To Pretty To Die

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"We got the house all to ourself Jaycee ain't this the life" Dave said getting up from the bed. "You must forgot my due date is two months from now. My bladder is full every twenty seconds and I'm out of breath every sentence" I said slipping on my slides. "I'm just messing around but let me tell you something we need to get baby girl nursery set up."

"I ordered the crib and stuff we just need to start buying clothes and getting the hospital bag ready" I was excited as hell to actually become a mom even though we had Karina. "Well guess what we going to a radio station I gotta promote some shit" I sighed all I've wanted to do was lay up in bed and eat. Dave said the wedding was technically finished we just had the fits to put in place.

But who knew what my snapback game was gonna be. Dave be trying to get me to work out but it don't be working out. "Then go by yourself I'll chill with Jaheim once he gets from back the gym" I put my hair up as I looked in the mirror. "Jay you not fat so your coming out" I don't know why but as I got further along in my pregnancy I just wasn't feeling my sexy self like I use to. I'd taken a break from instagram as well just because I wasn't feeling up to it.

But that ain't stop Dave from posting me and putting me on his snap "Only way I'm going Is if they come to you the only time I'm leaving is for our baby shower" I crossed my hands placing them on my belly. "You look so cute and tiny carrying my little baby" He kissed my forehead. "Fine but I don't wanna hear anything about my outfit its almost 100 outside" I took a shower and put on some distressed jeans and a cropped hoodie with my gucci themed faux fur slides.

Angie Martinez loved Dave and they were having a ball talking about his album he named after Karina. "So everybody knows about you and Jaycee who've you brought along. What's the update on you two" She asked us and Dave let me answer. "Having this baby in two months were just waiting then officially getting married."

"That's exciting two little one's and everybody saw y'all go through some minor issues with Dave's sister and I right" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah but were working on it day and day" Dave said nodding his head. "Are we gonna see more of you and Jaycee as the relationship advances" I smiled. "Of course as soon as my body drops this baby you'll be seeing me snatched and detached" After the interview we stopped by Chic-Fil-A so I could get some chicken nuggets.

"We need to make we home by nine too see Alexis on Star" We were so proud of our sister everybody was gonna come over and watch together. "I know Dave but we gotta go to Kennedy's she needs help planning the shower" He sighed making a turn. "I swear it can never just be a day with just us" I laughed at his dramatic ass. "Nigga we together everyday being alone don't mean nothing. You just want to have sex and I already told ya ass now" He looked at me shaking his head.

"And that's also something else we need to talk about I need to be up inside you every other night. Weren't you the one that said three times a night" We pulled up in Kennedy's driveway. "Yeah that's before this human being inside of me plays around every hour." He grabbed my hand squeezing it lightly. "We gonna see about that" We walked in the house to music blasting from the living room.

"Aye we heard you two were martinez show you blowing up" Desus said hugging us. "You look like your about to bust girl but come on we gotta private" I looked back at Desus and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Girl you need to do some damage control remember your ex Kaleb he out on blogs and shit saying you cheated on him with numerous niggas." I rolled my eyes reading the article he was stating pure bull shit that I knew if I confronted him he would be frozen.

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