Out Of Our Control

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"Mama your getting so big ugh" Zae was four months now and she was another Karina. They were both active and never wanted to go down for a nap. Especially if Dave was around they'd be all over him its as if I didn't exist. "I was thinking since our wedding is like next week that'd I wear this new gucci fit I bought. It's a little hood but we both are" I gave him a look and he hung back up the clothes.

"Dave I love you but don't ruin my wedding day because now you wanna make it all Harlem like

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"Dave I love you but don't ruin my wedding day because now you wanna make it all Harlem like. It doesn't help that I'm sick and you've been partying everyday" I bounced Zae up and down on my leg. "Look at me babe but I'm on it I'm back in husband father mode. Do you think you need some lovin its a powerful drug" I flipped him off.  "Dave the one day I'm home and I feel like trash and your all healthy. Go make me some soup and take the girls with you." 

Once they left I grabbed my phone and called Alexis to get updates on my video. "Its almost done babes trust me, but while I was in the process Jaheim called. He wants to talk to you Jay and I think you should honestly" I kissed my teeth looking at my phone screen. "Now why I do that after his comments about me. Jaheim and Kailee are the least of my worries as my damn wedding approaches" I hung up and cuddled up under my sheets.

"Jaycee Brewster I'm bored as fuck how did you even get sick. We've been in the studio three days straight what could you possibly have done" He sat the tray down beside me. "Thats probably why y'all got me working so damn hard as if I don't come home everyday to two little ones" I took a few sips of the chicken noodle soup and felt my nose open up. "Oh...well you'll get over it I promise but in the meantime while your on bed rest the kids will be home to keep you company."

As if on cue Karina jumped up and got under the cover and Dave put Zae beside me. "Dave where are you going again I feel like you be going places where you have no business" He smiled at me. "Jaycee calm down I'd love to stay and chill but I love doing my shit. Am I allowed to go out and have some fun or what ? " I sighed.

"Go Dave, just know you'll be leaving your dying girlfriend and two underage daughters. It's whatever I'm sure we will leave" He looked at the door and sighed. "I hate you so much" He stripped down to his boxers and hopped in. "Dada play" Karina said raising up her hands. I don't know who taught her but she loved playing pat a cake.

"Are you really that sick that I can't even go out with the guys" I nodded getting under the cover. "You should know how I am Dave I'm clingy when I'm sick. Kennedy is my stand in with the wedding planner so she'll be texting you acting as me" He grabbed my phone from me and went on my snapchat. "Y'know your cute Dave with this beard and hoodie. Its for sure a turn on sometimes even if I'm sick" He looked at me licking his rosy lips.

"Yo stop the children in here sick my ass...come with me to this mingling party. Give you a chance to meet new people and get dressed up so I can dress you down" I accepted just cause I've been in bed for two days straight. "Good now time for baby bonding time what shall we watch family" He switched the t.v to Netflix.

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