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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

OBGYN/midwife: "you're in labour sweetie"

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god! What do I do now?"

OBGYN/midwife: "just go home and start getting ready to have your beautiful baby, I'll call you later to check on you later. If your labour progresses then I'll be coming over for your birth"

Oh my god it's really happening, Cody is on his way. I left the OBGYN/midwife's room and headed back home.

Meredith: "I best call mom to come over to yours, you gonna call Zak or am I?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'll call him"

I hope Zak wasn't doing any interviews, I don't want to disturb him.

Zak's point of view

During the interview with the location owner my phone started ringing. I should really answer it, it could be Catherine (y/n)

 I should really answer it, it could be Catherine (y/n)

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Zak: "I'm sorry, I got to take this....hello baby, you ok?"

Catherine (y/n): "Hey baby, uh yeah but I think you should head home...please"

Zak: "what's going on baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "I went for my check up and the OBGYN told me I'm in labour"

Zak: "oh my god really?"

Catherine (y/n): "really"

Zak: "Ok baby, I'm on my way, I love you"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more"

I ended the phone call and got ready to leave

Zak: "Sorry everybody I've got to cut this investigation and interview early, Catherine's (y/n) in labour"

Aaron: "oh my god dude, really?!"

Zak: "really"

Billy: "Zak, here take the car keys. Don't worry about us we'll go back in the RV"

Zak: "thanks Billy, see you guys back home"

Jay: "good luck to you both Zak"

Zak: "thanks guys"

I quickly bro hugged the guys and I left and headed back home to my girl. I didn't care if I get pulled over for speeding I need to get home and now. I was about 3 hours away so I floored it. I eventually saw the familiar sights of Las Vegas, now I've just got to get home.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

A few hours have passed by and my labour was getting stronger but it was still slow. Both Nancy and Meredith was close by keeping me company and helping me through the contractions.

After a little while we felt really tired especially me so we all decided to go to bed. At around midnight I woke up with slightly more stronger pains but still in slow labour, just as I was dealing with the pain Zak walked into the house and quickly into our bedroom as he heard me in pain.

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