Issue 14#"Stopping this prison from becoming amok!"

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{One of L.A's prisons - Twin Towers } 

Blackbeard drew out his handgun, firing it into his right shoulder, unexpectedly the pain began to arise more than it once had. "Hngh!" Jabez retracts himself from squawking, holding on his shoulder tightly. "What's the matter, looking more supple than you were before!" That was the same gun that can bypass all forms of defense, used against Jabez! 

Blackbeard exclaimed while Angular flashed behind Jabez striking him against the upper back. It sends him a few meters from them, he quickly performs a handstand and walked in unbelievable speeds before being hurtled into a stone wall, curled in his fist cuff was a few bullets in his palm. He held his wrist, crushing the bullets through a determined will. 

His posterior flat on the concrete floor, while the two were going near him. Jabez bounced on his tuckus, bouncing high up inhumanly. He lands aesthetically atop the roof, as he had regained his posture. "You two are staying away from there!" Jabez shoots his arteries and veins into their appendages, pulling them straight back into the prison as he flings them upwards and they had impacted against the rooftop Jabez was on. 

"Umff!!" They grunted as they stood up slowly turning their heads into their enemy. "Ho, boy, we'll make you wish you hadn't done that!" Blackbeard gets back on his ground, while Angular speed rushes inwards Jabez. The alike reared his fist, sending a pressure shockwave into the being. Angular raises his arms up in a barred position, preparing himself for the shockwave he's taking. "Bang!" Blackbeard fired something behind Jabez's head, he's dead frozen in his tracks while Angular almost hesitated at first. 

"Come on boy! Go and get 'im!" Blackbeard pulled the dazed Jabez in a full nelson lock,  Angular takes his steps inwards Jabez. He delivered a flurry of wing Chun punches at him, slowly Jabez puts his digits together while taking punches. He had forced both hands downwards, releasing the full nelson lock's half downwards. Jabez sends an elbow strike into Blackbeard's face, whilst ballet pirouetting as he gets down causing Angular to hit Blackbeard unintentionally. "Sorry!" Angular says, whilst suddenly the both had tripped afterward. 

Jabez swept them, Angular quickly recuperated as he grabbed Jabez's face. Smashing his head into the rooftop, raising him upwards, repeatedly smashing him like a ragdoll."Hrm.." Blackbeard inspected Angular's dustup with Jabez, he grinned. Patting him on the shoulder for doing something that great, he knew Angular was capable of doing something like this. One of Jabez's digits scrape against the concrete floor, the two had turned their backs on the hero. 

Jabez brings Angular in a leaping armlock. 'He cleverly played possum!' Angular noticed that he brings Jabez forth to his own skull. Repetitively smashing Jabez onto him, hoping something would change and force him to loosen it. 'He's tougher than he looks, that sinewy shape of his can fool any fighter!' Angular held his head, blood streaks down his chin. "No matter!" Angular chopped off his own and in microseconds, his arm regenerated instantly. 

'What the?! Is this guy a wielder of body supremacy too!? I thought I was the only one.' Jabez anatomized him once more, he had stood up once more. "Thought you had 'body supremacy' only? I'm capable of much more things, like inventing my own fighting styles!" Angular flashes before Jabez. "A fighting style that can cause body supremacy users to be knocked out instantly no matter the durability! Even at the true pinnacle of it." Angular pressed his fingers against Jabez's body, indeterminately, Jabez staggers back to the edge of the building. 

"Hah! You did it, my boy! You've really done it!" Blackbeard cheered on Angular, watching in amazement to what extent of Jabez's capabilities were. Jabez fell straight down to the ground, prisoners or villains had watched through their prison cells. "Another has felled Jabez, it's not much of a surprise, he's defeatable after all! Just really robust is all." Demogorgon narrowed his eyes at the sight of his own enemy defeated, while Jabez crawled his way up to the building. Slowly scaling it, walking on the solid surface but still requiring time to fully recover himself. 

'I won't reach them in time, I've got to push my own body weight!' Jabez forwards his every fiber, bouncing high upwards the building, then once he landed atop it. "I'll getcha..?" Jabez was too late, they got away already. "Sugar honey iced tea! I better get to the city and find wherever the heck they went off too!" Jabez dives into the outskirts of the city, gliding across the city thanks to body supremacy. 

'Where the heck did they go?' Jabez was searching for so many hours, he had been gone from work for just about two days.  While repairs were undertaken in the Twin towers prison, the hero searched in desperation for the two. The goons that attempted escape had already been brought back into prison, Jabez had been sitting on a bench. Thinking where a pair of pirates would be if he only watched pirate movies he'd know where they would be usually. 

He did suddenly remember Pirates of the Caribbean, that guy jack sparrow always had a thing for alcohol. Most pirates did, he snapped his fingers in glee. 'Now  to find at least a few open bars.' Jabez went on foot, he wasn't the kind that just swings around buildings like a maniac, people were doing things and if he saw someone having venereal. It'd be downright reprehensible, he always stayed on the side of good. 

{Alibi Bar} 

--12:20 am-- 

"And this boy gave dat' so-called superhero a real whoopin' of his life he couldn't forget! Heck, he wasn't breakin' a bloody sweat. Like a spineless snow-haired boy he was!" Blackbeard gulped down the rum down to his system, speaking cock-sure about Jabez. ".." Angular just continued to drink down the substances, its like he doesn't believe he would be down that easily. 

Where would Jabez be, then? 

"Voila!" Jabez stood in the bar, fixated on the bar, so he had finally decided to show his face. While the current gang members drew out their weapons at him. "Drinking is very detrimental to one's life." Jabez reminded them, nobody had really cared about what he said. "YOU!!" Blackbeard exclaimed loudly." Zowie."

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