Chapter 5 - Their coming

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Heeey everyone, Hope you enjoy this chapter !
Ohh and picture of Kate on the side.
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Liam's POV

"I got this for you... So what's it you wanted to talk about?" I asked as I looked at her with an angry/confused expression. She looked a bit taken back.

"Sorry if im coming on too pushy I just wanted to know why Niall went straight for his room and slammed the door closed as soon as we walked in the house" I said as I eyed him questioningly.

"He did what!?" She asked shocked.

"He ran in the house. Slammed the door and won't come out" I said as I stared at her waiting for a reply.

"Well im gonna tell you what's up but I have to start from the beginning and I'll tell you everything and ill answer any of your questions under one condition" She said as she stared into my eyes.

"And that condition is?" I asked.

"The condition is that you don't inter fear or interrupt until im finished" She said as she continued to stare into my eyes.

"Deal" I said as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Well... When we were at school yesterday Niall met these 3 guys that go to my school and their names are Harry, Zayn and Louis. They have bullied me since I was in year 6 and I don't just mean verbally. They physically and emotionally abuse me and have since I was 12. Zayn lives across the street from me so they're constantly around my house" She said as her eyes started to water.

"Earlier today when we were at the school Louis told Niall that he was my boyfriend so Niall would leave me and not talk to me anymore or anything like that. They do that every time that I meet a guy friend and they eventually beat the living hell out of every friend I get just so they will leave me. Even when I meet girl's that are new to the school or anything they see Harry, Zayn and Louis beat me up and they NEVER talk to me again" Kate finished.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know. Come here" I said as I hugged her and she sobbed into my shirt. Suddenly two guys that look somewhat familiar walked in.

One with green eyes and brown curly hair and the other with blue/grey eyes and brown hair that was pushed to the side. As soon as Kate looked up she put her head back down and I saw here tense up beside me.

"Kate... That's them isn't it" I whispered in her ear. She then nodded but kept her head down. "Lets go" I said as I pulled her up and we walked to the exit of the coffee shop.

We were now walking down the alley way back to Niall and I's apartment. I really didn't notice how long this alley way went for until now.

"Thank god we got out of there before they noticed me" Kate said as we continued walking. Then we suddenly heard someone yell "HEY KATE" And we turned around and saw a boy running towards us.

He has black hair and brown eyes.

"Run" Kate said she tugged on my arm and pulled me away.

We then got in the building and shut the door.

"I will get you eventually Kate. You can't hide there forever! Remember we live across from each other and next time I WON'T be alone" The boy said before we heard the footsteps leave.

"Jesus that was close" Kate said as she puffed.

"Couldn't agree more" I said before I led her up to the apartment.

"Ohh and Kate" I said as I faced her. "Yeah?" She said back.

"It wasn't your dad that left all of those mark's was it?" I said as I faced her.

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