Issue 122# "Jill's new life as a superhero!"

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'I haven't realized I don't even need to eat at all!' Jill's stomach hadn't ached nor became anxious for eating, its like he was capable of surviving without sustenance. He walked away from the restaurant calmly without perturbing the people inside of it, its a little weird how he's managed to do this by himself. 'Whoever owned these powers must've had a convenient life! No more problems and stress!' Jill pauses before a stop sign, leaning his back against it. 'Perhaps I should learn something about my own newfound abilities, I can't rely on just them.' He turned his head to the pane of glass, his own hair was white, so he thought about alternating it to blue. 'I guess I'm learning a few my own powers!' He was astounded to his own accomplishment. 

His hairdo was fixed to a ponytail, dressed up like a man in the business. "This life of tedious things!" Tessa was smartened with a life full of normality until she thudded into Jill. It's like something was endowed to her, she narrowed her eyes in his direction."What are you looking at?!" Tessa grasped Jill by the collar, lifting him high up with one arm.'Waitasecond! I've my powers back again!' She hurled him aside, she was on a tour to Canada. It explains why she was there, while Jill had no precise idea why she antagonized him out of the blue. 

'Time to regain all that I've lost!' Tessa headed out, while the blue-haired hero kipped up. He searches out for the presence of the female, he never thought there was another superpowered being lurking around. 'Where did that abnormally strong woman go?! I thought she was a normal person only!' Jill scratched the back of his head, he was higgledy-piggledy about his experience with that person. Tessa hid in the shadows, grinning at the sight of her prey. 'Although, he did look like someone I knew.. bah! It should be easy to make a fool out of him!'  Tessa wanted to toy with this incognizant blue-haired figure. 

'Something's telling me I should be more wary of those I meet. Yeah! Let that be a lesson to myself.' Jill continued onwards, for a beginner in a superhero life and given a fruitful power but using it in such a piss-poor level was a noob way of doing things. Jill was a bit of a trainwreck for someone using these powers, due to the one that helped his existence come to be gone from existence, he lacked the needed training. 'Time to change the weather on him.' Tessa snapped her fingers, abruptly, the clouds began to nestle closely to one another. 

A gale of ice and hail leveled into Canada, nearly everyone outdoors quickly made their way into safety. While Jill took a glut of hail and ice, causing him to freeze up mildly and get himself hurt badly. He wasn't tough or strong as the original one, yet, he was going to take time developing himself. 'What is up with this weather..' An hour later, he was ensnared in an ice block, unable to move properly. Thick snow covered the streets, buildings, the people were helping the policemen clean up. 

'What a shame, he's really puny! Which makes it royally boring to have him as an enemy, where on earth am I supposed to find someone like.. no! I shouldn't say the name, calling the dead isn't the one thing I'd do.' Tessa narrowed her eyes inwards the sight of Jill, he couldn't even put up much of a fight against her. 'Canada's got a really lame superhero if they're ever to rely on someone like that!' She turned her head to the opposite side, sinking into the solid concrete via intangibility, once she was no longer in sight. 


"Whew! I'm just glad we got out of that vicious circle!" Iboet made it to the barricade, finding something to sit behind while the three had made it along with the ginger."I am too! That was crazy, we should just rest up for a while." Vamos picks thru his inventory, picking the water bottle whilst the rest did the same. To regain a little bit of energy, they needed to conserve their energy. "Hey! Why's that graffiti look similar?" Aledran walked up towards an aesthetic piece of art, it had a similar complexion of Jabez but the rest of its features were a little mongulated. Its the exterior parts that made it look different but overall, the skin had similarity towards Jabez. 

"Maybe, it's just an instinctual feeling?" Vamos didn't want Aledran to bring up Jabez. The leader carried the knowledge of Jabez being nonexistent now, there was nothing he could do about it. "He almost resembles.. Jabez!" Soasa says. "Yeah!" Iboet stated. Vamos just let it slip aside, it's not like keeping this a secret is gonna do much, it merely changes the vibe of theirs. Vamos just wanted them to feel happy, its what his friend would've wanted. 

"Who dares say my little brother's name BROADLY?!" An angered voice abruptly changed their atmosphere. They were shaken up, once a figurine forming itself out of the most atrocious things, it shapes and sizes itself to the needed form. A few feet from them, they stared inwards the direction. Vamos drew out his sword, he wasn't sure if they should actually try to reason with him, because it sounded like what they were talking about rattled him up good. "Easy, we're just here to clean California is all. We don't want any trouble." Vamos says outwards the other, while Jagir casually folded his arms under his torso. 

"Trouble? You've just started it! Nobody dares disrespect the dead by calling them!" Jagir snapped his fingers to create eldritch creatures, once they were created, they were instructed to attack the group. "Jabez is--" Iboet dashed to the side. "Dead?!" Iboet says in utter confusion, she couldn't believe it. "No! He can't be!" Aledran rolled away from the creature's attack, rushing inwards Jagir. "YOU BETTER TELL US STRAIGHT!" Aledran said in outrage. 

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