Cody's first day

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

What a amazing night we had spending time with Cody and he's such a amazing sleeper he didn't wake us up til 7am and I didn't have to do anything as Zak was there first feeding him and changing his nappy.

Zak: "little Cody bear all clean and fed now he wants morning cuddles from mommy"

I can't believe how fast Zak has become a devoted father...he always has been already but now Cody is here it shows how much he means to Zak.

Catherine (y/n): "from all of the madness of last night I never got to wish you a happy birthday"

Zak: "you don't need to baby, you have shown and given me the best birthday present ever"

Catherine (y/n): "I mean it Zak, I hope this birthday is the happiest one yet"

Zak: "it already is, I finally have you with me and we have Cody here too"

I leaned over and gave Zak a kiss and embraced him.

Zak: "Thank you so much for everything baby"

Catherine (y/n): "all I ever want to do is it to make you happy"

Zak: "you well and truely do make me happy"

After a little cuddle with Cody, I carefully put him down in the Moses basket and I carefully got dressed ready for the day. Nancy and Meredith has already headed off home but they'll be back around later with everyone for Zak's birthday get together. I can't wait to see everyone including all the guys and girls.

As Cody was still sleeping I really wanted to help Zak tidy up around the house, but Zak being Zak he didn't want me to do anything.

Catherine (y/n): "let me help you baby"

Zak: "No it's ok baby, you go and relax. I can handle all of this"

Catherine (y/n): "Zak you have done so much for me already, let me help you"

Zak: "Ok, but not to much. After you've put the bedding to be washed then you're gonna relax again"

Catherine (y/n): "deal"

After I finished putting the bedding on to be washed and made myself and Zak something to drink. Cody woke up for a feed so I went to feed him. I can't stop staring at his handsome little face, he is the spitting image of his daddy already as I was looking at him he opened his eyes and looked at me with his beautiful dark blue eyes

Catherine (y/n): "hey handsome little man, mummy and daddy loves you so much already"

As he was happy feeding from me I decided to FaceTime my family to show them he's finally arrived.

Karen (y/m/n): "Hi Catherine (y/n) how's everyone there?"

Catherine (y/n): "we're all good thanks, there's someone here I'd like you all to meet"

Karen (y/m/n): "oh my god has he arrived?"

Then I turned my phone so they can see Cody.

Catherine (y/n): "everyone say hello to Cody Zachary Bagans"

All of my family was like "aww he's so cute" and they all congratulated us

Karen (y/m/n): "he's so handsome, how are you feeling?"

Catherine (y/n): "pretty good, I thought I'd be suffering bad but I'm not surprisingly"

Karen (y/m/n): "I hope Zak is looking after you both"

Zak walked back in the room after sorting Gracie out

Zak: "what's that?"

Karen (y/m/n): "hey Zak I just said to Catherine (y/n) I hope you're looking after them both"

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