Issue 31# "Dunderhead, this is my reputation!"

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{Wilshire Grand Center, rooftops} 


Jabez was tied to a mesh metal gate, his own wrists, while Jape was beating on his face.'I can't wait anymore! This guy's just pounding me... I've gotta force it.' Jabez sealed his eyes, while people kept themselves away from the dustup. His eyes were watering, tears crawled down his curves while being pummeled. Jape had stopped punching him, he began laughing, thinking this was too much for Jabez, he slapped on his knee."It's awright to bawl yer eyes out if its too much, boyo!" Jape scruffles the albino's hair abruptly he was kicked into the groin."I'm not crying because of what you're doing, the reason for that would be too convoluted for you anyway." Jabez freed himself of it, tears continued crawling down his jaw. 

Once things became clearer for the hero, he wiped the tears away, subsiding the fact people were here. Heck, there were some people taking footage of this thing live, Jape quickly gets back up on his fighting stance. "IZZAT SO?! THEN ENUFF JESTIN'!" Jape came charging inwards the other in infinite velocities, Jabez kept his eyes focused on Jape. Jabez opened out his arms, placing his palms against his pupils, while the being's tracks were being slowed down briefly. "GET YER HANDS OFF MY EYES!" Jape moved his head in all sorts of directions like a mad bull. 

"With...PLEASURE!" Jabez hurled him over the building's limit, Jabez bounces onwards to his enemy. 'Wow, managed to temporarily freeze his tracks with my bare hands, ain't that a feat!' Jabez thought while he and his enemy descended from the skies.  "RRAHHH!!" Jape screams loudly as it produces a sonic wave inwards Jabez, causing the people on a global scale to hinder their pupils from the distorting noise. 'Man he screams REAL loud, did he attend singing club?' Jabez manages to survive the so-called attack point blank, tough as nails! 

"Shut your yaps, you're really rampant!" Jabez shoots arteries and veins thru his fingers, clogging his mouth with arteries and veins. His face turned disgusted due to the amount in his mouth, he spat out the amount. "YOU'RE DISGUSTING!" He says while he bounces on the air towards Jabez. "That's my bailiwick you're mimicking!" Jabez exclaimed while the other was still concentrated on the hero. "Taste SPATULA!" Jabez's whole palm alternated into something else, larger and warping into a spatula. He smashes him groundwards, slapping him atop a building. "Now.. that's SpongeBob quality," Jape says before colliding into the massive object, then it quickly shaped into a normal sized hand. 

"Hurr.." Jape was stunned in his spot, as Jabez made his way into the being. "You won't be taking L.A anymore." Jabez landed atop a palm tree that was on the building, he then launches himself towards Jape. "I totally gots..." Jape curled his digits together to form a fist, once Jabez was nigh to him. "YA!" Jape sends a blow straight back into Jabez, sending him straight back into Wilshire Grand center, bursting thru the glass screens. It created a loud noise in the place, Jabez was marked on the stairway. 

Jape leaped towards the hole. "You can't bring me down this easily Jabez, I'm too smart to be brought down!" Jape scanned for where he might be, Jabez figures that the surprise attack might be effective. Just as Jabez's head popped out of the floors, Jape reacted on fast on the fly, grabbing his head then smashing him overhead. "Attacking me that way ain't the idea, I'll always know where you do it!" Jape exclaimed while Jabez recuperated once more. "What's your secret?! HOW DO YOU ALWAYS KEEP STANDING AFTER SO MUCH PUNISHMENT?!" Jape added that's something he'd like to know. 

"If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a secret," Jabez stated, being rammed inwards the glass frames. "SO that's how its gonna be? You ingrate!" Jape sends him bursting thru it, while he descends from it. 'I can't seem to land a hit on him that much, I've got to do something about him not letting me take a hit on him.' Jabez decided to land on the streets, instead of another building. 'So he might've done that to me. Made me inept in fighting against him, so, this time. It'll be different!' Jabez thought, anticipating for him to come down in the streets. 

Watching from above, he speeds downwards, utilizing his centrifugal force. 'This guy's the real Mccoy, he ain't using some cheap tricks to live. Must mean he's just literally one tough cookie, despite my strength being contrary to logic.' Jape thought once he reaches the sidewalks. He stopped his tracks a few meters from the other. Jabez pelted inwards Jape, while he had kept that zany grin on, waiting for him to come straight at him. 'He doesn't realize I'll be doing things the way we met, doesn't he? I'll let him think pompously of himself.' Jabez takes the punch to the face, yet he forces himself forward his enemy. 

Jabez outstretches his palms to the other, slapping his head and chin together. Causing him to bite on his own tongue "ACK!" a very low down dirty trick. "Yer really funny, ain'tcha? You think you're so smart?!'' Jape narrowed his eyes at the other, sending another punch into Jabez's abdomen.  Jabez flies back into a group of people, he bounces off the air; keeping the people unharmed, he comes straight into Jape's direction. "Wait.. what?" Jape cocked his brow at the sight he saw, he shook his head in disbelief. 

"Don't think something like that, could fool me--" Jape was continuing to talk, he's poked directly into the eyes. "Dunderhead, this is my reputation! What I do shouldn't even have logic." Jabez stated, slapping both of his ears once more. Jabez merely slapped him across the face, it was like suddenly Jape was placed in bindings in the most absurd way. "Sayonara, chuckles!" Jabez waved to the other, letting the police come onto the scene and take care of it as he walked away.

Wasn't that ironic how Jabez had stated the title? 

"I'll getcha!" Jape exclaimed while being put inside of the police car. "Yeah, you keep dreamin'." Police no 2. say, while the other police had snickered. 

'I really need to find myself a job. Should I be a babysitter?' Jabez thought, thinking about the kind of job he'll be taking, looking thru the newspaper's wanted jobs. 

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