's stronger than anyone thinks"

Catherine (y/n): "Aaron, please call Zak. You're the only one besides me who can calm him or help him"

Aaron: "do you want to talk to him too"

Catherine (y/n): "I really want to but I can't like this, I feel like I can barely breathe let alone speak"

Aaron: "OK sis, I'll call him"

Zak's point of view

I couldn't stop crying, I broke down emotionally and I can't control how I'm feeling. Eventually I managed to stop crying and started talking to my dad more. I told him stories of Cody, what I've been up to at home, on investigations and even at the museum. And I told him stories of me and Catherine (y/n) and how much he would've loved her and Cody. I hope I'm making him proud.

As I kept talking my phone started ringing I looked at it and it was Aaron calling me. I tried to make myself sound strong and not sounding like I just broke down crying.

Zak: "hey Aaron, what's up?"

Aaron: "hey Zak, you OK?"

No... No I'm not ok

Zak: "I'm not too good dude, I just broke down emotionally"

Aaron: "I know dude we can tell"

What?! What does he mean by that?

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