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3 Months Into Tour

"Leave me Alone Dave honestly taking my chips and shit" I was five months and Dave just loved bothering my soul. "She gonna cut you Dave if you keep testing her. Acting like she ain't try to suffocate you a few hours ago" Drake shook his head sipping on his coffee from McDonald's.

"Im Dave who she really testing I'm just glad after this shower we going out" I gave him the eye before going back to snacking on my chips. "That's what he think I don't even belong at a club but Dave won't let me stay back."

"Because I don't want you by yourself just watching some sad ass movies. Kennedy missed her flight so now you stuck with me babes" I looked at Drake and Odell and they both looked away. "Man bye I'm not going to no fucking club Five months pregnant with your son. So either you stay with me or you go." He looked at me then Drake "FaceTime Kennedy while you alone aight." I knew his ass was gonna pick going to the club his fast ass loved seeing women throw themselves at him.

"I'm leaving now if any of you call or text me and I don't respond it's because I hate y'all" I took the car back to the hotel and changed into something more comfy. I FaceTimed Kennedy and she was looking so slim and the only thing growing was her boobs and belly. "Bitch I can't wait to get off this plane. This boy been playing on my bladder every few minutes" I laughed.

Me and Kennedy both were having boys so we wanted to plan a joint baby shower for when we came back to Atlanta for a show. Alexis was filming and planning her wedding so she was M.I.A majority of the time. "I'm here by myself because bitch ass Dave wanted to go to the club with Odell and Drake. Let's see if I talk to him when he comes back" I shook my head looking through the mini fridge we had.

"Speaking of niggas Trey said he's all cleared to fill in for you. He should there by the next show." I performed every single night even for 2 sets when Either Drake or Dave has to step back and it was finally catching up to me. I was out of breath quicker and easier and could barely be on my feet for longer then twenty minutes.

"That's why I love him now I got more time to start ordering furniture for the new house" The move to New York was real we desperately needed to get away from Kailee and her negative energy. The last I heard she was an Instagram model promoting flat tummy tea like the rest. "I'm really sad your moving and I'm even more sad that I'm moving too" Kennedy decided it be best to move to Virginia to be closer to Trey and his family.

"I know we growing up and leaving Atlanta behind. How my babies doing I miss them so much" Karina and Zae grew up so much since the last time I seen them. Zae was walking and started talking a little my little baby. "Bad as always Zae done drew up on my walls with her magic markers. When y'all come down here again because you need to take" I shook my head.

"Two more days Kennedy but I'll see you later I'm starving" I ordered some room service then checked on Instagram to make sure these boys were behaving at least. Besides them throwing money at naked women they seemed to be chilling. I ate my food and then went to bed after I binge watched my show.

"Look at my baby mama finally up did you enjoy your night" Dave was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. "Not as much as you did throwing all that money hope you saved some you do have three kids." He looked at me and shook his head. "See you be beasting as if you saw me fucking another bitch chill. I can't be laid up with you everyday drive a nigga crazy" I looked at him as if he was crazy I knew he wasn't talking to him like this.

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