Re-living it

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Zak's point of view

Catherine (y/n): "ok....after watching demon house documentary one night, I...I started sensing that something was with me. I laid in bed trying to get to sleep, but I felt like I was being watched, I looked at my bedroom door and saw a very tall, dark and horned shadow figure standing in the door way. I quickly closed my eyes thinking I was just dreaming it, then I felt a weight pushing me into the bed and I couldn't breathe".

Oh my god was all I could say and think, did I really want to hear more. Catherine (y/n) started to get teary at this point and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

Catherine (y/n): "I kept telling it to get off of me but it wouldn't, I was scared, felt hopeless and weak. So I started praying and it stopped".

My heart started pounding hard, I felt angry. I wanted to confront the demon and give it some serious hell and show it what'll happen if you mess with me or someone very important to me.

Catherine (y/n): "I ran to the bathroom to compose myself and looked at myself in the mirror to try and calm myself down. I looked at my eyes and they were completely black apart from a thin circle of my eye colour. I was scared and scared for everyone around me."

I was breathing heavy with rage, Catherine (y/n) must've seen my mood shifted as she tried to bring me back to reality.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak?..."

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I tried to pull Zak out of his trance, he was breathing heavy, fists clenched and the look of pure evil in his eyes, I've never seen him act like this.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak?...Zak!...Zak!"

I shouted once more to get his attention but nothing was working, so I tried one thing that could possibly work or he'll push me onto my ass and onto the floor, I climbed onto Zak's lap and kissed him hard. It took a little while but I started to feel him relax a little, then a couple of minutes after he wrapped his arms around me and he kissed me back and finally relaxed.

Catherine (y/n): "feeling better?"

Zak: "a little, oh god...did I hurt you?"

Catherine (y/n): "no, I'm fine" I kissed him again "what happened?"

Zak: "I don't know, I just felt really angry at the demon because of what it did to you" Zak closed his eyes and put his head into his hands

Catherine (y/n): "it's ok, I'm safe now. I'm with you"

Zak: "but it's all my fault you got into that mess" I was shocked with Zak's reply, I got off his lap and then he stood up and paced the living room floor.

Catherine (y/n): "what do you mean? It's not your fault baby"

Zak: "but it is, don't you see if you didn't watch Ghost Adventures, then you wouldn't have become a fan, which then you wouldn't have watched the documentary and you ending up here getting affected again... it's my fault I started ghost adventures, no one should get hurt because of me".

I can't believe what I was hearing, why is he saying all these things.

Catherine (y/n): "its not your fault Zak, you wanted to prove to people about the paranormal and because you did that's why ghost adventures became successful. If you didnt start ghost adventures, I wouldn't of become a fan, I wouldn't have seen demon house, and I wouldn't have come to your museum, met you and fall in love with you. But you did and now I am here, with you and I have fallen in love with you"

Catherine (y/n): "and I'm not going anywhere... you have become a huge part of my life Zak and I can't spend the rest of my whole life without are my whole life"

Zak saw me about to break down, that's when he came over and embraced me, but this embrace felt different than normal. He was not letting me go, we both buckle from our emotions and both kneeled down to the ground still clinging onto each other.

When we parted, Zak brushed my hair and some tears away from my eyes and kissed me.

Zak: "I love you Catherine (y/n), you're my whole life"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more Zak, you're my whole life more"

Zak: "Catherine (y/n)... Will you...

Zak was just about to ask me something when there was a knock at the door, it was Billy coming over to show me the footage.

Billy: "Hey guys I'm here have I interrupted you two?"

Zak: "no it's ok Billy, that was earlier on" Zak laughed a little

Billy: "that's cool, anyway I've got the footage here for you Catherine (y/n).. you sure you want to see it?"

Catherine (y/n): "yes I'm sure, thank you Billy"

Billy: "ok.let me just set it up and I'll get to that bit"

Billy set up the footage and fast forward to the bit we need to view.

Billy: "here it is, if you watch here you can see you asking the spirit the question which then you had the reply... Then the tour guide came in, you left and then...."

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god! Ok I'm gonna sound like a right weirdo but that is so cool!" Then I looked at the shadow figure more closely I was shocked to see what it was.

Zak: " it the same spirit you saw at your place?" I couldn't speak, I just looked at Zak

Zak: "baby?" Then I nodded slightly and quietly whispered

Catherine (y/n): "yes....yes it is"

Zak:" do you still want to do this investigation with us?"

Catherine (y/n): "yea...yeah" I didn't sound very certain to do it and I think Zak and Billy can tell that but they also knew I wanted to face it.

Zak: "Ok we'll make the arrangements to investigate it tomorrow".

I couldn't believe Zak wants to do the investigation tomorrow but in a way I'll be glad when it's over and done with.

Billy: "I'll call the others to tell them to come over here tomorrow and we'll discuss our plan for tomorrow night"

Zak: "thanks Billy"

Catherine (y/n): "thank you Billy"

Billy gave me a quick hug and then bro hugged Zak before he left

Billy: "see you guys tomorrow"

Zak: "see ya Billy"

Zak closed and locked the door behind him and then turned to me.

Zak: "are you ok baby?, you've been quiet since you seen the footage".

Truth be told I don't even know how I feel.

Catherine (y/n): "I...I don't know, I'm scared Zak" I started to cry, I put my head in my hands and cried a little.

Zak came over to me and comforted me

Zak: "Please don't be scared baby, you're the bravest and strongest girl I've ever met. Don't let this spirit control you.... I wont let anything happen to you baby"

I remained in Zak's arms, I didn't want to leave them. I felt safe and protected, he's my sanctuary.

Zak: "come on, let's go upstairs to bed, we'll watch some movies whilst I hold you" I smiled at the thought of Zak's very cute idea.

My idea of heaven.

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