GA crew get together

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Zak's point of view

Waking up to having Catherine (y/n) back home with me makes everything perfect again. I have really missed having her home with me. As I woke myself a little bit more I wrapped my arms around Catherine (y/n) and gently planted kisses on her cheek, then I moved them down onto her neck, then her shoulders.

Catherine (y/n): "morning handsome"

I smiled a little as I knew that would work to wake her up.

Zak: "morning beautiful, what do you want to do today?"

Catherine (y/n): "sleep and have you hold me in your arms"

Zak: "that sounds perfect baby, but I think the guys and the girls want to see you"

Catherine (y/n): "they can all come over here"

Zak: "good thing you said that, as I have arranged for them to come over, this afternoon"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm happy with that"

Zak: "so let's go down stairs and have some breakfast"

Just then I heard Catherine's (y/n) stomach churn in protest for food

Catherine (y/n): "eurgh breakfast for me baby"

Zak: "anti sickness tablet instead for you then"

Catherine (y/n): "ohh!"

I giggled a little at her comment, knowing full well she hates taking any form of pills or medicine

Zak: "you have to baby, I don't want you going into hospital again. Not until the baby is ready to be born"

Catherine (y/n): "Ok, I'll take one for you"

Zak: "that's my girl"

So I held Catherine's hand and we went down stairs. I got a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water, then I got one of the tablets out of the packet for her to take and passed them to her.

Zak: "I know you don't like taking tablets baby, but come on you need to take them"

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I just looked at Zak, I really didn't want to take the tablets but I need to. I don't want to end up in hospital again. So I took the tablet out of his hand, had a bit of my drink, took the tablet and drank some more.

I even went to the extent of showing Zak I have taken the tablet.

Zak: "that's my girl"

he came round and embraced me. With Zak by my side I feel like I can tackle any fear, anxiety and even phobias I have. And I know he thinks and feels the same way with me.

Zak: "as you can't stand the thought and possibly the smell of food, I'll just do myself a smoothie"

Catherine (y/n): "Don't let me stop you having proper food baby, the tablet will probably kick in a minute"

Zak: "it's ok beautiful, honest. I don't fancy much this minute, that's why I'm making a smoothie".

Catherine (y/n): "can I have a smoothie too please baby?"

Zak: "of course you can baby, you don't need to ask..I'll make you one now"

Catherine (y/n): "thank you baby, I'm just feeling a little hungry"

Zak: "this baby of ours is certainly gonna keep us on our toes, but at least you're actually getting some food in your belly"

Catherine (y/n): "I don't care if I have to have smoothies throughout the whole pregnancy, like you said at least I'm eating something"

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