Issue 16#"These pirates aren't stopping!"

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--6:30 am--

In the outskirts of the city, the hero had been searching ever since he had recuperated from his altercation with those pirates. Between his digits was a pile of bullets, crushing them in his grasp as it turned into dust, he had held his wrist with an unoccupied hand because it requires sheer will. It turned into dust, letting the gunpowder downpour from the gaps of his digits. 'Where would they be?' As vanishes out of existence, dusting his palms together as he stood on the sidewalks. 

'I can't really inspect the bars anymore, because they wouldn't repeat the same mistake as they did.' Jabez placed his digits underneath his chin, quizzically thinking where would a bunch of pirates be. 'If they're pirates, wouldn't they need a SHIP!?!' Jabez snapped his fingers, those were two qualities pirates always wanted. Alcohol and a friggin' ship, he stormed out to find where the docks were. 'Those pirates are so going to jail and the times they've escaped me is redonkulous!' Jabez leaped upwards the buildings, running and bouncing off of them simultaneously. 

'Come on, I can't be too late! If I am, I oughta sink that ship then!' Jabez saw something from the distance, it's like the docks. He's getting there, and he had finally leaped inwards the structure's roof. 'All right! Lezzsee if you sea dogs are still here!' Jabez pokes his head into the pane of glass, lifting it up from the edges, while a hand sticks out to hold it, as he airmails himself through it. Jabez gets into a fighting stance, while there were a few people in the store. "Sir? Did you just come from the roof?" A clergy looked upwards at the ceiling, Jabez whipped towards the being. 

"I hadda, and didja happen to see any pirates?" Jabez returns to a normal posture, keeping his back straightened. "Pirates? I did, they kinda asked for the biggest and baddest boat. They had the moolah for it, not like they hijacked me." The other responded to Jabez, well, Jabez was waiting for the other's espousing for wherever they had gone."They went to the docks!" He abruptly says, Jabez lifted a thumbs up as he takes the exit like a normal person would. "I thought he was going to make that abstruse exit most do." He shrugged his shoulders, while Jabez had been searching out for the docks. 

'I'll get 'im!' Jabez jumped skywards ; aiming towards the clouds so he gets a better picture. He had landed atop them, scanning from above L.A, silently standing at the rear of the clouds. Aiming for the waters, closely inspecting something afar, it was two pirate figurines. "Voila!" Jabez bounced off the cloud, he knew if he just did searching this way it'd get things done faster than going through every area in L.A. 

"Waitaminnit, its like I feel something coming into our direction." Blackbeard halted his direction, something grabbed his elbow and snatched his gun away. "I ain't gonna letcha use this thingmabobber!" Jabez's grasp effortlessly shatters the gun in his hand, while he distances himself from the other. "Do you HAVE ANY idea how hard that thing took me to pilfer?!" Blackbeard no longer had the power over Jabez, Jabez whipped his head to Angular. 

"You haven't given up, that's what I expected from you!" Angular dropkicks inwards Jabez, the snow-haired hero whipped himself towards the being. He noticed the boat from the side in a microsecond, anticipating for him to go inwards. 'He's fast as attoseconds, but I'm here to finish what I started. And dead on fighting won't get me anywhere, I sink their ship right now and this ends here!' Jabez reacted in a Planck second, grabbing both of his legs as he hurled him inwards the ship. 

It crashes!

"You ingrate!" Blackbeard exclaimed at the being. He charged inwards Jabez, inches away from grabbing Jabez as he shifted away from the pirate's digits. "Pardon the palm!" Jabez slapped his back, sending him into the destroyed ship, along with his first mate. They were like helpless fools, and Jabez stood there waiting for them to say something. Especially, in capitulation. 

"ALL RIGHT! WE'LL GO TO JAIL! JUST GET US OUT OF HERE!!" Blackbeard desperately barked at Jabez, waiting for his assistance. Police sirens were ringing as policemen came out of their vehicles. "All right, police-dudes you can take over! I've finally captured these two, they were rather crafty but they admitted it." Jabez lets the police take care of the pirates, while Jabez looked down to himself. 'The pain, it's gone.. finally! I can go back to work!' He realizes he no longer felt it, so did all this alleviate the pain? 

Who knew to do the direct opposite thing one should be doing, was actually a panacea. "ZOWIEE!!" Jabez jumped over so many buildings, this was an odd reaction to the pain going away, considering the kind of people he usually deals within a workplace. He hadn't realized he was in his workplace, he must've gone too fast. 'That was a Planck second too quick.' Jabez turned his head to his window, it was open. 

"Now I can finally use that room of--" The door slowly opened, unveiling Tessa once more. "Sup!" Jabez arose his hand, she digs through her brunette strands. "GRAHHHH!!!" She had been doing quite fine without the being bothering her. Joe quickly ran down the stairs, making his way to Jabez's office, for some reason the source of sound came from there. 

'What's Tessa being so frenetic for?' He thought once he walks in on the scene. "Jabez, are you all better?" He asked, waiting for his response. "I'm ready for work again, chief!" Jabez made a salute to the other, he chuckled in amusement. "You better get used to it, Tessa." Joe snickered, while Tessa glared at Jabez. "Your existence is insufferable!" Tessa walked out the door, letting him alone while he sat on his chair. 

"Helping people on the double, yo!" He exclaimed as another person entered the office.

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