You Can't Handle These Shots

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"I don't know why everybody mad at me for saying take it off social media. People don't need to know everything because then they feel titled to get updates" Drake was here helping me fix breakfast for the babies. "Oh well I don't have time to go back and forth with these niggas. I made it clear how I felt and everybody put in disregard. But anyways I'm suppose to be doing another shoot do you think you could babysit again."

"Jaycee you've had a photoshoot everyday why'd you take the kids if you were gonna be busy everyday" I sighed pausing washing the dishes. "You know why if I could take them I would but I'm free tomorrow" He finally gave in and he got comfortable. "You owe me big time I've never watched kids this much" I gave him a big bug before going upstairs to throw on some tights and a tank. After the shot I went back to my apartment and they were all crashed on the couch it was the cutest thing.

I hadn't been really active on my phone as much just because my so called family and friends were going against me on social media. But were praising and welcoming Kailee with open arms as if she went through something traumatic. It wasn't even helping since everybody knew I went back and forth with my weight. I just wasn't in the best place right now especially after having my baby.

"Hey you okay Jaycee really because I think your not" He closed the door and sat next to me. "I am honestly I just don't feel the same from when I did before Zae. Everything's just different and nobody seems to understand or care or even ask. They assume that everything is all happy just cause I had the baby" He looked at me and nodded. "Honey I knew I just needed you to personally tell me so I could help you. I promise as your best friend I'll be there and helping you get over what we like to call postpartum depression."

The next day we all went to the house even though I ain't want to. Drake said he had told Dave everything and he could care less about how I acted he just wanted us all back under one roof. "Damn look at all those cars in y'all driveway I swear y'all running a frat house" He parked on the sidewalk so we had to walk all the way. "What y'all be feeding Karina she heavy as shit" I shook my head. As soon as we walked in it was just busy as shit everybody was here and it was just overwhelming.

"I'll go play with them in the pool they need some sun" Dave pulled me to the side and just looked me up and down. "I'm your husband Jaycee I'm always gonna here for you and more then ever since Dr.Drake helped me understand why you got more crazier" I nodded it helped me a little bit. "Girl we sorry we should of took in consideration that you did just have a baby. We totally understood why'd you rather be home and chill with your baby. She looks so cute in her bathing suit too makes me melt" I went to the backyard and as noted the girls were in the pool and Zae was just chilling and enjoying the water.

"Sis we may fight but you know I'm gonna love you forever" Jaheim pulled me into a bear hug and Kailee followed behind him with Dave. "Yeah its okay Jaycee I understand why you said what you did but I'm just happy the babies don't have to suffer anymore" I made up a face. "Oh no I meant everything I don't like you Kailee just because your related you think you can get away with anything. But no your gonna suffer because you deserve it so you still won't be seeing my kids" She looked surprised and looked back and forth between Jaheim and Dave.

"Are you kidding me do I have to jump through fucking hoops to see my damn nieces. Dave you need to get your bitch because I tried to be nice and she taking it as a weakness." I lunged at her but I guess Dave saw it coming and grabbed me pulling me away. "Weakness bitch I'll mop the floor once again I know you ain't forget I'm from queens bitch" I knew her apology was fake from the beginning I knew Kailee like the back of my hand.

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