Chapter Twenty Six - You Hurt Kate

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Heeey everyone ! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter...  

Keep voting, commenting & fanning. Mwah <3 

Also... Dedicated to WissalixaPink


Liam's POV

I can't believe what happened to Kate and the fact that she trusts me enough to tell me what happened...

I can't tell Louis or Niall about what happened to Kate because I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone or do anything stupid... The only reason I agreed to it was because I wanted to know what happened.

At the moment Kate, Louis, Niall and I were at our apartment... Niall is trying to decide which pizza to get and Louis was in over-protective brother mode on Kate.

"Are you sure you don't remember what happened!?" Louis question Kate for like the 5th time in the last ten minutes. "Yes" Kate sighed. "Okay... Just making sure" Louis said as he sat back in his seat. "You were making sure the first time now your just driving us crazy" I said as I sighed.

"I just wanted to make sure that Kate's okay" He said as he sighed. "Im okay now can we get off the subject!?" Kate asked as she got up and left the room.

"I'll go check on her" Niall said as he stood up. "NO" I said as I also stood up. "Ill go check on her" I said as I walked towards Kate's room. "Kate?" I said as I knocked on her door. "Liam?" She questioned. "Yeah" I said as I slowly opened the door.

When I walked in I saw Kate sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. "Kate" I said as I walked over and sat next to her. "Are you alright?" I questioned her. "N-no im not" "Everywhere hurts" She said as she wiped the tears from her face.

"The doctor did say you were bruised a lot and to be careful" I said as I hugged her. "I am being careful" She said as she pulled back and forced a smile. "It just hurts a lot. Anytime I move" She said as she looked at her feet.

"Where does it hurt the most?" I questioned her. "Here" Kate said as she pointed to her wrist. I inspected it and it looked really bruised and kinda purple? "And here" Kate said as she pointed to her thigh.

Kate suddenly started crying again. "Come here" I said as I pulled her into another hug.

"Pleaseeee LiLi" Niall begged for like the hundredth time. "FINE" I snapped. "Only if you shut up" I said as I sighed and walked over to the bench and picked up my keys. "Be back soon" I said as I walked out the door and to my car.

Niall decided he wanted pizza and guess who gets to pick it up!? Me and of course Niall picks the place where they don't have delivery. Niall's a smart kid cause he didn't think to ask that before he ordered.

"Yes, I checked this morning... She's gone" Someone said. I usually don't ease drop but this conversation sounds interesting enough...

"What if she tells?" Another boy questioned. "She won't" A third boy said. I swear I have heard these voices before. "If you don't say anything nobody will know" "So keep your mouth shut or else" The first boy threatened.

"Whatever" The second boy said. "Zayn won't tell anyone would you" The third boy questioned. "N-no" The second boy also known as Zayn said. "Good" The third boy said. I then heard people walk away.

I peaked down the alley way and saw a boy standing there by himself. He looked deep in thought. He started walking this way and as he got closer I could see him better... It was Zayn? As in Zayn from Kate's school?

He had now walked out of the alley way and was about 3 or 4 metre away from me. "You hurt Kate" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He turned around with guilt and confusion on his face. "Y-your the kid from the street that time" He said matter-of-factly. "Yeah" I said as I eyed him. "I-I didn't mean to hurt Kate and I don't want to... Everything's gotten too far" He said as he stared at his feet.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Then why don't you leave her alone!?" I asked him. "Because I can't" Zayn sighed. "Why?" I asked. "YOUR NOT A PHYSCIATRIST SO SHUTUP" He snapped. "S-sorry" He said as he started to walk away.

"Wait" I said as I ran after him. "Do you get how many cuts and bruises you've given her!?" I questioned him. "No... And I don't want to know. I'll just feel even more guilty" He said as he ran a hand through his hair. "You know that you use to abuse her and then she went home and got abused by her dad!?" "Did you know that" I yelled the last part.

"N-no" He said as he stared at the ground. "You know that at the moment she can't move without being in pain" "Did you know that!?" I said calmer than the first time. "N-no" He replied as he continued to stare at the ground. "You don't know a lot" I said as I started to walk away.

I turned around and eyed him. "She can barely walk and she can't pick anything up because her legs and arms are that weak" I said in almost a whisper. "Satisfied?" I asked as I walked away.

"WAIT" He yelled as he ran up to me. "What?" I asked. "I-I don't remember us doing anything to her arms?" He said. "You probably stood on her or something" I said as I started to walk away. "Stupid dick" I mumbled as I kept walking away.

Zayn's POV

"WAIT" I yelled as I ran over to Liam. "What?" He asked. "I-I don't remember us doing anything to her arms?" I said. "You probably stood on her or something" He said as he started to walk away. "Stupid dick" He mumbled loud enough for me to hear and then he walked away.

What he said really got to me. We hurt her that much that she couldn't walk properly? That she can't hold anything? Were that bad...

Her dad use to abuse her at home and then when she came to school all she got was more abuse by us. Now I feel really guilty. I started feeling bad for her a few weeks back but Harry told me that if I changed then what happened to Louis will happen to me.

Then when we met Nate, Harry was convinced that he could be the third member to our trio which I didn't want. I hate him already and I've only know him for like 2 days. In the two days he has already threatened me 3 times.

And what Liam was saying... Was it true? We didn't even hurt her arms or anything and im sure of it. Harry hit her twice... In the face and in the gut. Nate hit her like 8 times? All in the gut and they made me hit her in the face once. So she has two black eyes...


So then how did she get bruises on her arms and legs?

Think you know what happened!? Comment? 

Also.. Keep voting! Mwah <3 

Best comment gets a dedication.. :)

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