Issue 13#"No pain no gain!"

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{L.A's park} 

'Where the heck would that guy even be? If I were big and immune to literally everything, where would I be?' Jabez had been searching from east, west, north, south parts of L.A, thanks to being an alike searching endlessly and dead on wasn't really a challenge for him.

 He pauses his tracks into a lake, watching the ducks keep themselves afloat by speeding their little flippers. Something arises from the lake, its who he had been looking for, Jabez leaped upwards a tree hiding from being seen in the eyes of Severus.

 'Attacking at a weakened state isn't smart, I gotta plan my moves first. If I'll ever succeed, a plan for executing things perfectly, no flaws.' Jabez waited for him to assume someone was in the park, the being was standing there like a statue. 

'I have to give him no time to strike back, dish out my lethal blows when necessary. Make sure the next move is twice as deadly as it needs to be, blinding him won't work, he's immune to everything and omnipotent level powers including. 

So even the underhanded tricks in fighting can't ace in a hole, set aside thought and let my actions control me. Let the exhilaration of battle, don't let him block or strike back ever.'  Jabez narrowed his eyes, clearing his mind once he closes his eyes. "I can do this." Jabez leaped out of his hiding spot, he had contemplated on everything he needed to do a thorough analysis. 

"You aren't dead? I knew something was off-putting!" As Jabez grabbed on his corona, while in mid-air, twisting himself over freakishly as he flipped the being groundwards. 

'He hadn't hesitated to grab that!' Severus sends a multi-strike of blows towards Jabez, Jabez just comes straight into them. It's like taking punches of an omnipotent being, but honestly, it was. Jabez hadn't stopped going forward, sending a punch into his armpit,  while taking another punch to the face. 

Jabez grabbed the being's arm, ballet pirouetting his arm as he sends a roundhouse kick into his face. "Whulff!" Severus grunted in its impact, skidding back from it as he held his face. Automatically rushing in like a piledriver towards Jabez, while grabbing onto him he runs in infinite velocities. 

As Jabez send an elbow into his skull, then registering strong blows into the upper back. Jabez grabbed his waist, then hurling him overhead into the concrete floor. 

Once he sends a kick point blank into Jabez without getting up, Jabez anticipated for it to come as he grasped on it. Jabez whirled him like a torpedo inwards the lake, an immense splash of water built in Severus' collision to it. 

Something blurred behind Jabez, quickly turning his head into his direction as he sends a kick into his leg joint. Raising his left arm up defensively to counter the fist, then hurtling a punch straight into his jaw. 

'There are no signs of his scruples anymore, he's really remorseless this time!' Severus takes a punch into the solar plexus.

 "AAAHH!!" He's staggered, so Jabez was perceiving something else, it's like his mind was fixated on the cause and effect theorem. Jabez's lips and expression stayed as a fierce warrior, walking up to the staggered being as he began to hurl a punch once more. He stopped his fist in a nanosecond, inches away from his jaw. 

Slowly uncurling his fistcuff, unveiling a pair of handcuffs. It dangles around his pinky, just as the being had finally chosen to surrender. 

'Its astuteness that wins the battle at the end, hooliganism is a result of failure. And I've finally defeated him, but dang, does he really know how to punch.' Jabez felt pain shooting on his shoulder, while he was escorting the brutish figure into jail. "So what, you succeed and I will escape. The threshold of warriors lusts for riveting battle like we had!" Severus looked downwards Jabez, Jabez turned his head upwards the immensely taller being. 

The cuffs that Jabez had given to Severus can fit just about any size, cocking a brow at him. "And I'll stop you," Jabez replied, so he was the only one capable of entertaining this being? 

L.A Police Department, a few policemen were hanging outside their building. "Heya! Police-dudes!" Jabez waved over to them, he's standing next to a cuffed figure. "You can take this gladiatorial feller away!" Jabez turned his back on them, throwing a thumb to the figure standing before them. 

"We're going to need a bigger car." Police no. 2 says to his partner, so they did. While they had escorted the being there if it wasn't for Jabez's amazing intelligence he wouldn't have been able to bring down the beast. Jabez had never misjudged his foes, in fact, he always had pushed himself forward just to win. He had done that multiple times, letting them alone. 

Jabez overheard something, like sirens of police cars passing by him. "Riot in the prison!" The policeman exclaimed, its odd something like that was happening the second he succeeded in defeating Severus. He decided to take the easiest form of travel, he hopped atop the next passing police car. It's noiseless, yet, a policeman was only being vigilant as he inspected what was outside. He had seen Jabez sitting atop the vehicle, Jabez had waved gleefully to the figure. 

The policeman just plopped back in his seat. "Who was it?" Policeman no. 1 asked the other, he turned to him. "L.A's superhero! Jabez." He responded, just as they reach the prison. "Thanks for the ride, constables!" Jabez leaped inwards the structure, while the rest of police remain outside to guard the perimeters. "So you think you can just keep me here?! DO YA?!" Blackbeard and his crew had busted their way out of the prison. Until something before them causes them to recoil, the guards inside the prison were easily overpowered by Angular. 

While the rest of the villains had remained inside, escaping prison can wait, after all, it's not like they were in a rush. "Tsk, tsk. Dolts.." Demogorgon says to himself, while this pirate gang had to deal with Jabez. 

The prison doors wide enough to fit a multitude of foes, while Blackbeard and Angular stood in the center. "Come at me, bro!" Jabez exclaimed, anticipating him to come at him. "Cap'n?" Angular turned his head over his shoulder, waiting for his command. 

"YARRR!!!" Blackbeard and Angular charge inwards Jabez, while their goons were making a hasty escape. The police had to deal with those.. while Jabez had to deal with these punks. 

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