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** Time hop **

** A few weeks later **

Zak's point of view

What can I say we all had a amazing trip to the UK we investigated the place where Catherine (y/n) did her very first ghost hunt, we even re-investigated the ancient ram Inn. We also investigated a few other locations too which made the trip even worth more while.

We've been home a few weeks now and everything has been perfect. We got home in time to celebrate Halloween and then before we knew it, it was thanksgiving and then not long after it was Catherine's (y/n) birthday.

Yet again I really spoilt her for her birthday, I don't care what people think and say how much I've spent on her she deserves it all. What I love most about Catherine (y/n) is she loves the little details I don't have to spend thousands of dollars on her she's always grateful for what she receives.

Unfortunately after Catherine's (y/n) birthday I started to fall into darkness again, but through it all she's been my angel, my shinning light, my saving grace. The reason I fell into darkness is because it's getting closer to the second anniversary of my father's death, it really doesn't get any easier but you just learn to deal with it.

Catherine (y/n): "baby, I know it's a silly question to ask but... Are you OK?"

Zak: "it's not a silly question baby, yeah I'm OK baby"

She embraced me in her arms and I don't feel like I hurt as much anymore. Catherine (y/n) all of a sudden came out with an idea, I have to give it to her it is a good idea but I don't know how I feel about going.

Catherine (y/n): "baby why don't you go to Michigan and go and spend some time at your dad's resting place and with your step family?"

Zak: "I like that idea baby but...I don't know, I don't like the thought of leaving you and Cody alone"

Catherine (y/n): "baby we'll be fine, if you and the guys haven't got a Investigation coming up and if you go on your own I can always see if Billy, Aaron or Jay can stay with us. You need time to yourself"

Zak: "I'll see if Aaron can stay with you, I would rather you come with me baby but you're right I do need time to myself and go and visit my dad"

Catherine (y/n) really has been my rock through it all, but right now I kinda want my rock with me through my dark time. I feel emotionally drained like I can't do anything, but when I look at Catherine (y/n) she gives me life and keeps me going on.

As I felt myself breaking down again I embraced Catherine (y/n) tight in my arms, I didn't want to let her go.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I hate seeing Zak like this, my heart is breaking cause of the pain he's going through I just wish I could take his pain away. Through my hard times he's been my rock and I'm glad to know he can rely on me through his.

As Zak embraced me tight in his arms I comforted him and told him everything is going to be OK.

Catherine (y/n): "everything is going to be OK baby I promise"

Zak: "you have no idea how much you have helped me this last week baby. You're so incredibly strong even though it's getting closer to your hardest days where you miss your Nan the most you're staying so strong for me"

Zak has got a point it is getting closer to the days I miss my Nan the most, if it wasn't for him being strong until recently I don't know if I would get through it. I know even when he's hurting he'll be strong for me when the days come.

There's something I've been keeping from Zak and I really want to tell him now, but it's not the right time and it'll ruin the surprise I'm giving him for Christmas... Me and Zak is going to have another baby, I found out recently and I'm due for a scan just before Christmas.

Zak knows I've not been well lately but we put it down to a stomach bug or that my stomach is having issues at the moment which is making me ill.

As Zak was embracing me he heard my stomach rumble as its warning me to prepare to go to the bathroom to be sick.

Zak: "that's another reason why I don't want to leave you baby, I don't want to leave you whilst you're sick"

Catherine (y/n): "I'll be fine baby I promise, it should pass over in a day or so"

Zak: "I'll just go and make a quick call to Aaron and then I'll take care of you and help look after Cody"

Catherine (y/n): "OK baby"

Zak gave me a kiss and then he went to give Aaron a call.

Whilst Zak was busy talking on the phone to Aaron I texted Morgan.

Catherine (y/n): "How am I gonna keep hiding that I'm pregnant for a couple more weeks? I keep being sick. Send help lol xx"

Morgan: "you'll be fine, have you had your first OBGYN appointment yet? Xx"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah I had it everything is all of with the baby 😁🤰I really don't think I'll be able to hide this baby from Zak for much longer xx"

Morgan: "you will you'll see 😊🤰I can't believe you're having another baby xx"

Catherine (y/n): "I know I can't believe it either 😊😁🤰I hope this time it's a little girl and then mine and Zak's little family will be complete xx"

Morgan: "will you still be using the name Sophia Grace? Xx"

Catherine (y/n): "we sure will be 😁 xx"

As I was waiting for Morgan's reply Zak came back into the room with Cody

Catherine (y/n): "I've got to go Zak's with me again now xx"

Morgan: "OK 😁😘🤫. Chat again soon xx"

Zak: "who you talking to baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "Morgan, she texted me to see if I fancy meeting up with her one day and we'll take the boys out somewhere"

Zak: "that's a nice idea, Aaron has also said he'll come and stay with you and Cody"

Catherine (y/n): "Great, at least you won't have to worry about me too much"

Zak: "I always worry about you baby, especially when I'm away and you can't come with us"

Catherine (y/n): "I worry about you too baby but I promise you, me and Cody will be fine and Aaron will look after us"

Zak laced his hand in my hand and squeezed it tight.

Zak: "I love you so much baby"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more baby"

Then Zak kissed me again.

Zak: "I've been thinking, I think we should start trying for another baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "really? You really want to have another baby with me and around us?"

Zak: "of course I am baby, you're such an amazing mom to Cody and the thought of you carrying another baby with me makes me so proud"

Oh how I wish I can tell him I'm carrying our new baby right now, he'd be so happy. But I really want to surprise him with the gift of the news I'm carrying a baby

Catherine (y/n): "OK, I really want to start trying too"

Zak smiled one of his beautiful smiles at me which made my heart melt.

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