Issue 154# "Discrediting a true hero."

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{Los Angeles} 


"Sorry Jabez, you just aren't enough for this city. Omit's done a complete job in saving the day." A person pointed at the albino-like he wasn't pivotal to them. "Yeah! She's done way more than you ever could!" Another person added, loudening their voice. 'What are these people on about? Has Omit enchanted them to believing in that?' Jabez wasn't withered by their words the slightest, more like he'd effortlessly brush it off. "Nobody needs ya anymore! You can just beat it!" Then crowds of people continued the remonstration against the albino, he isn't getting what did Omit do that he couldn't. 

"Don't worry folks, he won't be around forever. In fact, I've given him a run for his money already!" The news channel flickered in one of the televisions. 'So she usurped my title as the superhero of this city? Reckon aah oughta catch her on a certain situation, but at a time like this. These people will just denigrate me.' Jabez walked away from the scene, whilst the people pompously watched him leave. "Knew he had nothin'!" Another added, sure he might've kept his lips stagnant, however, it shouldn't be regarded as ignorance. He collectively thought of a plan to regain the respect of his city once again, he's lived here for so long, yet to have himself discredited by a false superhero. 

The afternoon breeze was warm and gentle, clean roads and sidewalks. A perfectly stable system in the streets, he turned his head towards the few posters of Omit regarded as L.A's new superhero. "Isn't that guy Jabez? Heard about him being discredited, really rough to hear that." A group of ordinary people watched him silently walk alongside the concrete sidewalks. "Yeah, it totally is him. If I were him, I don't know what I'd do in public." Another stated, keeping their voices low so it wouldn't deliberately draw his attention. 

People that saw Jabez gave him the stink-eye, perceiving him as a great and sore loser. It seemed a little too much on one guy, yet, what'd you expect from stupid people believing in things quickly. 'Yes! I want to see you fall over and lament!' Omit watched him via absolute sight, she waited for the moment of truth. For when he'd give up and show more vulnerability than he normally should, except waiting for such a long time for him to change expressions. It hadn't harrowed him the slightest, he thought of it as a curb to become the hero once again. 

"Of course, I can stop all forms of crimes in a *snap* after all!" Omit showed the news people with a mere snap of her fingers, criminals bundled up together in a spring net appeared before them. The people were easily astounded by the incredible sight, seeing this as the easiest way to live life without a crime to continuously exist in the realm. 'Why don't you become a supervillain! Hate me! JUST HATE ME! Give up being the superhero already!' Upon a few of waiting for any changes to happen into the hero. 


He scaled upwards a building, perpetual darkness flooding everything in the city. Thusly activating street lights and car lights, once he reaches the tip top of the building. He walked towards the stairway leading up to a billboard, each step made a small metallic noise. 'People caint trust me now, so aah've gotta take things to a whole nother level. I must ascend from my body.' Jabez sat right next to the billboard, laying his back against the metal edge. His spirit naturally leaving the vessel of his, there's not much of change, not even a ghost tail to change his expectations of spirits. 

"Awright! Time to catch me a downright criminal!" Jabez fled out to where the presence of Omit was. 'Is that it? Are you going to catch me off guard like that? Never thought you'd stoop to somewhere like that, Jabez.' Omit thought of doing something truly rebarbative to damage his reputation even further, not just claiming more things about heroism. 'Perhaps I can do something to him while he isn't presen-- another soul inside of his body? He has prepared well.. all I just need to do is set him in a scene of the crime.' She continued to analyze without the need to close in on it, just remain around the welcoming people. 

She quietly headed into the shadows, she disguised herself as Jabez himself. Once she came out of the shadows, flying into the skies. She was able to turn herself into him via absolute existence, just like Juma was able to do so. "This city needs another villain! HAH!" Omit caused destruction on the streets, people, enjoying every second of displaying as Jabez and discrediting him even further than this. 

"Hah! Where's your hero now? This is what you get when you mess with the albino!" Omit pompously says whilst people were struck in complete fear. The news even caught images of what he was doing, robbing banks and knocking the police. Thereby causing Jabez to become a wanted criminal, while the real mccoy Jabez searched out for where Omit would be. 'That's odd if she's L.A's superhero already. Where in the hecky is Omit?' Jabez hadn't been concentrated on the destruction, negligent to it. 

'The fool hasn't realized it! I did this against him! Made his reputation beyond irretrievable! No longer will they see him as their hero! But as their criminal! He'll just have to learn things the hard way!' Omit teleported herself out of sight, the people's hate and fear against Jabez grew explicitly. Whilst Omit appeared out of nowhere and began helping people out of the destruction laid in the obvious junctions laying about. 

"That's our hero! Helping those in need! Unlike what Jabez had done! He's completely lost himself!" The news reporters had even sided along with Omit. 'Pfft, how easy is it to discredit a lowly superhero like Jabez. This will really break his spirit.' As she witnessed Jabez's spirit return to its body eventually, he saw nothing more than posters about him being a criminal spread all around the city like a virus. 

'What?!' Jabez had no idea what was going on, it's confounding.

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