Issue 91# "Assassination fell awry, in a shocking degree."

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--9:30 am-- 

"Victory is mine! You peabrain!" Transonic delivered an elbow into the other's jaw, it's quite strong as his recent attack he implied into Jabez. 'His attack is overwhelming, he's overpowering me already!' Jabez's walks backward, slowly, this was absolutely difficult to fight someone who'd simply claim they'd have more power over their own opponent. "Oh! What have you!" Jabez hadn't moved from the fist he took to the jaw, he's forcing himself to keep fighting. 'I can't just quit now, it's no bueno if I just give up.' He forwards his face inwards the other, he swings a leg over the other's face. 

"Do you honestly think that's going to work against me? What hope do you have? I'm overpowering you! Get it?! Worfer's effect is already upon you!" Transonic casually sends a punch into his abdomen, it's enough to hurl him straight into a building. "I can already see that you're losing to me! No, losing? Being overpowered by me!" Transonic naturally walked towards the other, his temples unveiled at the beautiful sight of his fallen enemy. "You just weren't my match, Jabez." Transonic clutches into Jabez's tie, pulling him forward closely at him. 

"Talk pompously all you want, but even if you overpower meh, y'r not gonna geddawaywithdat!" Jabez slipped his arm over the other's arm, placing it in a lock whilst his other hand clasped on the other's nape. Keeping his lock tighter than a backbreaking hug, he switches the position of his.'Is he some sort of martial artist?! What is this from?! Muay thai?!' Transonic noticed his form was unlike most unequipped fighters. The albino's knee impacted against his opponent's rib cage twice. 'If I hadn't surprised him like that, his own belief would've been visceral more than the usual. All of this was to befool him!' Jabez was able to apply self-exerting attacks, Enough to even harm a being with a condition of an absolute condition user. 

'And he's in my control if I keep this up long enuff. I might be able to put a number against him!' Jabez forwards the other's head into his. 'Exerting more than aah does in mah own head onto his would be able to do the trick, he's still trying to figger a way out.' Jabez delivered a headbutt into the other's face, causing him to recoil from the other. 'How does that dimwit always get that opportunity to strike at a right time!? Its as if his own wit is nothing but a plaything!' Its taking awhile for Transonic to improvise a way out of this lock. 

'My other arm! Of course!' He looked down to his unoccupied hand, he thrusted it thru the shoulder of Jabez. "Crikey!" He takes much more than even an attack that can take down the mightiest beings without the slightest of effort. 'He really wants to pulverize me! There's got to be something aah can do! If aah could only waitaminnit! Of course!' Jabez slowly released his grip from the other, Transonic gets an opening to strike into Jabez. "Fool! You've given me the easiest opportunity to smite you down!" Transonic delivered an uppercut underneath Jabez's chin, he watches Jabez fall anti-climatically. 'That's a little odd, usually, he'd show more revolt than he does.' Transonic suspiciously walked away from Jabez's unmoving body, then he leaped upwards the gaping hole on the hotel. 'No matter! I shall gloat at him once I'm thru with Col. prat!' Transonic froze before the other, he was just watching the news. 

"We're soldiers, and there shouldn't be fear of dying! I'll just accept my death!" Barry draws out a knife, rushing inwards the other. "That's what I like! An unbothered battle!" Transonic curled his digits into a fist, he clasped them tighter than ever. "A death of an old enemy! You shall not live -- ack-- my throat!" He hadn't realized Jabez was atop him, his legs were enveloped around his Adam's apple. "I made sure my weight didn't feel for ya and my entrance inaudible including just had to be sure you thought you were the winner! I just played possum and things went nicely for me." Jabez tightened them, causing him to choke. 

'Yes! Very bueno! Things are going goodly, he hadn't batted an eye.' Jabez notices the other was losing himself. 'Man, this guy's absolute condition would be impossible for anybody else to bring down. But thanks to me being at it too, it's under my whim!' Jabez added in his thoughts, describing what was happening. "I'll.. kill y..ou.." Before he'd lose air, Jabez gravitated him groundwards, Transonic's head sunk in the floor itself. 

The hero tasted victory like it was his greatest. 'He should be still breathing, having moments just to use up does make things more chancy but keeps myself less predictable is my aim.' Jabez regained his ground, turning his head inwards the unconscious person. "Will you help me finish him off?" Barry stated. His statement was rebarbative towards the hero, slowly uncurling his digits. "Aah don't 'kill', aah's a pacifist. The police should arrive shortly, and you're welcome,  from yours truly!" Jabez heard the sirens of police coming in the scene, he just left the building like a normal person would.

Vanishing out of the blue like a vigilante didn't fit him. "Room 58," Jabez notified the incoming policemen. They tipped their hats as they began to go storming into that direction, once the hero grasps fresh air, outside of the building itself. 'I just don't get soldiers! They kill people, which is unjust! I cannae believe people actually think killing is so much easier, hadn't they thought about what it means to be a sole hero? Maybe its just humanity around me? They think it's so much easier to kill than spare?' Jabez was thinking about earlier, how that person was just willing to murder someone. 

'Still, its wrong for me to antagonize soldiers. They're still heroes of America, and I'm just a hero saving a city anyway!' He continues walking down the concrete sidewalks whilst passing by the throngs of people. 'A jobless hero I am!' 

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