Issue 59#"I'll never say au revoir to my reputation!!"

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{The Outskirts of L.A} 


"Don't think victory is in your whim, albino!" Blackbeard whisked out his firearm once more, instead of it being one, it was a dual match. 'Oh, nuts! He's made more than one of those death-tools again?!' Jabez needed to do something, he's going to get shot while at the same time he's going to get pummeled by Angular. "Surprised, ain'tcha?!" Blackbeard fired two bullets inwards the albino's direction, it was an omnipresential attack coming inwards him. 'Anim's directing my mouth into its direction!' The poltergeist still dwelling within Jabez widened his mouth. 'Say 'AH'!' Anim jested, once the two bullets went thru his orifice. "Its like he wanted it!" Blackbeard stated self-conceitedly. 

'That's off-putting, he wouldn't have done something like that. Its as if something did it to him!' Angular wasn't going to accept Jabez did that, its done right off the bat. Jabez staggers back to one of the goons, they draw out a knife. "Yo, boss! Mind if we give it a test drive?" The knife in his hand appeared to look like a normal combat knife, Blackbeard chuckled in amusement. "Go ahead, ladies!" Blackbeard supported that goon, as the goon came rushing inwards Jabez. He seeped the knife down into Jabez's upper-back, its as if the spirit was being set into aflame. 

'Who did that?!' Jabez fell on his knees, searching for wherever it was, he had finally realized where it was in a matter of nanoseconds. "Let's beat 'im up while he's tryin' to remove it!" They began to charge at him, beginning to kick punch on him. Jabez yanked it out of his upper back, he hardly used an ounce of strength to send them flying away from him. 'That wasn't very bright of them to do that. ' Jabez stood up, spiritual flames was spewing out from the hole. "Do not think I'll hold back!" Angular stood behind him, sending an elbow atop his upper back. 

He fell on the concrete floor once more. 'Are you serious? That wasn't enuff to kick Anim outta my body? He's tough as nails!' Jabez thought, pushing himself up as he lifted himself upwards then sends a horizontally aligned kick into the other. 'The fire's faltering, it can't burn what it can't stop, what I do know about spiritual flames that they're inextinguishable and some form of ultimate flames!' Jabez thought he outlasted an inextinguishable flame?! 

'The spiritual flames was definitely spread rapidly, but that flame wasn't able to do anything. So dying was its choice, Blackbeard was set on the floor, firing bullets thru his arm, causing Jabez to slip downwards. 'Well, I s'wanee! Where'd he even get guns like that?!' Jabez commanded his body to spit out the bullets, it's taking a while to remove due to its properties were truly beyond concepts. Blackbeard set his heel atop Jabez's head, stomping atop his shoulder a few times. "How's it feel to be under the boot, laddie?!" Blackbeard laughed at the top of his lungs. 

Angular blurred before Jabez, smashing his head several times on the concrete road. People were keeping themselves away from the fight, and the police were only going to come out if the hero was going to fail. 

The amount Angular delivered into Jabez's mug, was practically at incomprehensible levels of strength. 'I'm fighting three villains, this is a lot harder when someone's weighing you down, literally!' Jabez's arms and legs were forced down by Anim, he was really trying to give Jabez a hard time. 'Blackbeard might be problematic, but he isn't exactly powerful without that tool!' Jabez remembered something, he brings his strength to the summit as he bangs his head up against Blackbeard's clavicle. "WHOULFF!" Blackbeard fell automatically, just as planned. 

"Did that to surprise cap'n, not too shabby!" Angular grabbed Jabez by the coat, then he hurled him over to one of the structures beyond them. 'That's right! I still hafta deal with Angular, he's far more dangerous than Blackbeard was! And I still don't get why Blackbeard's da captain!' Jabez roughly rolled atop the roof of a ten story building. I needed to pick myself up together, I lost my job, but I won't be losing against this pirate! 

The alike kept on fighting Anim to stand up, Jabez needed to think fast and now. As Angular leaped inwards Jabez's direction, he was nigh to him, thirty feet. He bounces once more, he then drills himself thru Jabez's torso. Forming a hole in his torso, then he landed on the other side of Jabez's standing ground. 'He's mad strong.. I'll admit that!' Jabez held the hole in his torso, as he takes his time to recuperate, Angular waited patiently for Jabez to regain himself. 

'I need to win.. this guy's--' Once Jabez turned to face the other, widening his eyes due to him appearing before him. "Take the palm strikes that can shatter  the heavens and hell!" Angular strikes so fast that it's at faster-than-blinding speeds. 'He only gave me a short moment to recuperate and did that right off the bat!' Jabez was thrown off the edge of the building, descending from it. 'Maybe I could use the air as my advantage, why didn't I think of that any sooner!' Jabez thought after Angular decided to shadow him. 

Jabez sees him from above. 'He won't suspect a thing!' Jabez thuds against the concrete sidewalks, his arms sped up in unbelievable speeds, enough to create a  very strong hurricane capable of knocking out the ones with the strongest muscles. Its meant to do the lungs, once the figure reaches groundwards to Jabez's spot, his landing formed small craters close to Jabez.  Angular's eyes began to shutter, then he fell over to the side. Thudding into the concrete floor, right next to Jabez. "Welp! I oughta get goin', the police can handle them! I bet the vestiges of destruction might be what they can use to find me, or those cctvs!'' As Jabez stormed off, police sirens continued to echo in the atmosphere. 

'Man does it feel good to be a superhero--' Until he's weighted down atop a building, crashing on it. "HAHAHAHA!" Anim began laughing at the top of his lungs, still, this poltergeist is a major butt-pulling thing, but Jabez was going to find a way to kick him out. 

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