Issue 124# "Josiah vs Jill!"

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'I don't know what I'm really, I can do all sorts of things. Does that make me an incarnate of an almighty being? I just..' Jill lays on the rooftop ledge, swinging his leg back and forth, his arm dangling and unmoved. 'Why does that same guy come to antagonize me?! I just don't get it!' Jill abruptly thought of the grayhaired yet pale-skinned figure into his mind, belonging to Josiah, narrowing his eyes inwards the image of the being. He knew deep down, that figure must've known something he wasn't telling, whenever it's about, it seemed like the information was hidden from him. 

'I need to know the truth! But who will tell me?' Jill sat upright, narrowing his eyes towards a billboard. 'It can't be that same guy, heck I don't even know his name!' Jill was rather eager to find out about what he was, why was there someone that looked like him. He stood up on the edge, his sure-footedness kept him from falling, he casually walked towards the edge of the building. Suddenly an explosion from a distant building drew his attention, whipping towards the source of destruction. 

'I don't know why! But its like whenever there's danger, my body twinges towards it! Its acting wanting me to do the right thing, this is something vague to me.' Jill streaked over a few buildings and slipped thru the hole of the building. Fire surrounded the insides of it, he covered his mouth to prevent his oxygen from entering him. 'Wait for a second.. what if..' Jill was going to theorize on something, he concentrated on his hearing to find where the people were in. 

"You honestly bore me, you act upon danger, but you don't do it willingly." Josiah walked away from the corridors, standing distances away from him. "You again!" Jill chased after the source of the voice, he was somewhat right about that. "I do advise saving the people, not chase after me." Josiah vanished out of thin air, gone, nothing to do about that. "You gutless dolt!" Jill exclaimed outwards the last seen spot, he then made his way towards the source of screaming. Bursting thru the steel door, once he gets thru it, he ran straight towards the other. 

Sweeping the other out of harm's way, no debris or fire came to hurt the person. He leads the other to the safety exit, he turned his head to the rest of the screaming. It's coming from everywhere, now echoing into his mind, its Josiah, he was toying with the body and mind of Jill. 'I can't... keep this up.' He fell on his knees, unsure how he'll try to resist these things coming back at him. "How pathetic can you honestly be?" Josiah's figure molded before the other, from the fires, they built up and eventually. 

Jill was defeated, while Josiah took care of the job he couldn't complete. He was unconscious, yet his consciousness was awake in a dark realm. A lonely some realm. "You aren't the one, not adept enough to be the one." Voices echoed around him, he bemoaned in the presence of nuisances surrounding him. "Then who is it?! Tell me then! What is it that he has that I don't?!" Jill shouted outwards them, they all suddenly became silent - not a word uttered from them. He stopped himself from making another word, he widened his eyes to see someone sitting on a rock all alone by themselves. 

'Something is telling me... that.. if.' Jill draws himself closer to the figure in the distance, every attempt he did merely retract him. "Hey! I want to talk to you! HEY!" Jill exclaimed but nothing is availed to the other, he fell on the darkness flat on his chest. He wasn't going to give in, something was telling him that certain someone knew something he didn't. He crawled his way towards the figurine, it's not enough, instead of drawing closer. He sunk into the darkness itself, calling out to the other to conduct a conversation with them. 

The figure remained unmoved, he wanted to connect and talk to the other. Clearly, nothing happened, and he's drawn back to reality. He arose from the slabs of burnt wood and metal, he turned his head to the left and right. Its a place of shambles, he began to casually walk towards the sidewalks without a person to bat an eye on him. "That was something I experienced, whatever life I'm holding. I better learn because I'm just nowhere with what I'm doing." He says to himself, keeping his steps normal and controlled. It was the afternoon, still out in broad daylight.

He ignored the eyes of other people, his clothes were burnt, and torn. Honestly, he's doing his best and it just wasn't enough. 'What am I missing?! Whats it going to take to become better than I used to be?! I just!' He was fed up with this, he's acting heroic yet he failed each time in trying to do so. He then sent a punch towards a building, it utterly bursts in his mere fist. 'What?! How did I?!' People were terrified and began running away from the sight of the being, he had no idea he was capable of doing such a thing. "Is that really how you're going to test your strength? In broad daylight?" Josiah curled his fingers to inspect them like a woman, Jill automatically turned to face the other in anger. 

"I've had it with you! I'm sick of you treating me like I'm nothing! Well, I've crushed a building and now I'm going to demolish you!" Jill lunged outwards the other with talons forming on his nails, Josiah casually stole a glance from the other. Josiah merely flicked a finger on the other's head, it explodes in a mere instant. No blood, it exploded from a mere shockwave delivery. "Don't think you'd actually be near me, chump.. you might've learned the hard way from the jungle, but you can never get there." Josiah casually walked away from the corpse left on the concrete sidewalks. 

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