The fun begins

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Waking up in Jay's and Morgan's place felt weird but its nice to be with some company while Zak was away. I haven't heard from him yet and I was starting to get worried so I thought I'd give him a call.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up....After the 3rd dial he picked up.

Zak: "hey baby, you ok?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm great baby, was just getting worried as I didnt hear from you baby"

Zak: "I'm ok baby, sorry I didn't call you once we arrived at our hotel it got manic"

Catherine (y/n): "it's ok baby, I'm so happy to hear your voice"

Zak: "me too baby girl, how did you sleep?"

Catherine (y/n): "ok, just feels weird not to have you next to me"

Zak: "same here baby, it took me ages to go to sleep. The bed feels lonely without you"

Catherine (y/n): "just a few more days then I'll be back with you"

Zak: "can't wait baby"

The thought of me and Zak in bed together again made me smile and excited, I started to have butterflies in my stomach.

Zak: "what have you two got planned for today baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "Not to sure yet, maybe a spot of shopping maybe and go out for lunch" the thought of food made me feel starving but the baby had other ideas and I started to feel nauseous.

Catherine (y/n): "I'll be back in a couple of minutes baby, I just need to go to the bathroom"

Zak: "are you ok baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm not to sure...hold on"

I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. Oh great, now it all becomes fun.

Zak's point of view

I was on the phone to Catherine (y/n), then she quickly dissapeared to use the bathroom. I asked her if she was ok and her response made me panic, I tried to listen hard to see if I can hear anything and I heard her faintly being sick.

That's odd, she's never been ill since I've been with her.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm back baby"

Zak: "are you ok baby I heard you being sick"

Catherine (y/n): "umm yeah I'm fine, maybe I've picked up a stomach bug"

Zak: "do you want me to come home baby?"

Catherine (y/n): "No, it's ok I'll be fine baby... honest. Morgan is here with me"

Zak: "I'm coming home"

Catherine (y/n): "Zak honestly it's ok, you've got to do this investigation. If I get any worse I'll let you know baby"

Zak: "promise me you will"

Catherine (y/n): "I will baby...I promise"

Zak: "I love you"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you more"

Zak: "I'll speak to you later baby, the guys are getting impatient"

Catherine (y/n): "ok baby, have fun and stay safe"

Zak: "I will baby, I'll talk to you later...I love you"

Catherine (y/n): "talk to you later baby, I love you more"

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