Issue 87# "Go-for-broke!"

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--11:30 pm--

The mafia woman had been firing bullets out thru her car window at the figurine tailing after them. 'Is that supposed to be one his enemies?!' Her eyes held aggression and hatred towards Singe's direction. "Fool! Do you think bullets can hurt me?" The bullets merely deflect upon contacting on the said being, she utilized her telekinesis. Singe retaliated her; by sending back the bullets to the vehicle itself. She retracted from the open car window, ducking over, some were in her direction, she simultaneously evaded them all. In a single spot, she turned her head to Jabez's direction if he was bothered by any chance. 

'Tsk, does this fool think she can get away?' Singe hovers over to the rear of the vehicle, she flipped it over as it repeatedly skips over the road. "*^%^!! $%^&*!!" Yancy was tumbling all over the insides of the vehicle. 'What does this wench want from us?! What did we ever do to her?' Yancy had failed to realize it was whom she took inside of the vehicle. Their vehicle landed on the right side, whilst Singe appeared before them. "Do you think it matters? How much you'll keep fighting against me?" Singe dismantled the entire vehicle itself in nanoseconds, ensnaring Yancy in the vehicle's parts like a straitjacket on her. Yancy collapsed to the ground due to Singe's telekinesis commanding it.

"Let me tell you something, Yancy, he doesn't love you. Its self-evident his heart belongs to someone else, he doesn't trade his heart for scoundrels like you." Singe's words enraged Yancy internally and externally. "You mother#$%^&*!" She responded in outrage, whilst Yaan was searching for a gun to deal with her. She was summoning her own strength thru external rage, her eyes narrowed like a wolf. Gritting her teeth upon what this other had said to her, whilst Jabez was still afloat in this battle. Due to Singe's telekinesis. 

"You hate the truth, don'tcha? Predictable, it hurts more than a lie. Doesn't it? You're merely a mortal, you do not stand a chance against me!" Singe walked up to the other, looking down at her, standing triumphantly over her. "Look at yourself, you're a scoundrel. Villain once wakes up and   finds out you've killed people he'll think of you as an enemy forever." She sets her heel atop her straitjacket, the sharp parts within the metallic jacket begin to seep into her being. 

Yancy kips up madly and tore thru the metallic straitjacket in pure rage. "SCREW YOU!" Yancy exclaimed aggressively, delivering a punch across her jaw. A knee into her abdomen, she clasped her digits on her shoulders as she impacted her own head against the other. Additionally adding an uppercut underneath her chin, a few moments from standing away from her. "!" She suddenly felt sore pain shooting in her forehead, knuckle, knee. 

"It wasn't such a wise decision, but I'm surprised  a human like you can withstand even punching someone like me without breaking a bone." Singe rammed up against the other, knocking her back into a street light post and through a stone wall. She rolled across the concrete floor, she spat blood on the  tiled floors.  They entered inside of a hotel. "You're even doing much better than any human can. It takes a lot to actually fight me." Singe fired energy beams into her direction, thankfully, she found cover to a nearby corner wall. She quickly dashed to the wall beside her, dodging the energy beams thru speed. 

"You bore me, Yancy. Why'd you bothered interloping on something I was about to show L.A, how much of a loser Jabez is? After all, he sent you to jail. Didn't he?" Singe calmly walks up to the corner wall she was standing in. 'I gotta bail! She's too much for me to take on!' Yancy began to run away down the hallway, a few seconds later Singe was soon seen following Yancy down the hallway. 'I hate that *****! She thinks she knows everything!' Yancy turned to face her, whisking out a grenade from her pocket. 

Yancy hurled it towards the other after yanking the pin off. Someone was about to enjoy their day 'til a grenade exploded before them, Singe decided to create something like a magical spear. Singe charged towards the other, impaling her thru the abdomen and then switching it up to the shoulder. Pinning her against one of the apartment doors in this building, it was quaint how a mere human can take this much. 'I'm bleeding up, really bad!' She sends a curb stomp on Singe's face, temporarily taking her eyes away from the field of observation. 

Yancy pulled it out of her shoulder, she began to run far away from the other. 'I've got a bit control over my own human healing, just got to concentrate hard enough!' Yancy managed to prevent the bleeding from continuing onwards.  "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" Singe threw her spear outwards the other, she quickly turned to face it and brought up her hand to protect herself from it. "****!" Yancy pulled the spear out with her strength, she performs a series of acrobatics to go inwards the exit itself. 'I need to wake up Jabez and get help from him!' Yancy hadn't shown hindrances despite what befell on her, once she bursts thru the pane of glass. 

Not a sign of care about how much the manager was going to pay. 'I'm in so much pain! Right now! But bear and gritting it should be worth it.' Yancy continues onwards to search for where Jabez was, he was still unconscious, lying on the ground. Yaan brought out an RPG and fired it towards Yancy's direction. Yancy unnaturally evaded it point-blank, what amazing flexibility to save her own butt. 

"HEY--" She then heard the explosion happen thirty feet, it contacted against Singe's being. "Sorry, she's like crazy!" Yaan stated, a little quaint how Yancy was the one with the skills rather than her own brother. "Don't think you'll win." Singe walked out of the smoky fumes, walking up straight towards them. 

She withstood it, as she reaches the two protecting the albino. "Sayonara, mortals." She readies out quintessential energies, blasting it upon them. She was expecting to see them turn into dust, to her expectations, Jabez had defended them from imminent doom itself. "YOU?!!" Singe says in outrage.  Jabez delivered a sends a palm strike into her face, impacting her heavily, causing her to recoil from him. 

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