Issue 36# "Uhm, what?"

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{White Star Academy} 



"I'm just glad you're safe!" Yancy says relieved, she carried her lunch box at her side. Whilst walking alongside him, people were staring like befuddled how someone like Yancy was friends with someone prominent like that. "I am, what made you think I wouldn't have been?" Jabez added, looking upwards at her since she's so much taller than he was. He was 5'6 whilst she was 5'9 and still growing.  "So, do you dance. Mister superhero?~" Someone pulled Jabez into a certain direction, it was Bai, her palm under his lumbar whilst her other hand enfolded in his. 

He recoils from being near the other's face, he wasn't sure what to say at the moment."You're a lot better close up~" She was about to steal his lips until his own lips are shifting away like a draggable object into his clothes. "M'wuah!" She devilishly looked upwards Yancy, paralyzed at the sight of what transpired. Bai turned him around, whirling him as she smacked his butt."Sit next to me instead of that 'Yancy', mm'kay?" Bai added. Blowing a kiss into Jabez's direction, 

Yancy noticed something like his lips weren't in place. "Where did your lips..go?" She says, as something once again returned to his lips. "I knew it! She was going to kiss me, and I didn't let her do it." He finally says to the other, adjusting his lips. "What.. are your superpowers?" Yancy wanted to know, as Jabez returned to her side. "Body Supremacy or I can do anything with my own body and anybody else's. And secondly, I'm a reality warper." Jabez paused before the other, letting his hands move intricately. 

She understood without an explanation of what, because superpowers are usually conventional. As they reach the doors of the canteen, Jabez pushed the door open for her, decorously letting a lady in thru. "Thank you." Yancy entered the canteen, as Jabez had entered alongside with her. Bai looked over her shoulder, her long brown hair draping over a shoulder. "He's still with Yancy, what's it going to take." Bai got off her seat, walking up to the hero with the girl. 

"Hey baby!" Bai waved over into Jabez's direction, he hadn't turned his back because he wasn't sure who she was calling. He noticed the vocal waves were directed into his direction, so he just chose to turn into her direction. Bai cupped his cheeks, looking into Yancy's direction."I kissed him so he belongs to me, okay?" Bai stuffed the male into her frames, both of her arms wrapped around him. "I hate to break it to you, but your lips didn't touch," Yancy says after gulping down her food afterward. 

"Oooh, Yancy. You're adorable, I can sense jealousy." The taller girl sat next to Jabez, wrapping her arm around his hip. "Of course, what would you know about relationships, hun? I stole him already!" Meanwhile, Jabez had a higgledy-piggledy expression for quite a while, he never agreed to anything."Wait, are you the same chick my noodle bumped into?" Jabez asked as she turned her head to him, giggling. "Of course, sweetums."She was about to give him a kiss on the forehead, quickly retracting from the cheerleader. 

"Woah,woah, woah! I never said a thing about relationships, and in truth, we never kissed. And having a relationship with a superhero is dangerous!" Jabez arose his hands up in defense, while Yancy had smirked, knowing that was going to transpire. "What is it that Yancy has that I don't?" Bail pulled him forward inwards her, while her other hand went thru his albino strands."Will you just leave him alone already?" Yancy barked at her, of course, Jabez was genderless, and implying other things by law wouldn't mean a thing. 

"What is he, your boyfriend?" Bai snickered in her comeback. "Bai.. I get it. You want me?" Jabez ran his fingers thru her hair, while she begins to blush."What are you doing--" Yancy abruptly watched the whole thing, until Jabez snapped his fingers. Bai had suddenly become unconscious, wait, she realizes Jabez was only making it seem like an accident, like a girl swooning over a bit too much. "But we don't get the things we want." Jabez carried her bridal style, walking inwards the group of cheerleaders gossiping. 

"His height is absolutely a1 material!" Cheerleader no.5 says after he gently places Bai on the row seat."Didja swoon Bai with your touch?" He was about to turn the opposite direction, he looked over a shoulder. "Something like that," Jabez says after returning to Yancy, he had sat right next to her. "Sorry about that, Bai's had this huge crush on L.A's superhero.. like --- I mean, yeah. She does." Yancy was about to admit it herself but she feigns coughing, about it. "I made a convincing alibi indirectly her squad," Jabez added, making her take a spit-take from her water. 

"Now.. that is savage." Yancy wiped her lips, drinking thru the water bottle's gap. Once Bai had awoken, she looked inwards Jabez's direction."I knew he loved me!~" Bai turned herself into her food, thinking about Jabez. "What're you going to do about that, though?" Yancy flicked her thumb over a shoulder, wondering what he's going to do about it."I could just alternate her memories, but I wouldn't do something villainous like that." Jabez responded, so he was going to have to deal with a relationship he isn't even in? 

"What's the worst part, she actually thinks she's your girlfriend still," Yancy says slightly vexed about it. "Anyway, good chattin' wit' ye Yancy! I gotta skedaddle, some other villains might bolt from their prison!" Jabez leaped thru the canteen's window while Bai waved to him."Buh-bye, babe!" Bai says, waving to him. 'I really want to punch that cheerleader in the mouth..' Once her siblings reach to her table, and a few Yaan's friends were there. "So, I heard Jabez is in a relationship with Bai." Yaan says while Yancy hid her fist in her pocket.'I know the truth, they're not in a relationship.' She didn't want to act like she was jealous, otherwise, people might jest her for who she has feelings for. 

"Bai's really lucky.." Whilst the rest of the students assumed such things. 

"Yeah, I did." Yancy calmly responded. 

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