Chapter Thirty Two - My Phone?

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Heeey everyone!
I hope you enjoy the chapter! Vote, fan & comment :)
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ALSO... Special video on the side... Thats me when im trying to be serious :P
Tell me what you think :)

Louis’ POV

“I’ll be back in a second, Kate” I said as I smiled. “Nobody’s going to hurt you” I reassured her. She just nodded and walked out of the hallway. “So what did you need to talk about?” I questioned Zayn.

“Harry and Nate” He replied. “What about the-“ I got cut off by a scream. It didn’t sound like Kate but it didn’t sound good. Zayn and I ran to the end of the hall and ran out the door to see....

Brooke? Harry? Kate? Ashley?

When we ran out the door I didn’t see what I expected to see. I saw Brooke clutched over holding her stomach, Kate was against the wall with Harry stood in front of her and was smirking.

“Hey lads” Harry said to Zayn and I as he continued to smirk. “Prick” I heard Brooke mumble. “What? Thought you loved me” Harry taunted. By this time there was a large crowd gathered around us.

“You thought wrong” Brooke said as she chuckled. “Then why do you want to get back together?” Harry continued to smirk. Brooke just walked away pissed and everyone around us stared in amazement.

“Aren’t you suspended?” Zayn questioned Harry. “Yeah” Harry said as if he didn’t care. “Then why are you here?” Zayn questioned him. “You seem excited to see me” Harry said in sarcasm. “I actually came to give this to Kate” Harry said as he reached into his pocket.

Harry was about to continue when someone yelled “Mr Styles”. We turned around and saw our school principle standing there and he didn’t look impressed. “I believe you are suspended Mr. Styles therefore you should not be on school property” He scolded Harry.

I heard giggling. I looked over and stood to the right of him and there stood Ashley and Brooke. “Paybacks a bitch” Brooke mouthed to Harry as her and Ashley continued to laugh.

“You must leave the school grounds as soon as possible” He said to Harry. “Sorry sir... I will” Harry said as he walked away. He was nearly at the gate when he turned around and smirked pulling something out of his pocket.

Niall’s POV

Louis and Kate were at school while Liam and I watched the set of toy story movies. It’s halfway through the second one when I decided to make a run for it. “Niall what are you doing!? This is the best part” Liam said excitedly.

“I just uh...” “Wanted food” I lied. “Oh okay” Liam said as he walked back into the living room. “Oh and don’t wait for me” “You can un-pause it if you want” I suggested hoping he would do that. “Are you sure?” Liam questioned me.

“Yes im sure” I celled from the kitchen. “Okay” Liam said happily. There is something wrong with him...

I was now hiding in my room with all the food I needed and the door was locked. Safe I thought. Then my message tone went off. I picked it up to see a message from Lou? Isn’t he meant to be at school....?



Kaaate and I are walking home.. Just letting you know x –Lou


I don’t want him to walk home in case anything were to happen to them but I’m not in control of what they do...

Kate’s POV

“Im not sure if this is your smartest Idea” I said to Louis as we continued to walk back to the apartment. School had just finished and we were walking home because Louis suggested it.

“Hey Kate” I turned around and saw that signature smirk that was always plastered on his face. “Told you this was a bad idea” I mumbled, loud enough for just Louis to hear me.

“Do you remember the last time we were in this alley?” Nate questioned as he also smirked. I shed a tear thinking about it. Memories of what happened that day before I hit my head were coming back and I didn’t like them.

“Oh and Kate” Harry said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out... My phone? I was going to say something when someone slammed me into the wall. I slid down the wall and had my back leaned against the wall. I couldn’t move or it would hurt.... Stupid wall.

“Slut” Nate hissed at me. Louis walked over to him and was about to hit him when Harry grabbed him. Nate hit him in the gut. And again and again. At that moment someone hit Nate in the back of the head which caused him to fell straight to the ground.

It was too dark and I couldn’t see him properly until he helped me up. I was totally shocked at who stood in front of me...

Ooooh! Who stood infront of her? Comment? & Also... Need 150 votes for next chattperrr :)

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