Trippin On Me

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"Damn this baby so cute and precious" Kennedy said holding my newborn baby. When I woke Dave said something happened so that's why I went into early labor. I was barely paying him attention because they were cleaning up my baby. "I make cute kids thank you very much" Karina was so hyper to meet her sister but now she was laid out next to me.

"This hospital food is a drag I'm bout to go get some olive garden" Jaheim said getting up. "Bring me back some I'm starving" He nodded leaving. "My little niece came two months early she something else" Desus added in. I was beyond tired and was patiently waiting for everybody to leave so I could at least take a nap.

"Aww everybody congratulating us I swear we everybody favorite couple" I shook my head. "Dave you need to make sure you st the house to feed my puppies and accept the delivery. Lord knows you gonna be all up under me for these next two days" It was gonna be a slow day tomorrow since everybody was busy but Drake and Odell said there were pulling through so I had some type of company.

After Jaheim brought me back some pasta everybody dipped so it was finally me and my babies. "I need a picture I promise I could almost shed a tear" I didn't know who our baby looked like more but she was such a doll and had a head full of hair. "Boy if you don't get that flash out my face before I punch you in your neck" One thing for sure she was a diva for a newborn she waited for no one when she was hungry.

In the morning I breast feed and we chilled watching some t.v. "Your favorite's are here" Drake and Odell strolled in with balloons and bags. "Since you ain't get to have your shower we bought her some stuff. But look at her her eyes are twinkling" Odell took her and sat on the couch just rocking her. "How you feel fatty you don't even look like you was just pregnant" I smiled peeking in some of the bags.

"Tired isnt an understatement Karina was up here talking a storm before Kennedy came to pick her up. And a newborn is no joke I swear she's gonna be my birth control for like the next two years" Drake took his turn holding her. "You need to hurry up and get out of here so we can wheel chair you home. Hospital's just give me major anxiety" Odell said kicking off his shoes.

"I agree I cleared my schedule so I'm free for the week. You gonna be seeing our face so much since Dave gonna be gone" I looked at them with a questioning look. "Where Dave going" He twisted up his mouth. "His label just announced some shit on instagram that he headlining. I don't know if he confirmed it but we just seen it on our way over" I grabbed my phone calling Dave.

"Where you going nigga and why I ain't hear from your mouth you traveling. I know I ain't sit up here in labor for five hours for you to bail" The line was silent so I knew it was true. "The label is just doing a four day promo that's all then I'll be back home for two months" I rolled my eyes. "Bye Dave get off my line" I tossed my phone to the side. "I swear he be wanting me to kick his ass sometimes" I huffed laying back.

"Your gonna be fine we gonna be with you and I'm wonderful with kids" Odell said laughing. "That is not the point guys I just had a baby and he's going out partying and shit total sham" Now that the baby was here this would be our chance to really bond and get even closer then what we were now.

The next morning it was time for me to go home which I was totally excited for. We took Odells car since Dave wasn't answering his phone "Hey suga mama look at you smiling" I said cooing at her. She was such a doll and when she was up she was always smiling looking around. I didn't wanna leave her alone "So y'all gonna post her at all I'm sure everybody wants to see what she looks like" I sighed. Having a public relationship meant that people thought they needed to know everything and see everything but this was my baby.

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