Secrets Out

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Zak's point of view

After I finished off with my dad at his resting place, me and Gracie made our way back to our rental house. I unlocked the door and started getting things packed away for our trip home.

Zak: "Grace we're cutting our trip short, let's go home"

Gracie came up to me excited as she knows we're going home. As I put the last few bits in my bag I texted my step mom to let her know I can't make it over to hers and I have to go home.

Zak: "hey its me Zak, sorry I can't make it over to see you all something came up and I have to go home"

Step mom: "no problem Zak, hope everything is OK. Safe trip home and we'll speak again soon"

I put Gracie's lead back on, grabbed all of our stuff and put it in the trunk then me and Gracie got in the car and made our way home.

As I finally made out on the road I texted Catherine (y/n) to let her know we're on our way home.

Zak: "Hi beautiful me and Gracie are on our way home, I'll see you soon beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ xxxxx"

Catherine (y/n): "😁😍 see you soon handsome ❤️❤️ I love you ❤️❤️❤️ xxxxx"

Zak: "I love you more ❤️❤️❤️❤️ xxxx"

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Around mid day Aaron took me and Cody to the store so I can get a few bits stocked up in the house. We were almost done when all I had to get was a pregnancy test kit.

Aaron: "Sis as you go and get test kit I'll take Cody to look at the toys"

Catherine (y/n): "OK bro"

Off they both went and I went to grab a test kit. After I was done I went back to Aaron and Cody, the sight in front of me made my heart melt. Aaron was showing Cody the toys.

Aaron: "does Cody want this toy?"

Cody: "Aar"

Aaron: "Uncle Aaron will get you this toy for you Cody bear, can I have a kiss"

Then Cody leaned forward and gave Aaron a kiss.

Catherine (y/n): "are you bribing my son for a kiss with a toy"

Aaron: "yes I am, but he has also fallen in love with this toy. So I'm gonna get it for him"

Catherine (y/n): "you're so sweet, thank you Aaron"

Aaron: "anything for you and my Nephew. Are you all done now?"

Catherine (y/n): "yep all done let's go"

So we all went over to the checkouts and unloaded the trolley. As the cashier was scanning the items she saw and scanned the pregnancy test kit.

Cashier: "I see someone might be expecting again, congratulations if you are you two are a beautiful couple with a beautiful baby already. This baby is also going to be beautiful"

I looked over at Aaron and can see he's trying to hide a laughing fit behind his smile.

Catherine (y/n): "thanks but we're not a couple he's my fiancé's best friend"

Cashier: "sorry my mistake, I take it the baby is yours and your fiancé's baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah he's my baby"

The Cashier looked at us and can tell she has seen us somewhere but can't quite figure out where.

Cashier: "sorry I'm staring but you two look familiar, where have I seen you two from?"

Aaron: "we're from the show Ghost Adventures"

Casheir: "oh my god you are, and you're Aaron Goodwin"

Aaron: "that's me"

Cashier: "and you're Catherine (y/n) Bagans"

OK I wasn't expecting that.

Catherine (y/n): "Masters (y/l/n) actually, but I am almost Bagans"

Cashier: "on the titles it says your name is Catherine (y/n) Bagans"

I looked over at Aaron and can see he's got a big smile on his face. He knew all along.

Catherine (y/n): "Aaron you know about this?"

Aaron: "yeah I've known for a while, obviously it was Zak's idea"

OK I don't mind Zak changing my last name to Bagans as I'll be that soon anyway, but why didn't he tell me? He could've told me.

Aaron: "are you mad sis?"

Catherine (y/n): "no not at all, but why didn't Zak tell me he changed my last name on the show"

Aaron: "he wanted it to be a surprise so when he paused the end titles you'd see your name has changed from Masters (y/l/n) to Bagans"

OK I'm not mad, that's actually very sweet. But I still kinda wish Zak told me or even better shown me himself.

Cashier: "I'm done with your shopping and it comes to $100.99¢"

I paid the cashier and helped Aaron put the shopping back into the trolley. As Aaron was wheeling the trolley to the car and he put Cody into his car seat I started putting the shopping away but he stopped me.

Aaron: "Catherine (y/n) stop, some of this is heavy, I'll do it you just get in the car"

Catherine (y/n): "OK, thanks Aaron"

So I went and sat in the car, as Aaron was putting the shopping in the trunk I pulled my phone out and texted Zak

Catherine (y/n): "when were you going to tell me or show me you changed my name from Catherine Masters (y/f/n) to Catherine (y/n) Bagans on the show? xxxxxx"

I sent the texted and waited for Zak's reply.

Zak: "how did you find out baby? Did Aaron tell you? Xxxxxx"

Catherine (y/n): "no Aaron didn't tell me, I found out at the store when the cashier recognized us from the show xxxxxx"

Zak: "are you mad at me baby? Xxxx ❤️❤️"

Catherine (y/n): "no I'm not baby ❤️❤️ just a bit shocked... I know I will soon be Catherine (y/n) Bagans and I can't wait 😁 but I wish you'd told me xxxxx"

Zak: "I can't wait too baby 😁❤️❤️❤️ I know I should've told you and I'm sorry I didn't, I wanted to surprise you xxxxx"

Catherine (y/n): "you're so sweet baby 😍❤️❤️❤️. I picked up a pregnancy test kit, do you want me to do it when I get back or... Xxxxx"

Zak: "wait till I get back baby, I'm nearly home xxxx❤️❤️❤️"

Catherine (y/n): "OK baby 😍❤️❤️ I can't wait to see you xxxxxx"

Zak: "I can't wait to see you too baby xxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️"

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