Issue 32# "Great, if it ain't the same chick!"

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--9:30 am--

'All day, errday its about being a superhero.' Jabez was helping an old woman cross the street, while cars were frozen for a period of time. "Thank you, sonny." She thanked him for helping her get thru a bunch of cars, he nodded in response."Anytime," Jabez replies, while other people had crossed the pedestrian path. Someone in a certain vehicle noticed the albino afar, opening their car window. "Eeey! Jabez!" Yancy waved over to the over, hoping to catch his attention. The alike whipped his head over a shoulder, facing into Yancy's direction. "Sup, Yancy!" Jabez tippy toes up, waving to the other. 

"Doin' anything, Jabez?" Yancy opened the door, as an indirect way of letting him into the car. "I've still crime to take care of, Yancy." Jabez responded, she sighed as she closed the door. "Honey, that's the life of  a superhero. Just maybe until he's free." York had waved to the superhero, while looking into the car mirror. "I just.. thought." Yancy clasped on the car seat, she decided to let it slip, knowing what life he had.'So, that's really the life of exploiting one's identity? Can't bide one's time for oneself.' As the cars continued onwards, she watched him thru the mirror. 

'I can't ever have a life full of normality.' Jabez thought. 

{White Star Academy} 

Yancy was dropped off alongside her siblings, while her father waved to them."I just hope my best friend doesn't mind me telling who I've felt for." Yancy says, beyond them was a large structure. Yair looked upwards at her sibling, he had grinned, knowing whom it might be. "Shut it." Yancy brandished with a finger, Yair had zipped his lip. As Yaan, Yancy, Yair entered the academy. Self-evidently in uniform, they had passed by people. 

" 'Scuse me, miss Yancy? Ya got Jabez's number?" A group of cheerleaders suddenly came in her direction."Believe me, even if I told you, he wouldn't bother picking it up." Yancy replied, whilst frowns had formed on their lips. Everyone had uniforms, mostly it's like the males uniforms so that the males don't look up the girls' skirts. "Think she's too good for us, huh?" Patricia narrowed her eyes at the girl leaving them alone. 

Someone had bumped into Yancy. It was Holden, her best friend. "Yo, Yancy! So, I've been meaning to tell you this." Harold's cheeks were turning slightly rosy pink "So have I, I've got feelings for Jabez." She was about to walk away until he grabbed her by the shoulder, forcing her to face him, Harold's eyes were in tears. "I DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU! AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!" Harold exclaimed loudly, he was maddened, why did she pick a superhero over him? 

"WHAT IS IT THAT HE'S GOT THAT I DON'T?! SUPERPOWERS?!" Harold added, then Yaan threw a punch into the male's throat. "Leave my sister alone!Punk!" The male teen threatened him, while the principal had stepped onto the scene. "A word, Brysons." The besiege skinned principal told them to get to the office, so this whole thing was caused it. While Harold was taking his time to get back up, he walked into the office, knowing he had to go in there too. 

For awhile they talked. 

"Is it because you lashed out on Yancy, for feelings. Harold? This is a school, not a romance comic!" That last part had them confused, but instead of questioning, it'll be on about Harold. "Well, I'm her best friend. And I thought our connection meant something, I just couldn't believe she'd pick someone else.." Harold placed his hand on her shoulder, but she strays from it. 'That superhero ruined me! And I'll do the same..' Harold thought, as Greg was thinking of a recourse. 

"You need to calm yourself, son. If, Yancy, doesn't feel the same way, then let her, do you want to lose your friendship with her?" Greg responded. "No, sir," Harold responded. He sets Jabez in his image of hate, he was a powerless human. He was a slightly muscular figure, but had himself handed to Yancy's sibling."How about you just stay away from my sibling? You antagonized her, heck, who knows what corruptible things might be in your mind? My sister isn't a toy." Yaan interposed, threatening the other, Greg cocked his brow at them. 

Harold was stone silent."Harold, I don't want you talking with Yancy. Understand?" Greg stated while Harold had nodded. "I understand.." Harold stood up as he left the room, while Yancy had kept to herself."Thank you, sir." Yancy thanked the other for something like this, he nodded. As the three Brysons left the office, while Yancy was lookin' thru her locker. A picture of her and Jabez hindered the one with her and Harold. "HERO! OUR FIGHT CONTINUES!" A familiar figure burst thru the glass window of White Star Academy. 

Jabez thuds into the school grounds, Harold turned his head towards Jabez, just meters away from him. "YANCY'S SUPPOSED TO BE M--" He rushed in anger inwards Jabez, sending a punch behind his head. His whole arm had fractured, broken in the thingmabobber he hit.'My arm!' He fell flat on his posterior, while Jabez looked over a shoulder around him, it's just a bunch of students. "Did someone just poke me??" Jabez cocked his brow, then he's sent flying thru the hallway."I, Omit am your villain! Pay attention, Jabez!"Omit utilized all forms of enhancements, he thuds against a group of cheerleaders. 

The back of his head banged up against something squishy. "Was that a derriere I just banged up against?" Jabez arose, turning his head to the cheerleaders laying on the floor. "Hey, ladies. You mind clearing out?" Jabez asked them, they immediately got up. One of the cheerleaders blew a kiss at him, it was a Chinese cheerleader. That was the leader of the cheerleaders, Bai. "Uh-huh." Jabez was confused, then whipped to the fighter ahead of him. "Its time to fight a baddie!" Jabez depicted.

"The same can be said, Jabez!" Omit sends a wing Chun punch across his face, the jocks were cheering on Jabez to win. Mostly the teens here believed in heroes.

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