Chapter Sixteen - The Text Messages..

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Louis’ POV

Liam, Niall, Kate and I were watching toy story when Niall yelled “FOOD” and ran to the kitchen. “Niall” Liam whined as he got up and chased after the blonde boy. I was sitting there watching the movie when I heard a phone go off.

I looked over to see Kate reading a message. At first she looked confused and then she looked terrified?

She looked deep in thought. I really wanna know who the message is from? And what it said. “Katie Poo” “KATE” I yelled as I shook her. “What” She said confused as she looked at me. “Do you want anything to eat” I said as I stared at her. “Uhh... no” she said as she started to wtch TV.

“Wait... Isn’t this Liam and Niall’s place?” Kate asked as she looked over at me confused. “Im moving in with them” I said as I smiled and walked over to the kitchen.

“Liam” “Can I talk to you” I said as I walked over to where Liam was scolding Niall for eating too much. “Uhh... What... Yeah” Liam said as he walked out the door. “Oh and Niall... Don’t eat ANYTHING for 5 minutes” Liam yelled as he walked away.

“So... What’s it that we needed to talk about?” Liam said after we walked into his room. “I-Its Kate” I said as I looked at him.

“What about her?” Liam questioned as he stared at me. “I-I think something’s wrong” I said as I stared at him. “What do you mean?” Liam said as he continued to eye me. “S-She got an uhh... text and now she looks scared?” It came out more of a question then a statement.

“Just leave her for a bit... Im sure she will be okay” Liam said as he walked out of the room and back into the kitchen. “I hope” I whispered as I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.



Liam, Kate and I were watching toy story 3 now... We have watched nearly the whole set now... yaaay (Note sarcasm). Niall left about 10 minutes ago because he claimed he was hungry and after fighting with Liam over how he is a growing boy and needs food Liam let him go eat as long as he left some food.

“You know what I just realized” Kate said as she looked over at Liam and I. “What” Liam said as he looked over at her. “I’ve known you for nearly a week” She said as she looked over at Liam. “And you for like 6 years and the only things I know about you is your names, where you live and that Liam loves toy story” Kate said as she chuckled and looked over at me.

“Well... It’s not like you’ve ever really been interested in me or my life” I said as I looked over at her. “True” “But now I am” She said as she stared at me. “Tell me about yourself” She said as she crossed her legs.

“Well... Uhh...” “My full name is Louis William Tomlinson” I said as I looked over at Kate. “My birthday is the 24th December 1994” (It’s made up for the story) “And I have 4 sisters “Charlotte who is 13, Felicity who is 12 and the twins Daisy and Phoebe who are 7” I said as I smiled at her.

Kate nodded and actually looked interested. Do you ever get that feeling where it feels like someone is staring at you? Cause I have that right now. I looked over to see Kate asking Liam about himself. Then I saw Niall. He was standing in the doorway sending draggers to me and Liam. Why does he keep sending us glares!?

“And I have two sisters” “Nicola and Ruth” Liam said as he smiled. “What about you” Kate said as she looked over at Niall and smiled.

“My full name is Niall James Horan” “I was born the 13th of September 1995 (The year was changed for the story)” “And I have an elder brother Greg” Niall said as he smiled at Kate.

“What about you” Liam said as he smiled at Kate. “Uhh... My full name is Kate Marie Browne” “I was born the 1st of February 1995” “And... I... Umm... Don’t have any siblings” Kate said as she looked at the ground.

”Okay...” “LILI CAN WE ORDER PIZZA” Niall yelled as he smiled at Liam. “Why can’t we just cook something?” Liam asked as he stared at the blonde. “Cause... I... Umm...” Niall said as he looked at his feet.

Liam sighed and I said “You umm what?” I asked as I smirked. “Iateallthefood” Niall said really fast before he ran out the room. “He what?” Kate asked as she looked confused. “He ate all the food” I said as I stared laughing. “HE DID WHAT” Liam yelled as he ran to the kitchen.

Niall’s POV

. “HE DID WHAT” Liam yelled as he ran to the kitchen.

I was currently hiding in my room. “NIALL JAMES HORAN” I heard Liam yell from the kitchen. “OPEN THE DOOR AND COME OUT RIGHT NOW” Liam yelled as he banged on the door. “B-but your gonna hurt me” I said as I walked towards the door. “Fine... I won’t just come out” Liam said as he sighed.

I then opened the door and Liam hit me in the head. “I thought you said you weren’t gonna hurt me” I said as I fake pouted. “You deserved it” Liam said as we walked into the living room.

When we walked in I sat in front of the 3 seater couch and Kate was spread over the couch. Louis was on the armchair couch so Liam came and sat beside me. Louis and Kate were laughing at what happened and they were laughing so much there were tears coming out their eyes.

Kate and Louis were still laughing when her phone went off. She picked it up and read the text. At first she looked confused then her face changed to scared?

All I can think about is what was that text about and who was it from.

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Bet you wanna know who the text was from & what it said... Comment what you think! :)x

Kate's Outfit for this chapter!

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