Family time

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** Later the same day **

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

After spending time with Zak, Cody and even the rest of the guys it was time to go and visit my family, I couldn't wait to see them.

Zak: "you ready to go baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "yep"

So me and Zak walked down hand in hand and Cody in Zak's arm to the car. I carefully took Cody from Zak and strapped him in his car seat, and then I got into the driver seat as Zak got into the passenger seat. Now this feels strange, I'm driving Zak to where my family live.

Through our little journey I looked over at Zak and can see he's taking in all of the views and area. 10 minutes later we arrived at my mum's house and we parked outside, Zak got out of the car and took Cody out of his car seat and carried him.

Catherine (y/n): "you ok baby?"

Zak: "yeah I'm ok"

Then we all walked to the front door and walked in.

Catherine (y/n): "hey everyone"

Everyone came to greet us and hugged us all

Karen (y/m/n): "where's my little grandson"

Zak turned Cody around so he can see everyone

Karen (y/m/n): "there he is, hello handsome boy"

Cody gave my mum one of his beautiful smiles. Then she carefully took him from Zak and held him and gave him a cuddle. Even though my family has seen Cody on FaceTime a lot, seeing them bonding in person is so much more amazing.

As I was talking to my mum and my brother's girlfriend, Zak went off to talk to my dad and brother. As my younger brothers were upstairs me and mum went up to see them and showed them Cody.

We then went downstairs and joined Zak, my brother Kev (y/s/n) his girlfriend and my dad.

Karen (y/m/n): "so Catherine (y/n) have you showed Zak and the guys Margam park castle yet?"

Catherine (y/n): "No we'll go and have a look around tomorrow"

Zak: "I can't wait to see where Catherine (y/n) did her first ghost hunt"

My dad: "has Catherine (y/n) showed you the photos of the light anomaly she captured?"

Zak: "yes she did, that's one of the reasons I want to investigate it myself"

Karen (y/m/n): "As long as you don't use Catherine (y/n) as bait or lock her in a room by herself like poor Aaron then I'll be happy"

We all laughed a little.

Zak: "there's a reason why I lock Aaron in a room by himself, but I would never do that with Catherine (y/n) if anything she'll be leading the investigation"

What! I'm happy to be interviewed and even join them but not lead the whole investigation

Catherine (y/n): "No way I'm not leading it, that's all down to you. I'm happy to join the investigation and to be interviewed but not leading it"

Karen (y/m/n): "Zak will get you doing it one day you watch"

Zak: "when she's ready"

Karen (y/m/n): "anyway you two have you both set a date when you want to get married?"

Zak: "actually we have, Catherine (y/n) has chosen 31st October"

Karen (y/m/n): "is that as in 31st of October in a couple of weeks or next year?"

Catherine (y/n): "next year"

Karen (y/m/n): "a Halloween wedding will be very different to do, but question why Halloween?"

Catherine (y/n): "it's Zak's favorite time of the year"

Karen (y/m/n): "why not the day you two met or even the day you returned to Las Vegas and surprised Zak"?

Zak: "I didn't think of those days, they are special days to us"

Karen (y/m/n): "what date did you meet Zak, Catherine (y/n) can you remember?"

Catherine (y/n): "we met on 19th June and I surprised him on 29th June"

Zak: "why not choose one of those dates baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "but you wanted Halloween"

Zak: "I'd rather choose the day we met or even the day you surprised me when you came back to Las Vegas, they are both very special days to me"

I thought for a little bit, and both mum and Zak are right why not choose one of the days that's special to us.

Catherine (y/n): "Ok...19th June it is"

Karen: "have you two had a thought where you want to get married. Like here or in Las Vegas?"

Zak: "not to sure yet, we got to have a think about that. But as always if you all want to come over or if we have the wedding in Las Vegas I'll pay for everything for you all to come over even Catherine's (y/n) aunts, uncles and cousins to come over to"

Karen (y/m/n): "you're very sweet Zak thank you" my mum kissed Zak on his cheek and hugged him.

Catherine (y/n): "there's one thing I'm worried about though, there's only 8 months til June. Are we gonna be able to do everything in that short time?"

Zak: "don't worry baby we'll get it all perfect for then. In fact I know where we can have the ceremony"

I wonder if it's the haunted museum.

Karen (y/m/n): "where's that Then Zak?"

Zak: "the place where it all started for me and Catherine (y/n)...the haunted museum"

Kev (y/sibling's/n): "Zak what about all of the spirits you have there, are they going to behave and not cause any problems?"

Zak: "they shouldn't do, I'll sort them all out way before and have serious words with them. They will not cause any problems"

Karen (y/m/n): "Catherine (y/n) who do you want for your bridesmaids?"

Oh god I haven't even thought about who to have as my bridesmaids. I really want to have my best friend Paris (b/f/n) as one of the bridesmaids, I've spoken to her a few times since the argument we had but I would really love to have her as my bridesmaid.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm thinking of asking Paris (b/f/n) but with the time difference and the shifts she works it's hard to keep in touch"

Karen (y/m/n): "don't worry baby I'll sort it out with her, she will be your bridesmaid"

Catherine (y/n): "thanks mum, I'm also thinking of asking Morgan Jay's girlfriend, Victoria Aaron's girlfriend, Morgan Zak's niece and maybe Zak's sister Meredith. Do you reckon your sister and niece would love to be bridesmaids Zak?"

Zak: "I think they'll love that baby, but it's completely up to you who you want as bridesmaids"

My dad: "who you gonna have as your best man/best men Zak?"

Zak: "well I haven't asked them yet but I'm gonna have Aaron, Billy and Jay as my best men"

I'm so glad Zak will be asking Aaron, Billy and Jay as his best men. But then again I knew he would choose them, they're his best friends and brothers.

I can't believe how much I'm enjoying time with my family, I can't wait to spend more time with them whilst we're over here in the UK. For the rest of the day we all talked and then we all had dinner together before me, Zak and Cody headed back to the hotel.

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