Seeing Cody Zachary Bagans

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** Time hop**

Zak's point of view

It's been a few weeks since we found out again me and Catherine (y/n) was having a little boy, each day her baby bump got bigger and bigger and before we knew it was time for the gender reveal to our family and friends.

But before that both me and Jay had planned for Catherine (y/n) and Morgan to have a 3d scan so we can all see what our little boys look like in more detail. But right now me and the guys where in our way back home from another investigation, I for one couldn't wait to get home to be with Catherine (y/n) and Gracie.

Jay: "dude I can't wait to see my little boy in more detail"

Zak: "me too bro, what time is yours and Morgan's scan tomorrow?"

Jay: "10:30 what's yours and Catherine's (y/n) time?"

Zak: "11.00 good thing there's more than one room otherwise I'd be kicking you both out so I can see my boy"

We both laughed, but its sort of true. I get very impatient when I'm excited about something.

Jay: "so how's the gender reveal party plans going?"

Zak: "pretty good actually, Catherine's (y/n) family is flying over in a couple of days so I'll pick them up and take them to a hotel"

Jay: "has Catherine (y/n) caught on yet her family is coming over"

Zak: "No, thank God but she has been close to finding out. I don't want her finding out til they arrive at the party it's a surprise".

Jay: "she'll love it bro, you can see she misses her family"

Zak: "I know..."

I can't help but still feel guilty that Catherine (y/n) moved away from her family to be with me. She always reassures me she's happy but I know she feels torn being away from them.

Jay: "you still feeling guilty bro?"

Zak: "yeah, I know she's happy with me but, it's just..."

Jay: "it must be hard for her but you can see she is happy with you Zak. There's no doubt in that"

Zak: "I know Jay, thanks for reassuring me bro"


Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I'm so happy Zak is on his way home, I can't wait for us to go and see our little Cody Zachary tomorrow.

Morgan: "I can't wait to see my little boy tomorrow"

Catherine (y/n): "me too I'm so excited. Have you and Jay come up with a name for your little boy yet?"

Morgan: "we're still thinking, there's loads of names we both like"

Catherine (y/n): "what's your top two?"

Morgan: "We like Jaxon Arlo Wasley or Jayden Morgan Wasley"

Catherine (y/n): "they're both great names, love the name Jayden Morgan Wasley as it's a combination of both Jay's and your name"

Morgan: "that's what we thought, we both love it too so we'll probably go for that one. Have you and Zak got a name for your little boy?"

Catherine (y/n): "we've only got one name which is Cody Zachary Bagans"

Morgan: "aww you're using Zak's name in Cody's name"

Catherine (y/n): "yeah I thought why not he's gonna be a little version of Zak anyway so it makes perfect sense"

Morgan: "it's very cute"

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