Issue 164# "The finest."

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{Los Angeles} 



"Yes! Strike back! Hit them!" The huge imagery of Jape's head was seen overhead, while Jabez's adoptive siblings were ripping his clothes up. Lots of people teemed him. they ripped his pants and yanking him by the hair. "Caint.. bring harm to them.. aah caint." Jabez shook his head in total disagreement, he wasn't about to give up either. 'If I slip out of their grip, they'll ravage each other. Its what Jape wants! And there's nothing aah can do about it!' Jabez was deadset to be in this cliffhanger. 

"Look at ya! I put you in a vicious circle! Evade and I'll have them kill each other.  What can the poor ol' Jabez do against his arch nemesis?!" Jape daunted him continuously. "Aah just hafta let out my AURA!" His aura crackled around him and briefly burst immensely. They were propelled to distances, his aura faded once they were unconscious. 'Aah need to check up on them!' Jabez rushed to the two of his adoptive siblings, he paused before the two of their unmoving bodies. 

"My little munchkins! Don't worry, y'all be okay when aah'm thru with 'im!" Jabez barely touched them and heard all that was functioning in their bodies. "How sure are ya? That stopping me will be the exact thing you want?" Jape physically appeared before him, Jabez flicked his attention towards the other. "That.. isn't a body." Jabez leaped away from the other, while Jape was in complete shock. 'This is all out of his superpowers! He's supposed to be a gag supervillain, yet, he's the only one that took one of those important to me! And I'm not about to--' He saw a familiar figure in the distance, it was Biming. 

She stepped to the edge of the building, luckily he managed to reach the building. "No! Get away from me! You aren't alive! You aren't!" She trembled back and fell off the building, Jabez ran over to the ledge but what he saw was something he shouldn't lay eyes upon."Mom..." He teleported before her unmoving body, standing there for a few moments as he knelt over to the dead body. He hugged it dearly. 

'Aah really tried.. tried to find you, but, aah caint be everyone. Caint aah?' Jabez was soon surrounded by Japes daunting him, they appeared out of thin air. "Whatsamatter? Mama's boy?! Hah?! See! I'm the only one to ever make ya look like a fool! You couldn't even throw a punch at all!" Japes nitpicked on him while Jabez's composition remained natural. He wasn't about to blubber, this was his job and its causes for being a superhero means to lose someone important. 

'This happens to everyone, bringing them back doesn't change their short lifespan. Aah just need to find him.. and stop him.' Jabez took off his coat to reveal his white sleeves, setting them over his deceased mother-in-law's body. "I know you're pretty tempted to kill me by now! I've already killed your girlfriend and yer mom!" Jape added, Jabez disregarded their presence and preceded onwards. Leaving the area, no longer to return. "And what should I forecast to ya? You're NEVER getting the job you wanted so badly! NEVER! NEVER IN THE WORLD! NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!" Jape wasn't stopping, not until he's seen shedding tears on Jabez's face. 

Serenity remained in Jabez's mind. He altered his perception to a transcendent level, he briefly found of the whereabouts of Jape in an instant. "Personal Mastery, it won't ever let me down." Jabez stole a glance from the Japes and vanished out of their sight, Jape suddenly realized the other became enlightened of his obscure whereabouts. Once Jabez appeared before the other, dwelling about a house, inside of Jape's bedroom. 

When Jape opened his eyes, standing before him, it was a silhouette figure. "Jape. I'm taking you DOWN!" With cobra reflexes, Jabez drew a punch first before the other did. Luckily, Jabez rationally thought of what to do rather than attacking blindly. The other was stunned from the punch, it was unbelievably harder than any other punch he's ever done. Jabez willed his own punch to go beyond and at a downright supreme level. It doesn't create a shockwave, because it seems a little innecessant. 

'How.. did I get knocked out by his punch? That kind of blow.. its..' Jape wasn't able to do a thing, the device must've been obliterated in Jabez's punch to his face. "Aah wasn't holding back.. aah'll just never stoop to your level." Jabez snapped his fingers, transporting Jape to the prison as people of the city were regaining their memories. However, their memories of the supervillain in their minds had been erased, it's because of the machine Jabez destroyed. He left the supervillain's home, 

While Jabez returned to where the body was, it was gone, all that remained was his coat lay about the concrete road. "Hey buddy, the ambulance took care of that body. Don't think anybody's a real fan of seeing one either." A passerby explained to Jabez afterward, he heeded what the other stated. "Yeah, thanks, thanks for that." He reclaimed his coat and redressed himself, walking away from the spot. 

He wasn't interested in what activities the people were doing, he's lost, two people. Jabez kept himself strong, all he needed to focus was being Los Angeles' superhero, there was no clear ending for his job. It was a road leading to problematic issues, his unkempt clothing made him look like a poor person, he could just read some news. 'Aah, Jabez, won't ever fall into the pits of madness! Not even losing important people that mattered to me!' Jabez paused before the newsstand, doing the usual procedure to claim the newspaper. Obviously, to pay for it. 

"That's right! I took away his girlfriend and mother! What a wimp! I bet he's already crying!" Jape exclaimed, clutching to the bar cells without hinting out he'd burst thru it. "Damn.. is it me or are you secretly smart?" Yancy uttered to herself. 

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