Issue 114# "War is war."

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'This war better not take so much time, it's not like I've been in this realm longer than I think it is.' Jabez remained clinging on the palm tree with his mere feet and back. "Dear brother, I've heard you had trouble with stronger unlikes, care to spar for a little more polishing in terms of battle?" The third strongest alike known as Jagir, arose his unbelievably ungodly face upwards Jabez. Though, most of the other alikes were doing their own things to maintain their abilities for fighting the entire race of unlikes. "I suppose it couldn't hurt?" Jabez descended from the palm tree, landing on his heels without any forms of discomfort. 

"Good,little brother, now? This isn't about physical work, I'm well aware of your secret omnipotent power 'Absolute Will', you must dominate the fight by doing whatever you want." Sagir added, first he began stretching to get himself prepared. "Of course, stretching is pointless for someone already in full control of their own body." Sagir added, looking inwards Jabez, he hadn't needed to do the same thing he was doing."I dunno, it just ain't my style. Cheating my way thru? Isn't there another alternative way?" Jabez stated he wasn't so sure about doing something like that. 

"Brother, my little brother. This is war, nothing in it is fair, that is the way, to win is to win." Jagir straightened his back and gets into a fighting stance, readily admit to fighting the other. "You must hate and learn the meaning of 'kill'!" Jagir dashed towards Jabez, grasping him by the face. 'I don't want to kill! It isn't right!' Jabez pushed against Jagir's being, Jabez pulled his own head away from the other which caused him to remove his own head. "You must try harder than that!" Jagir hurled Jabez's head inwards the other's torso, causing him to crash thru multiple things in the environment. 

"Gotta get my head together!" Jabez briefly set his head on his own hole. "You can't hope to win a fight against something that will crush you like an ant!" Jagir arose from underneath the floor, like a heap of ungodly monsters coming upwards Jabez. 'I'm nowhere to Jagir! He's undefeatable! But,  I couldn't just demand that I'd want to win.. it's just unjust of me!' Jabez began sinking into the heaps of monsters. "Do something! ANYTHING TO SUCCEED!" Jagir stated after he reformed into his normal being, he hadn't seen a single thing in place. 

Not a trace of Jabez behind.

'If that's what he wants! THEN I'LL GIVE IT TO HIM!' Jabez emerged from the shadows, bouncing outwards the other. "It seems like you're trying to attack me that way?" Jagir's mouth widened unnaturally, its like Jabez was a mere ant to him. "That's been tried and done before, brother, try harder." Jagir's mouth closed on Jabez, ensnaring him inside of his mouth. "Why can't I--.." Jabez fell to his knees, defeated for some unknown reason, despite his indefatigable will, he was brought to weakness and failure. There was nothing he could do against Jagir, maybe it was a little too much on Jabez? 

He did try to defeat the other, its like a cave inside of Jagir's mouth. 'Win..' Jabez was unconscious under Jagir's being, whilst Josiah kept his eyes fixated from the distance.'No kidding about Jagir's place of being the third strongest placer, he brought down Jabez like it was nothing.' Josiah strayed his eyes from the fight, he was trying to keep himself sharp for anything else. Jagir dragged Jabez to a nearby boulder, resting Jabez on it. "You've tried but its not enough, but try your best once we--" Something fwooshed past Jagir, it was a group of unlikes. 

"How long will the truth be veiled, Jagir?" Kingston dusted himself, turning his temples towards the defeated Jabez. "When will Jabez know about our family's fights?" Winsely interposed, it seemed like they happened to know something about this. "It's eventual, he can believe what he wants, none of us created one another, we were created by an innominate being! That is all!" Jagir snapped his fingers, creating an immense shockwave of foul stench. Forcibly making them retract far away from them, in a matter of moments, it vanishes away. 

As alikes emerged from the environment and trees to inspect what befell in this section of the area, once they found their way to Jagir and Jabez. "We were attacked out of the blue, I handled the threat alone.." The rest had confused looks, but what about Jabez, what did he do in that entire time. Jabez's eyes opened to unveil upon the sight of his other alike siblings, he stood upright and adjusting his eyes to the rest of the alikes. "What's everyone here for?" Jabez cocked his brow, Jagir calmly turned to his sibling."Its nothing to be concerned about, remain vigilant of our enemy." Jagir stated so that nobody else would have to unintentionally say something. 

"Do not forget the lesson to winning a fight, little brother." They all began to scatter away, so things were still a little dangerous on Jabez's side. He was no match for Jagir, but if he could do the smack dab move he pulled on Jagir the last time. "Yeah, I won't, after all, I have full control over my own body anyway." Jabez turned his back on them, looking downwards at the lonely road beyond him. 

'Maybe, a little exploration couldn't hurt? There's no way I wouldn't know this like they would.' Jabez began to head out without supervision of the much stronger alikes, going this adventure out on his own. He couldn't leave or go back to earth, why? Because he was needed here, all alikes must minister the war itself. 


{Oriel's hideout} 


She was perched on her chair, contemplating on her own life. Oriel blinked shortly, imagining herself dancing along with Jabez. She once again opened her eyes and to whatever her surroundings were, she shook her head in disbelief. 'Where.. did you go? How long will I keep holding this for you?' 

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