Issue 188#

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{The Library} 


'Orphelia didn't want to accept going to the library, what a shame.' Rain sat on a chair, a book set before her while it was leveled to her temples. There were many people searching for books, and others sitting quietly to themselves, lamps lit up. A ridiculous amount of books compiled in bookshelves, as a chair was pulled right next to her. That person took a seat comfortably -- it was Jabez. "You mind tellin' me why you chose the library?" Rain cocked a brow after flipping to another page of the book. 

"Aah've been procrastinating for quite some time..." Jabez calmly sets his elbow on the table, rubbing his temples. "..." Rain waited for what he was going to say. "Aah almost could've met demise to my own enemies," Jabez rubbed his temples. "Should aah just live a normal life instead? Take on a new identity than Jabez 'cause aah don't know how much longer aah can take this." Jabez turned his head to face the albino. 

"You don't have to, you could just become a supervillain instead? You know, forget all of this weight of responsibility--" She was about to continue until Jabez walked away. "Tell... tell Oriel aah love her so much..." Jabez opened a portal before him, Rain stood up. "Wh-where are you going? Granddad?" Rain says confused. "A place... where aah will not return to my old life... ever," Jabez entered the portal as Rain stood there, staggered at the choice of Jabez. "Where.. could you even go to?" Rain says as she set the book down. 

{The Future} 

There were futuristic buildings, sights, other et cetera. "A great start, ain't it?" Jabez looked down at the incredible things he saw everywhere, he felt like there were other forces dwelling on this city. He looked up at the skies, and around him, it's like there was a masked man watching him from the distance. "Dunnit to yerself, hero man!" Jabez leaped away to build distance from that creepy other, the masked man followed after the albino. 

'Gee, aah had no idea the future had a thing for masked people.' Jabez scaled up to the building he clung on, reaching the tip-top at yoctosecond. The masked man reappeared before him on the rooftops, the hero decidedly takes on this masked man."Wait, you must give me time to explain." Neho says as he rose his hands up in defense. "Explain what? Yer followin' me, aah oughta slap you to sleep, then slap you for sleeping!" Jabez responded. He was readily admitted to fighting this fruitcake. 

"I've been waiting for you to come to the future," He says. "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! Who're you?" Jabez instinctively agrees because he read his bodily movements, they didn't show signs of hostility. "I'm Neho, son of Ohne. There was an alternate version of you dwelling on the future, for quite some time. But it wasn't what I aimed for, I waited for 'The Pollyannaish Jabez'." He continued on. 

"Boy, ged to dah point," Jabez stated. "Could you be my teacher?" Neho says. 'Aah caint go back to the past to escape this time, it's either this or going back to a near-death situation.' Jabez thought about what he got himself into. "What would you want me to help you with?" Jabez finally allowed it to happen. "Body Supremacy," He says in broad excitement. "'re kidding?" Jabez accepted it and this is where it got him. 

"All right," Jabez skimmed through this alternate version of himself at the future, collecting memories of what he should know. "Believe me, kid, mastering Body Supremacy is going to really strain ya," Jabez warned as there was another figure that appeared next to Neho. It's another masked man, what a coincidence. "Jabez, it would seem time has brought us together," Ohne says. 

"With your help, he could be what he needs to become." Ohne appeared behind Jabez, a pair of digits fell on the albino's shoulder. "Yeah," Jabez responded. 

Somewhere in the UK.

This is the future, what he failed to realize that his enemies were far more powerful, he hadn't ridden of them. And he was still in the UK, so nothing must've changed. Someone took the jump on the three, the figure is known to be Angular. "Jabez! My foe! You will be eliminated by me!" Angular says as the three vanished out of thin air. Angular was caught off guard, he had no idea where they have gone off to. 

 They were at Germany, Berlin, in the streets. "What was that?! We could've just took him down!" Jabez exclaimed. "That was what I did that for, you have traveled to the future but it doesn't change a thing you've done in the past. You've spared them," Ohne explained that to Jabez. "So.. aah just have put me in a fruitless escape of a superhero's weight?!" Jabez says shocked. 

Neho nodded. "And the sonders can help guarantee you won't have to go through that because I'll be under your tutelage." He says to the albino. "You really have no idea what you're in for, kid," Jabez says. "All right, let's begin making your body but a plaything for you." Jabez walked on ahead while Neho followed as Ohne vanished. 

"My enemy.. Jabez. Do you have any idea how powerful we are all?" Omit's voice echoed in his mind. "We're even far beyond than we once were!" She added. 

He... was planning to return to the past after getting this kid what he eagerly wishes for. 

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