Family Ties

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4 Weeks Later

We ended staying longer after Kennedy gave birth because now I couldn't fly since our baby boy was ready any day now. Everybody flew out so Kennedy's and Trey's house was packed but this was our family at the end of the day.

"Zae is obsessed with Tj she always asking about him. It's the cutest thing ever except she never wants to go to sleep" I bounced Zae on my leg as she was playing with one of her toys. "At least you get some sleep I swear this boy is just like his dad active as hell." They named him after Trey so for short we went with Tj.

"He just like to know what be going at all times stop hating on my boy" Trey and Dave bonded a whole lot after his baby was born. I can only imagine when ours come especially because we still weren't set on a name. Dave was already a junior so I wanted something new but he insisted on naming him after him and his dad.

"My boy need to hurry up and come out already. All these females around me is just a permanent headache I swear" I kissed my teeth his dramatic ass. "What about you always complaining that you hungry every few seconds. I don't know how Jaycee shares three kids with you I'd blow my brains out" Aaliyah said back.

"Where Odell at do you need some dick or something it's too early for your attitude" Me and Kennedy laughed at the usual behavior between them too. "Can we go out or something we've been cooped up in this house for a week. I forgot what outside even looks like or even if humans still exist" Aaliyah sobbed.

"Come with me I'm bout to go pick up some groceries and ice cream" Odell said swinging around car keys.

"Don't be doing nothing up in my car now I just put up my son car seat." I handed Dave Zae so I could use the bathroom. "I'm tired of being pregnant already" I waddled upstairs.

Once I came back Zae and Tj were knocked out on the couch together. "Trey can you get the bassinet from upstairs please. I need a shower, my hair and nails done mom life is no joke" It was about Tim somebody experienced what I go through everyday. "What about Dad life do you know how many guys night out I had to cancel. I have to wait till like after eleven and go into the alcohol cabinet" I laughed at him.

"Why don't we all go out then tonight. I know I need it but who's gonna be the lucky person to stay back and babysit" We all looked at Drake since out of everyone loved the babies so much. "Fine just know I expect a hefty ass paycheck from each and everyone of you" I jumped up giving him a hug.

"Let's go out to eat I am truly limited to what I can do" I said rubbing my huge stomach. Dave helped me with everything from putting on my jeans to shaving my vaginal area. "Yes please I'm running out of takeout spots. Let's go Jaycee lord knows your handicapped can't do nothing on your own" He grabbed my hands pulling me up.

"I'm still shocked that it's just one baby your way bigger then when you carried baby Zae" Trey threw in after finally getting Tj situated in his bassinet. "Can we not remind me please I'm beyond over this pregnancy...and you if you think we're having any more jokes on you" I held onto his arm. We got to our room and I sat on the bench as Dave picked out some outfits for me to wear "Lucky you my wife this is too much" I smiled back at him.

"Whatever I heard the song you and Trey did it was cute but Reflection I think that's about Kennedy. When you gonna dedicate something to me nigga it's been years" He threw a couple dresses on the bed paired with fur slides. "Perfect was about you when you gonna write something about me. You want a whole project together or something" He crossed his arms looking down at me.

"It's okay Dave I still love you Anyways. Now about Aaliyah and Odell why are they so secretive as if we don't know what they be doing on the low. They better not act like this when your starts back up because my babies don't need that" After about a month and some change we were changing sets and finishing up the rest of the tour.

The babies would be with grandma but obviously everybody was able to pick them up and take them out, "I think it's cute remember how we started. I'd always be in your room watching movies, Showed up at your bar tending shifts. I'm what you've been wishing for babe and your everything and more" My emotional ass wiped my eyes before the real tears would start coming down.

We really started from barely friends to being married with kids. Through the ups and down I don't think I would of went through this with anybody else. I couldn't wait to see what our kids would do with this legacy that we've built and maintain not to mention seeing Dave struggle with keeping the boys away from his precious daughters.

A/N: This book is coming to a end in a few parts. It's up to you guys if you want a spin off of the next generation which would be Zae, Karina And Baby David. It would focus of them building their lives off of being the kids of famous rappers and be surrounded by the spotlight.

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