The Haunted Museum

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Today was the day I've been waiting for a very long time. Today I get to tour Zak Bagans haunted museum, and I couldn't wait. We were waiting in line with loads more fans, the atmosphere was out of this world.

After a little while Angry Joe one of Zak's doormen handed us all a waiver we had to sign before we went into the museum.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm a little bit nervous about going inside you guys, I've heard a lot about this place and how bad some people got affected"

I'm not gonna lie, I was more than a little nervous about signing the waiver and going in, I was physically shaking.

Paris (b/f1): "you'll be fine, you've waited a long time for this, don't back out now" Paris (y/b/f/n) encouraged me.

As I carried on signing the waiver I heard a familiar voice, And that voice belonged to Zak. He came out to greet his fans and he filmed us for his Instagram story, I couldn't believe it, Zak is standing in a few feet of me. All I can do is smile but what I didn't know is that I was also blushing.

Nikita (b/f2): "Catherine, are you blushing?"

Catherine (y/n): "No"

Paris (b/f1): "yes you are"

Catherine (y/n): "fine, yes I am...There I said it are you happy?". I joked to my friends. Whilst I was confessing to my best friends, Zak happened to look over my way.

** (picture is when Zak noticed Catherine/you) **

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** (picture is when Zak noticed Catherine/you) **

As I turned around that's when I noticed Zak was looking at me, and that made my blush worse. Zak smiled a little before he walked back towards the museum's entrance door and said to everyone...

Zak: "hope y'all enjoy the tour, I might pop into the gift shop so if you see me after your tour, I'll be more than happy to hear your experiences".

As Zak was saying the last bit of the sentence he looked at me again as if he knew I might have a experience, Before he disappeared back inside.

5 minutes later we was walking inside for our tour. We toured pretty much every room in the house, and the demon house room was coming up next.

Tour guide: "right everyone, this room right here is the demon house room, who has seen the documentary of the house?" Everyone raised their hand

Tour guide: "who has had a experience after watching the documentary?" I was the only one who raised my hand

Then came the question was kind of dreading but also very prepared as I wanted to face whatever affected me the last time I watched it.

Tour guide: "would you like to go into the room?" I nodded nervously, I so wanted to see if I have the same experience again like I did at my house, but I was kinda nervous as I got in a bad way.

So I sat in the Demon house room all by myself. I didn't move, didn't even speak I have to admit I didn't want to anger whatever spirit or entity was in this room.

Mean while.... Zak went back into his secret nerve centre he had in the museum and him and Billy was watching the monitors to see if anything happens.

Zak's point of view

Billy: "Hey Zak since when did you let your guests stay in a room by themselves?"

Zak: "I don't normally, plus there hasn't been any fans who are happy to stay in a room by themselves"

Billy: "Well it looks like this fan is happy enough, or brave enough"

Zak: "what?"

I went over to the screen to see, I couldn't believe it that I had a guest who was happy to stay in a room during a tour. That has never happend before.

But I was more surprised to see it was Catherine (Y/N) sitting in the Demon house room, I literally just saw her standing outside. I never thought I'd see her sitting in the demon house room.

Billy: "she is one brave girl, but bro why does she look familiar?"

Little did Catherine (y/n) know but Zak and Billy actually talked about you before as Zak or the other guys would share amongst themselves about what you said in your tweets to them

Zak: "That girl is Catherine (Y/N) bro, remember last night I showed you her tweet about she's finally in Las Vegas and she couldn't wait for a tour of the museum?"

Billy: "oh yeah I remember now, I've liked a few of her tweets in the past... wow can't believe she's over here".

Then Billy had a thought knowing what you were like

Billy: "You have to meet her dude"

Zak: "What?!, Billy it would be great to actually meet her but what am I gonna say? Hi Catherine (Y/N) I've been reading your tweets for a while now, thank you for your support?"

Billy: "yep exactly that, dude I dont think she's like the other crazy fans at all, she's one of the few who is down to earth. She just likes to show us her support"

I began to feel nervous and I know Billy was picking up on my emotions.

Zak: "I know she's not one of the "crazy" fans dude... but".

Billy: "But what?"

I hate to admit it but I was actually kinda nervous to meet Catherine (y/n). Not for a fact that she's just another fan... but for another reason that has been going through my mind and feelings for a while now.

I didn't want to say what that feeling was, as that same feeling has given me a lot of pain in the past.

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