Issue 137# "Another attack from the unlikes."

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{Los Angeles} 


'Aah really need to get a job.' Jabez hadn't been able to catch up to one of his main goals, like getting a job. Construction workers had been taking care of damages in certain junctions of the city, he really wanted to get a job that involved helping mentalities of others. He wanted that job again, as a psychologist once again. He ambled his steps towards home, he was thinking about the objectives he wasn't able to ever grasp in a long time. 

'All of it was just some sick joke! Nobody in the world was going to change! I knew it!' Thomas had stood on a ledge of a building, he had been fed up with the world's harshness. He takes a step off the edge of the building Jabez was near to, he descended downwards the streets while people were in dread of the person's impending doom. The ground he landed upon hadn't killed him, it was like the physics of this junction had been warped. 

'Don't want death happening upon volition of suicidal notion!' Jabez stole a glance from the policemen surrounding the person, he wasn't going to interfere in the other's business. 'Sorry, Thomas, its mah duty to be the hero, not let death happen.' Jabez witnessed the policemen escort the man into the vehicle, doing something like that was truly unbelievable. Yet nobody was going to explain the part how that person was still alive from that? 

What had Jabez done to his city, he altered the physics of it. Thusly the reduction of death and false superhuman abilities dwell about his city. 



"Ani's  home, we best spend our time together like the ways we used to." Chen casually opened the door until a larger hand covered her mouth. Reducing the sound of screaming, whilst Chun had found the scene and rushed towards his sister's need. "Don't touch my sister, creep!" Chun threatened the silhouette figure from the distance until he fell into unconsciousness. 

"Puh-lease, this is all the family he has left? It's dying slowly." The figure's being is unveiled as Kate, she hurtled the girl towards the kitchen. Inexplicably, Chen was reflected back to the other like the table and objects weren't solid at all. "huh?" Kate was confused for a second, taking a punch directly into the face. 'What.. on earth just happened? Did the physics on this planet change?! Who dare messes with the laws of physics?!' Kate was sent outwards the building itself, whilst Chen painstakingly gazed at her own wellbeing. 

'How.. did I do that?' She was utterly confused. 

"All right! You've started a war you hadn't-- hurng.." Kate slowly turned to the opposite side, it is like her entire being was being utterly controlled by something else. Like she was being possessed already, being lead elsewhere and far from the house of the Fu Huang family. "What's wrong with that lady, first she attacks and now she chickens out?" Chen cocked a brow at the sight of which direction she was taking. 

'Why can't I break free of this grasp! Who is doing this to me!?' Once she paused before a dead end alleyway. "So, you thought you'd just mess with me while I'm not around?" Jabez had freed the other of his meta possession. "How on EARTH did you do that? You weren't this powerful from before!" She shook her head, a little dazed upon what befell onto her. "So you've come to strike my city and harm the people aah care about?" Jabez unveiled himself from behind the other, folding his arms under his frames.

"Heh- I knew you were vulnerable like any other superhero would be." Kate turned to face the shorter figure. "So you've been alive all these years? Good for you, aah just got back from all those years I missed as a hero." Jabez snapped his fingers, alternating the environment around them into his personal inner realm. "What is this? Some parlor trick?" She looked around herself, it's like a place filled with inanimate objects waiting to be destroyed. "Aah assure you, this is the real Mccoy." Jabez then appeared atop a building, he used to be lesser than Kate herself back then. 

"I declare your every fiber of your being, to no longer exist," Jabez stated outwards the other, there wasn't a need to fight at all. "What is that? Some joke? Nothing has happened to me!" She remarked outwards to the albino. "This is just a dream," Once again, he snapped his fingers, reverting things to the exact place and planet, soon, she was nowhere to be found. He truly did declare her existence into nothingness, she never expected such power to come from the albino. 'How.. how did he achieve such a level of power? He used to be.. so pathetic and weak then!' Those were the last things she thought about. 

Unlikes eventually teemed the albino, these looked like those minions of hers. "Leave my city, unlikes." Jabez only warned them of the dangers of what he was capable of doing against them. The unlikes attempted to search out for the presence of Kate, yet nothing availed to them. "We should leave! I don't sense a thing from Kate!" One of them says, almost tensed up about Jabez's presence there. 

"Leave? We had this guy beat before!"  Three of them weren't going to weasel out of this fight, instead, they charged animalistically towards Jabez. Jabez didn't move a single bit, instead, they were turned into nothingness without a word to be said. He realized if they had powers that would prevent their deaths. It shouldn't be a problem before, only two remained petrified in the sight of Jabez. "Leave." Jabez turned his pupils towards the direction of the two remaining dead on the spot, they teleported away in the instance. 

The two had teleported into a dark realm, where their 'leader' would sit on the throne. 

It was an immense figure sitting on the chair."Who could effortlessly bring my unlikes to their knees like this?" The figure was somewhat of a nonphysical being, yet its features were quite threatening like a chaotic being."Twas the seventh strongest alike! Jabez! He no longer was what he used to be! Milord!" The two say quickly, he found himself amused. 

"Jabez.. huh, perhaps I should step in line to fight this alike." The causa sui being quizzically stared at the two, smirking evilly. This being was one of the higher races, part of Casua sui. "He will be on his knees once I'm thru with him!" Snark exclaimed loudly, reaching out to many of the unlikes in this realm. Including thru its entire universe. 

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