Issue 53# "Who will win? Hero or the villains?"

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{The Villains Bar} 

'These guys aren't holding back, they're going to straight up murder me! If I'm not careful, its curtains for me.' Jabez was trying to improvise on this situation, needing to think a little more clearly.'I'm fighting all of them at once! I've never beaten them like this.' Jabez was punched across the face by Angular. "This is your death table, Jabez, victory can never be yours when you've struggled with each and every one of us!" Demogorgon blurred behind Jabez, ramming against him to send him straight inwards Tessa's direction. "I've been waiting to do this in a while!" Tessa sends a kick at him, sending him into Omit's direction. 'They're playing hot potato, and I'm the potato!' As he takes a headbutt to the face, sent straight into the center of the room. 

'These guys are going to destroy me. I need to think fast..' Jabez was on his knees, being surrounded by his enemies. 'Demogorgon made his suit to counteract with just about anything, while the rest have beaten the pulp out of me before.' Something to his surprise, Singe arises from the floors he was knelt on. She grabbed him by the hairs, flying upwards the ceiling."Haha! I've always liked overpowering you, you impudent gnat!" Singe hurled him straight towards a wall, busting thru a magically enhanced stone wall. 

In the outskirts of L.A

'I can't run and I know it!' Jabez arises from the debris he was laying on. "You come all this way to L.A to save your city? You really oughta come up with a plan to stop all of us!" Severus sashayed inwards Jabez, as he paused before the being. He arose his foot and squished him with his big foot, Jabez was curbed from continuing forward. 'These guys are relentless!' Jabez saw the rest of his villains coming for him. "Jabez, tell me.. can you really outwit us like this? You're ineffectual, just admit it! Defeat is already in your weight, albino! We're the leaders of L.A, it's about being the most fearsome!"While Jabez's torso was being squashed by Severus, Demogorgon walked up to the albino. 

He arose his foot and smashed his foot against Jabez's mug. While another armored figure walks in on the scene, it was the same dead corpse Demogorgon used against Jabez the last time they fought. "It's not about being good lawful, your own morals lead to this!" Demogorgon was assuming he was crushing his face until it went flat. "Where did he?" Severus arose his foot, while Demogorgon retracted his. 'He must've let us think egotistically of ourselves, thinking taking advantage of us would be easy!' Demogorgon began scanning the concrete et cetera, hoping to find something. 

"Hahur! Found ya, buckaroo!" Jape sends a kick into Jabez's head sticking out of the ground, it sends him into a building. 'Even with that as recourse, it'll be pointless hiding from the walking gag villain. I have to construct a plan.. if I really want to save L.A it has to be a way to win.' As Jabez thuds against a brick wall, while the rest of the villains draw their attention in Jabez's direction. 'I can't exactly touch them if they'll attack in coordination like this. There has to be a way to catch one of them off guard!' Jabez forced himself outwards the wall's hole, as they were before him. Omit began to crack her knuckles, as the rest were normally waiting for him to move. 

'I can't afford to lose to villains.. this is my city.' Jabez gets into a fighting stance, as Tessa narrowed her eyes inwards Jabez silently. 'But, calling for help isn't going to do anybody good! It'll cause them worse than these villains.' Jabez narrowed his eyes at them, as Angular sashayed inwards him. "Surrender, you've lost, hero. There's nobody to help you, not even the people would bother trying to help."Angular stated, Jabez looked at the concrete floor under him. 'They're in front of me. Biggest mistake!' Jabez uprooted the concrete floor, and multiple buildings causing destruction in the city. Most of the villains were sent flying, except Tessa, Severus, and Demogorgon. But as the villains return coming back at him. 

'Seems like Tessa counteracted her own inertia, same goes for Severus and Demogorgon. Severus just might be immune.' Jabez thought, at least he was able to do something against them. But Omit appeared behind Jabez, putting him in a full nelson lock. "You really outdid yourself, you have! You barely managed to do something against us! But, luck isn't your superpower.. is it?" She says as the villains go in a beeline to begin pummeling on Jabez. 

Everyone had their turn, how does Jabez call himself a hero if he's getting beat up by these guys. "Who will come to help you defeat us??" As Omit had delivered the last blow. "Are you still going to stand up and humiliate yourself? I won't bother you for doing such a thing, after all. You want to be the hero L.A needs, and at a time like this. " Omit stood over Jabez's body, he's taken so much punishment from these villains. "Isn't the greatest, really? Heroes usually get the grand picture of being dead." While Jabez outstretches for dirt from the broken part of the concrete floor, he spreads them outwards at them. "I better just play dirty then!" Jabez stated, after kipping upwards at her. 

Sending her straight at into Tessa. "You dirty little--!" Demogorgon was filtering out the dust scattered in their vicinity, Jabez lunged inwards him. Ripping out helm to show his face, causing him to cough. "It doesn't matter how I'll beat you, yeah, rub it in all you like! But this will never change.. I'll find my ways!" Jabez ripped the side of his neck's armor, grabbing his wrist then hitting him in the upper part of the arm. Delivering a dim mak pressure point, knocking him down at ease. 

Jabez armored up in Demogorgon's gauntlets only, he pointed them at Tessa and Omit. "Not a second to waste, she needs time to react and use her powers!" Jabez blasted beams at them, this was created by Demogorgon, so it's sure to just put a number on them.  Another punch is sent at Jabez, by Jape, causing Jabez to fell on a knee. Jabez reared one of his fists and sends a punch into his groin, the gauntlet in Jabez's left arm shattered into pieces. "WHOULFF!!" Jape staggered away from Jabez, he took a punch to where its funny. "He's standing a chance now?! HOW!?" Severus says.. things were beginning to turn on them. 

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