Issue 66# "We need a hero just in time!"

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{The Old Zoo - Griffifth Park} 

An antiquated zoo the kids were inside of,  unsure of what to do here. Graffiti marked throughout the zoo. "Ani?" Chen called out, this place was causing them fear because being in one of the places that are considered spooky wasn't safe. "Your Ani isn't here to save you." A voice echoes from the distance, it belonged to Omit's. "Zip it! Ani's our hero and you'll lose, bad guy!" Chun replied it annoyed Omit how kids actually believed heroes won because they were in the winning side. "You must be really foolish to think just because someone protects and fights for something, they automatically win, no? Where is he then? He isn't here to save you!" Omit responded, attempting to downgrade these kids. 

Chun recollected something, about what Jabez once told him. 'I want you to protect your sister, be a strong man. Don't let anything bring you down, not words, because they aren't facts.' Jabez's words were strong enough to remind a kid to stay strong. "Ani wouldn't ever leave us alone, Chen." Chun decided to give up on barking towards the villain's voice, becoming more relieved about hearing it. "So, where do we go?" Chun turned his head to the zoo beyond them, they continued onwards. 

Omit was somewhere in the Zoo, holding Jabez's head whilst his body was racked up alongside the other displays, he was hanging upside down.  "What can two kids do, save their precious 'Ani'?" Omit held up the head of Jabez, then placed it atop her armchair. She was sitting on a heavenly chair done and made by her, she crept up a grin across her lips. This wasn't maddening to her, things were going according to her devious plot. 'Pretending to be inactive is all I can do, I can't exactly put up much of a fight against her when my head is in her hands, and the kids in her louche plan.' Jabez was on the ropes here, he hadn't moved a lip, ear, strand so it wouldn't risk the kids' lives. 

'She won't really assume anything, but, my  body could just writhe silently, she wouldn't notice a thing!' Jabez still had a connection to his own body despite it being far from him, this was the power of body supremacy. His body made continual movements without drawing attention to Omit. "And here I thought I couldn't use someone against you, suppose things change when you socialize, Jabez." She played with the head of Jabez, toying with his head whilst his body was keeping up a good pace. 'Things could've been easier if I were the hero coming to their need, but they're doing what I would. I just hope they're all right!' Jabez added in his thoughts. 

"We need to keep a move on, Chen. Ani needs us, we need to rescue him from that villain." Chun says, just as they froze before the sound of a tiger growling. "Let's hide." The two quickly scattered, remembering each other's tracks, Chen hid wisely whilst Chun did the same. A tiger walks in on the scene, making growls whilst the two kept their lips covered, not wanting to draw it closer. 'Ani once told us, fear doesn't exist! Its what we make out of it.' Chen thought, keeping her lips tight and movement stagnant. 

The longer they were doing it, the less the tiger grew interested in searching. Instead, it went to sleep, the growls and noises stopped. There were a few claw marks on the walls, the two steadily walk towards one another without causing turbulence, Chun made hand gestures to the other to follow him straight on. As they stealthily made it to the exit, using the animal sized hole instead of opening the door. Tigers have acute hearing, so even a sweat fell groundwards. 

It'd be heard. 

They paused their tracks before a pit of snakes, their only way of getting thru is shimming along the sides. Chen looked for another entrance, she found an open entrance, she tapped her older brother's shoulder and pointed inwards the direction. They nodded to one another, before leaving Chun would cover the animal entrance with a barrel. 

Once Jabez's body did it flawlessly, he dropped on the concrete floors without a sound. He quietly hid behind a tree, now to distract her before she itches to turn her head. Until minutes later, the kids' voices were very close. "Ani!" They exclaimed Omit threw the head aside as she narrowed her eyes. 'How did these gets get thru most of these areas?! Jabez's my hostage, while they had no docent for it.' She tossed the head aside, so much for the diverting part. 

The body quickly made its way towards the head, its digits grabbed on the head of Jabez. He puts it on, whilst Omit sauntered towards the two kids. "I wouldn't mind killing two kids." She curled her digits to form a fist, Chun stood in front of her sister to protect her. She thrusts her fist inwards them until something lifted her chair. "Ani?!'' The two say aloud. "What?!" Omit turned her head towards the hero, he lifted the heavenly chair. 

"Better to hug the porcelain goddess!" Jabez hurled it towards her. its properties and material were made out of Genesis itself. Omit arose her palm up, the chair dented in the mere touch of hers. "Kids, you mind scooting over?" Jabez says as he was atop the throne itself. "Huh?" Omit looked upwards the other, as the two kids ran to the side. Jabez swiftly swings under the throne as he sends an attack with his legs spread out. 'I have to end this fast and now!' Jabez's aura emanated from his being. "ELELU!" The throne thuds groundwards, as Jabez whapped her into the solar plexus. She spits up blood and fell to the ground in defeat, as the villain was defeated. The three rejoice with one another, Jabez had brought Omit to the prison whilst bringing the two kids with him. 

Who says the hero always wins? Jabez wins at the end of his battles, Omit is indeed a worthy adversary. 

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