Chapter Thirty Five - Whats Up With Lou?

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Heeey everyone. Just wanted to apologize for the late upload but atleast I am uploading...
Also, I am soooo sorry that this chapter isn't very long but I've been really busy the last few days and I also have been having to look after my 11 year old brother who has the chicken pox... Its harder than It looks! 

Hope you enjoy!

Niall’s POV

Something’s up... As soon as I had said to Kate that Zayn wanted to apologize she turned pale... And I want to know why. Kate looked like she was deep in thought so I left her to her thoughts.

“What’s up with Lou?” Liam asked as he walked in the room. “Im not sure” “He was okay until Zayn said he wanted to apologize, then he yelled at Zayn to leave and ran to his room” I said as I fake smiled. “He wanted to apologize?” Liam questioned me. “That’s what he said” I said as I turned me attention back to Kate who had fell asleep.

Liam, Louis, Kate and I were watching finding nemo when Kate stood up. “Im going to bed” “Night” She said as she left the room. Once I heard her walk away I turned to Louis. Now was my perfect opportunity to ask him if he knew why Kate was so upset when I said Zayn wanted to apologize.

“Louis” I said as I waited for him to reply. “Yello?” He said as he turned his attention from the TV to me. “You know a lot about Kate right?” I asked him. “Yeah?” He said uncertain of why I was asking.

“Let me rephrase that... Do you know a lot about Kate and Zayn?” I questioned him. “Yeah, What about them?” He asked. “When I told Kate, Zayn wanted to apologize sh-“ I was cut off by Louis saying “She turned pale?”

“Yeah” I said as I stared at him confused. Did he know what was wrong with Kate? What was wrong with Kate?

“Do you know the reason?” Liam asked entering our conversation. “Cause uh... Something happened last time that Zayn said he was going to apologize” Louis said as he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “What was it?” I questioned him.

“It’s a long story... You should ask Kate” He said as he got up and walked away. “What was that about?” I mumbled under my breath.

Kate’s POV

“Morning” I mumbled as I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. “Good morning love” Liam said as he sat across from me. “Top of the morning to ya” Niall said as he walked in the room.

“KATE” Louis yelled as he ran and sat next to me. “Yes?” I asked. “Hi” He said as he hugged me. “Hi?” I said confused. After we had stopped hugging, I pulled out my phone and texted Liam.

Kate: What’s up with Lou? X
Liam: No idea. He’s been weird this morning
Kate: What did you give him!?
Liam: Nothing!

I was about to reply when Niall said “Are you two texting each other?”

“Nope” I said really fast. “What were you’s texting about?” Louis asked as he giggled? “Lou, are you okay?” Liam asked him worried. “I am totally fine girlfriend” He said as he giggled again.

“There’s something wrong with Louis” I mumbled “You’re a genius. I would’ve never guessed” Liam said acting shocked. “Shut up” I said as I playfully hit him.

“How do you turn this thing off?” Louis yelled angrily at the TV. “With the remote” I stated. “Ohh”. “What’s the remote?” Louis asked as he kept giggling uncontrollably. “Maybe you should lay down Lou” Liam said as he guided Louis to his room.

“I wonder what happened to Lou” I mumbled. “He’s asleep. As soon as he layed down he fell asleep” Liam said as he walked back into the room. “Do you know what happened to him? Why he’s acting like that?” I asked Liam.

“No” Liam said sadly as he left the room. Im not sure but I think I heard Niall mumble “I know”.

I looked up at Niall and all I saw was guilt, written all over his face.

Once again... Sorry its short!
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