Girls Can Never Say No

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"I think I just saw a wild horse honestly" Dave joked as we were being driven to Kennedy and Trey's new house in Virginia. "Oh hush" I slapped his hand away from me. "Next time we travel anywhere remind me to take separate cars. Y'all got too many kids and bags and just everything in between" Aaliyah was holding a sleeping Zae and Karina was watching videos on Dave's phone.

"I ain't say nothing about that big ass duffel bag you brought not even filled with clothes may I add" David and Aaliyah argues like brother and sisters. They argued more then me and David more the less over small things. "We are almost there you two. I've been sitting down for way too long and I swear this baby will be here any day now." My doctor said I was cleared since the baby didn't drop nor was I dilated. At this rate she predicted I was gonna be late and have to be induced "Well don't try to steal too much of Kennedy's light. Her due date is tomorrow and she won't let anybody forget." I laughed rubbing my stomach.

We pulled up a big fancy house with a tall black fence "We need one of these talk box things at our gate. We famous now can't have any and everybody ringing the bell" I looked at Dave and shook my head. "First off we live in a gated community in order to get in you got to have the buzzer. We ain't just gonna throw away money because we have it."

"Whatever you say Queen but my game floor is not being discussed. No babies or wife unless it's for dying situations." Dave has to help me out the car because that was a struggle in it self. I grabbed Karina's hand and one of many bags and went up the stairs to the front door.

"Look at the bumpin twins" Trey opened the door and Kennedy stood behind eating chicken wings. "Boy bye this will be the last child to come out of my body" I looked at Dave when I said that just so he knew I meant business. "We are not discussing that one right now. Can we get through this week in peace please" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm gonna go help Dave with the bags y'all stay here and chit chat about us" We went to the living room and I was more then happy to put my feet up. "Wasn't you just complaining that you were tired of sitting...Something else." I laughed but being on my feet for more then 5 minutes was a challenge. "Anyways this place is coming along well and I've heard your nesting. I honestly can't wait till your baby comes."

It was about time one of my girls was becoming a mom so I could share advice and babysit. "While y'all are on baby duty I've been planning Alexis bachelorette party. And let's just say it's nothing compared to whatever y'all did for Jaycee." Aaliyah clapped her hands.

"What could be better then a surprised joint party. Who really loves there man more then I do." I smiled waving around my ring finger watching it glisten. "So how's you and Odell he's been rather quiet lately. Does that have anything to do with you perhaps." I knew her and Odell were just friends but it was cute to press her about it sometimes.

"Let's be clear I'm single as a dollar bill honey when I find mister right I ain't even gonna show his face. So next topic puhhhleaseee like you and New York." I laughed at her facial expression. "When I get to New York you'll know. We'll have you guys stay over a few weeks after I give birth so you can help" They both groaned.

"Aaliyah what you got in these bags..bricks you not even here for that long." Trey dropped her bags at the door before resting up under Kennedy it was the cutest thing ever. I looked at Dave and just gave him the middle finger "Y'all gotta stop being all lovey and shit in front of Jaycee because later on I gotta hear why can't you be more like Trey, David. Do you not love me anymore is it because I'm fat blah blah" I rolled my eyes his impression of me was uncanny.

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