Issue 145# "It isn't death."

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{Los Angeles} 


{The Veracity show} 

"Come to wallop the queen of the world? I'll give you the free will to do so, infront of people and the cameras." Tessa widened her arms, crossing her legs on the sofa. This was going to be the decision he needed to make, he wasn't exactly like hero Jabez could be, but he's doing the best he can as an older would for their indisposed sibling. '..She's good, she got me under a situation where it decides the reputation of my sibling, her allegations aren't the problem, its the people.' Juma stood there several feet away from her whilst people had been streaming this whole thing. 

"Is he going to do it?" The hostess watched the invariable being stand there. 'No good standing around, I'll have to spice things up.' Juma set the people into stasis, including the cameras to prevent an eye to bat on the two. "All right, imposter. Tell me, who do you think you are to pose yourself as Jabez?" Tessa casually stood upright, narrowing her eyes inwards the direction of the being. 'It's like this guy is preventing me from penetrating his disguise, its like he's Jabez, but not exactly..' Tessa thought, she assumed she would be able to do something about him. 

"Aah'm the real Mccoy, what makes you think aah'm not the one?" Juma responded to the other's question. "Jabez never had an overabundance of superpowers," Tessa replied towards the other about the said subject. "Your comprehension  about me is flawed, just like this farce you've coined up singlehandedly." Juma pointed his finger inwards the being, he made a remark that somewhat causes her vexation. "Fine! You want to play pretend forever?! I'll just force it out of you!" Tessa charged towards the other, her right hand engulfed in something MEANT to oppose all that is considered superpowers. 

"You will lose every single thing you've ever earned!" Her palm prodding up against his face, Juma hadn't moved or flinched the slightest. He withstood it, casually grabbing the other's wrist as he turned it to the side. "Just who are you to be JABEZ?!" Tessa's meta superpower manipulation had no effects on him."First, I've dealt with him in a dream world and some carbon copy pretending to be him! What has this world become?!" Tessa griped aggressively. 

"I've told you what you needed to know," Juma reared a fist, delivering it thru her head; it passes thru her head. "ARGH! Do you know how much that stings?!" Tessa retracted from the albino standing there broadly. 'This can't be happening here! Why are things different here from that accursed dream realm?!' Tessa narrowed her eyes inwards the other, clutching on her own head. "I'll make a grave out of you! I can do anything! ANYTHING!" Tessa conjured almighty magic in her digits. 

"Do you know what I'm capable of doing?!" Tessa exclaimed. "Quit the blathering, and get on with it." Juma lunges inwards the other, they burst thru the walls. 'This guy isn't whistling in the dark! Whoever he is! He's not Jabez!' Tessa warped reality as they were about to collide into a colossal sized tower composed of strawberry cake. Juma bounces off Tessa and clung onto the cake like it was a solid form, she thought about something, the way how he utilized Jabez's powers were incredible, it's like him. 

But not him. 

'Just who does this guy think he is? The legit Jabez?! ' Tessa narrowed her eyes at his alight on the cake mass structure, she does exactly the same thing. 'She can't get thru my disguise, let's keep it that way. Now, to thwart her.' Juma ran towards the other without squishing the surface, she prepared herself against this being. 'There must be a difference between the two! There must!' Tessa wasn't able to adapt against him, so, instead, she would use her own excess of superpowers against the other. 

She warped the physics around them to alternate without limits, colliding into one another their battle while not a single camera remained active within the boundaries of outside.

{Jabez's personal domain} 

Everything completely darkened on him, unbeknownst to its causation. Yet he can easily see thru the darkness.  Something like a voice leads him towards a certain direction like it was calling out to him. "My love.." The voice had him frozen, he knew exactly whose voice it belonged to. "Don't you want to be with me? Where we can do things together forever?" It legitimately sounded like his dead girlfriend, he wasn't willing to continue onwards. 

"Sorry, aah've got an initial job line as a superhero still. Death isn't the solution.. people are counting on me, and people that aah care about too." Jabez turned his back on the source of voice leading him to the direction, keeping away from the voice. It deadened on him, he heard something like it bid farewell to him. Everything eventually colored itself, he stood before the grave of his dead girlfriend, Bai. 

Jabez had a rose curled up in his fist, he knelt over to gently settle the flower on her grave. 'Aah really caint, that's not what aah would do.' Jabez walked away from the grave, he walked across the pathway of crystalized platforms. Is it perhaps he had no longer felt the love for his lost loved one, it's self-evident he'd choose to remain and wait for his full recuperation. 

Love doesn't last forever. 

Briefly, he faded from existence, it's like his body had a short movement. Yet he remained quiescent within the intangible cube, once again he reverted into his inner realm. 'Does that mean aah'm almost there?! It must!' Jabez was overjoyed to the news of himself being returned to its former glory. 

{Los Angeles} 


"Nobody ever dares stop searching for that criminal!" Tessa pointed out in the news, her mug was bruised, claiming Jabez as an incredibly dangerous person. The whole city was off its rocker, loud sirens and continuous searches for the albino. 'Things have gone a little problematic..' Juma had hidden behind a billboard, waiting and anticipating for something. 

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