I Want You

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"Oop Girl why Odell Beckham shooting his shot at your" Kennedy said showing me his comment. "The Beckham he's fine Jaycee" I loved how they was acting like I wasn't pregnant or still damn near engaged. "I'm sure he knows my status he just being silly that's all" I ain't take it serious at all. "I'm glad you feel that way because I invited him out here I needed some more male figures" Drake said laughing.

"Jaycee you got it bad you better at least entertain him I won't judge" Alexis said. "I can't with y'all I'm sure me and him will be nothing more then good friends right Drake" I looked at him for reassurance and he just looked away. "If my feet weren't swollen we'd have a problem I promise" I was on the lounger for the most of the morning. I knew if I got up I'd have to pee it was becoming a regular thing.

"Man whatever we gonna have great time once get arrives in like two hours" I rolled my eyes I wasn't tryna be on my petty shit by posting a picture of me and Odell. "Then let's go get ready for breakfast" Kennedy helped me up and we went upstairs. "I can't believe we gonna be on vacation with Odell and he got a thang for Jaybee" I just looked at them laughing. 

"I can't believe you two I ain't here for all this and last thing I need is Dave coming at me talking about this what we do now" When I tell you niggas is the last thing on my mind I mean it. "He living his best life and so are you so suck it up and welcome this new friend" I put on a simple outfit and we went downstairs and Odell and Drake were watching t.v.

"Finally Odell meet Alexis, Kennedy And Jaycee" We all waved then headed to the van to go to breakfast. After breakfast we chilled at the beach which means I laid back sipping on orange juice "So I'm guessing you using pregnancy as an excuse to not do anything" Odell said coming out the water. "Pretty much plus if I step foot I'm pretty sure I'll pee" He sat next to me wiping his face off. "Then I'll join in because Drake getting drunk at the bar" That surely sounded like him.

"How you even meet Drake me and him are like brothers. Ain't even till recently I heard of you...Your like this big business women" I loved hearing about myself I could hear him go on and on. "He commented on one of my when I broke up with my boyfriend" He told me some more stuff about him and Drake and he honestly a really chill person.

"Do you know what you having yet your getting pretty big" He laughed but I just gave him a look. "I am not getting big sir my belly is just growing thats all" We spent the rest of the afternoon on snap goofing off. Once we got back to the house Drake wanted everybody to cook but I was doing everything sitting down. "I've never seen a more lazy pregnant women" Drake said seasoning the pork chops.

"I don't wanna hear it how about you carry a baby that plays around all day" I sighed putting down the bowl of mashed potatoes. "I'm just gonna take that from you" Odell said laughing. "I have many more months to go and I'm already irritated" I put my feet up and let my head back. "Poor baby and the baby daddy is no where to be found" Kennedy said and out of no where I started crying.

"I know because he's out here being a hoe" I sobbed in between words. "This is the best form of revenge have him thinking one way when its the total opposite" Kennedy said. "Want some chips fatty" I stopped crying and ate the chips. "Nah she dangerous yall see that mood switch" Odell said laughing. "Y'all gonna learn to leave me alone now excuse me I gotta go to the restroom" I got up going to the bathroom.

Of course the media was still rolling around that me and Dave may have broken up. They haven't seen us together and he's on a tour doing god knows what and none of this was sitting with me well. I wanted to just pull up on him and beat some sense in him. I just wanted to be happily married but Dave must be on meds. "Oh your okay thought you slipped in" Drake said. "I'm tired of your jokes can we just get this over with I'm starving" We continued cooking for the rest of the night.

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