Chapter Twenty Two - Message From Harry

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Heeey everyone! I didn't want to make you wait any longer so Im posting this chapter.. Just letting you know that I have wrote most of chapter 23 but I need to finish it so I will probably post it tomorrow.. At least you dont need to wait 3 days I guess..

DEDICATED TO BELLAWINTER Cause she's nice to talk to !
New trailer on the side --->
And... Photo of Brooke on the side! -->

Kate’s POV

“Louis... Can you stay for a minute?” I asked in a pleading voice. He hesitated for a bit before he replied with “Sure”. After that Niall and Liam left the room leaving Louis and I.

“Sit down” I said as I patted next to me. He looked unsure at first but eventually agreed to it and sat down next to me. “What’s up?” He asked with concern slowing clearly in his voice. “The roof, the sky and much more” I said in sarcasm. “Oh hush you” He said as he made a creepy face. Suddenly he went serious again. “What’s really up?” He asked as concern filled his voice again.

“As I already said... The roo-“ Louis cut me off by saying “Kate” In a serious tone. “Okay” I said as I stared at the ground preparing myself for what may happen after I tell him.

“We-“I was cut off by Louis’ phone going off. “Don’t worry that’s my text tone” He said as he stared at me once again. “Well you should change it cause it’s annoying” I said as I blocked my ears. He just laughed at my child like action. Then I got up and ran across the room trying to beat him to get his mobile.

“Why are you trying to get it so bad?” I asked in a mock tone. “Seriously Kate. Pass me the phone” Louis said in a serious tone. “Oooh is it a girl?” I asked as I chuckled. “Kate pass me the phone” Louis said with a serious voice as he tried to get the phone off of me.

The phone kept going off so I looked at the screen trying to turn it off when I saw something I did not expect.

New Message From: Harry

My jaw dropped. Harry!? He’s texting Harry!?

I looked up at Louis and saw concern on his face. “WHAT THE HELL” I yelled as I threw the phone at him and ran out the door with him following after.

I ran in the living room and saw Liam and Niall in a serious conversation but I couldn’t care less at the time. “Kate you don’t understand” Louis said as he grabbed hold of my shoulder. “GET OFF ME” I yelled as I pushed his has away from me.

“What happened?” Liam asked as he stood up and eyed us both. “He’s been texting Harry” I said as I pointed to Louis. Niall almost choked on his drink and ended up spiting it out. “WHAT?” Niall gasped. “Is it true?” Liam asked as he stared at Louis with angry expression on his face but you could tell he was trying to stay calm.

“Yeah bu-“I cut him off by saying “And to think, I was gonna tell you my biggest secret”. I gave him a disgusted look and ran out the door. “Kate seriously. He was just warning me about something” Louis yelled as he ran after me. “I-I don’t care” I said as I ran faster.

Eventually he got me and had both his arms wrapped around my waist. “Please let me explain” Louis whispered in my ear. “O-okay” I said. Suddenly his arms unwrapped from my waist and he stared at me. “He was just threatening me not to tell you something which obviously im going to tell you now” Louis said as he sighed and looked me in the eyes. At that moment I knew he wasn’t lying and I didn’t need the text to prove it.

“Okay” “I believe you” I said as I stared back at him. “Lets go inside and I can explain it all and you can say what you were gonna say” Louis said as he motioned for us to walk back to the apartment.

“Hello?” I said as I knocked on the door. “KATE ARE YOU OKAY” Niall yelled as he hugged me. “Yeah Im fine” I said as I hugged him back. “Louis has some explaining to do though” I said as I eyed Louis. “And im prepared to do it” Louis said as he smiled at me which I returned.

I looked over at Niall and saw him glare? At Louis? What is going on lately!?

“Niall who was at the do-“ Liam cut himself off when he saw us. “Are you okay?” He asked as he eyed me suspiciously. “All good” I said as I smiled. I noticed Liam look over at Louis with confusion written on his face. “Oh and Louis was gonna explain something” “To all of us” I said as I dragged him over to the couch and sat next to him.

“Why was Harry texting you?” Niall asked as anger flashed across his face. “I will read his texts and you will get it” Louis said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Tell her and your dead” “Tell her what?” “You know tell her and your dead” Louis said as he put his phone away. “That’s all they said” Louis said as he stared at me with guilt in his eyes. “Come here” I said as I pulled him into a hug.

“What was it you were gonna tell me before?” Louis asked as he pulled away and stared at me with a serious face again. “Y-you know how you asked how I knew Nate before he started at our school?” I asked Louis as I stared at the ground. “Yeah...” Louis said as he eyed me. “Well we kinda met a while ago. He was my friend. He was like a brother to me and then h-he” I said as I wiped the tears off my face.

“He what?” Niall asked as he stared at me waiting for an answer. I almost forgot he was in the room until he spoke. “H-he um.. Asked me to be his girlfriend” I said as I lifted my head up for a minute to look at the boys faces. “Then wh-“ I cut Louis off by saying “I rejected him”. “He was more of a brother to me then a boyfriend” I said as I looked all three of them in the eyes.

“H-he got angry and h-he... he... hit me” I said as I started crying again. “And it didn’t stop then” I said as I cried harder. Louis came over and hugged me. I hugged back and didn’t let go. “When was this?” Louis asked as he held me tighter. “D-do you remember the weeks I wasn’t here” “Last summer. It was when I stayed with my Nan” I said as I continued to cry. “Please love stop crying” Louis said as he wiped my tears away.

“I swear I love you three so much” I said as I hugged them all. “Come sit with me” Louis said as he extended his arms for me and pulled a weird face. I chuckled a bit. “Even when Im upset you make me laugh Lou” I said as I layed across the couch. My head in Louis’ lap and my feet on Niall’s.

The last thing I remember was Louis trying to singing softly before I fell asleep.

Oooh ! I know there is a lot of Niall shippers... But who do you all ship?

Niall & Kate?  -  Kiall
Louis & Kate?  -  Late
Harry & Kate?  -  Karry
Zayn & Kate?  -  Zate
Liam & Kate?  -  Kiam
Or even Nate & Kate? - Either way its the same -.-

Keep voting & stay amazing ! :)
Vote who you ship !

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